Thursday, March 21, 2013

Agriculture with a View Composition of the Soil

Agriculture with a View Composition of the Soil - Jooffe and Marbut, two American agronomist union defines soil as a natural body (natural body) where he formed and evolved as a result of cooperation between the forces of nature (natural force) against natural materials (natural materials) in the earth's surface.

Agriculture Land is also a medium for plant growth. Land in some measure provides nutrients and minerals essential for plant growth. This nutrient is later converted into organic compounds carbohydrates, fats, proteins, etc., after passing through the process of absorption by plant roots.

Soil Composition

In general, soil composition consists of four main components namely minerals, organic matter, air and ground water. Levels of soil composition will influence the shape, color, texture and fertility. For example dusty soil with clay texture (plants grow well on it) is composed of 25% air, 25% water, 45% mineral and 5% organic matter.

Air, Water and soil

Each soil has a pore space (pore space), which will be filled by air and water. The composition of water and air in soil pores are not always the same or change. The comparison is highly dependent on weather conditions and other environmental factors.

The presence of water and air in the soil is essential for plant growth and soil microbes. In the fertile soil and friable and well overgrown by plants, usually pore space reaches 50%. By comparison between the water and air 1:1. This comparison may change according to weather conditions and other environmental factors.

Water plays an important role in maintaining the freshness or vigority plants. The water also serves to dissolve the nutrients, so it can be easily absorbed by plants.

Mineral Materials

Inorganic minerals are a potential source of nutrients and can provide virtually all nutrients except nitrogen for plant growth. Inorganic minerals come from fragments of rocks that are so small. So there is very small as clay and there is also a rather large size (coarse) such as sand and gravel. Kolloid (particle / grain) are very subtle clay can not even be seen with the naked eye. To see it, the agronomist typically using electron microscopy. And to know the types and properties of this kolloid use X-rays or other methods.

Organic Materials

Organic materials are mineral soil very easily weathered. He is the main source of nitrogen (N) in the soil. While the result of weathering of organic matter is very important that humus. Humus is later shared kolloid clay will serve as an active ingredient which is a warehouse storage or release of nutrients for plants.

Influence System Of Agriculture Soil Composition

In agricultural cropping systems, tillage is an important thing. Tillage aims to improve the texture of the soil to make it more friable so easily penetrated by plant roots and add nutrients through fertilization. The process of continuous cultivation throughout the year will affect the composition of the soil, especially the composition of organic matter and minerals. Mixture of organic colloids and colloidal clay common to the topsoil will be depleted over time. Neither eroded by water flow and through the process of absorption by the crops cultivated. The process of fertilizing a bit much substitute shortage. Although in the end will not be as good as initial soil composition.

Soil Pollution

Apparently the soil can also be contaminated. This is because human behavior is not friendly to the soil. In general, soil contamination can be defined as a state of contaminated soil man made chemicals that alter the natural soil environment. Typically, this pollution occurs due to leakage of liquid waste or industrial chemicals or commercial facilities. In addition, soil contamination can be caused by the use peptiside, entry of contaminated surface water into the subsurface layer, chemicals or waste, water waste from landfills, industrial waste and directly discharged into the soil conditions are not met the (illegal dumping ).

When a hazardous or toxic substance contaminating surface empire, the compounds can evaporate, the rain washed away, or get into the ground. Pollution that goes into the ground and then meet as toxic chemicals in the soil. Toxic substance that could affect humans major when touching or can contaminate ground water and the air above it.

Impact of Soil Pollution

The impact of pollution on the health of the soil depends on the type of dirty, entry point into the body, and the vulnerability of affected populations. Krominium pestiside and a range of herbicides that include karsiogenik for all populations. Timbale is very dangerous for children because it can cause brain damage and kidney damage in the whole population.

Kuri or siklodiena known mercury and can cause kidney damage, and even some of them can not be treated. PCB and siklodiena related to liver toxicity. Karmabat organophosphate and may cause neuromuscular disorders. Various solvents containing chlorine impact on changes in the liver and kidneys and central nervous system decline. These chemicals cause a variety of health effects. Health impacts arising, including headache, dizziness, fatigue, eye irritation, and skin rashes.

Soil pollution also affects ecosystems. Changes in soil chemical radicals will cause any harmful chemicals even at low doses though. These changes can cause changes in the metabolism of endemic microorganisms and antropda living around the contaminated soil.

As a result of soil contamination that could destroy some of the major species of the food chain. It can provide a profound impact on the predators from the food chain. In fact, if the effects of chemicals on the bottom of the lower forms of life, will cause the bottom of the food pyramid can ingest foreign chemicals which longer be concentrated on creatures residents of upper pyramid.

Agriculture, soil contamination will be an impact on agriculture because the soil in the field rely farming production. The impact on agriculture sector mainly on changes in plant metabolism, which in turn can lead to declining crop yields. This can lead to further impacts on the conservation of plants because the plants are not able to hold the soil from erosion. Some of these pollutants have a long and in other cases derivative chemicals are formed from the main soil pollutants.

Handling of Soil Pollution

Soil pollution can be dealt with-many ways, including remediation and bioremediation. Remediation activities to clean the surface of the soil is contaminated. Types There are two kinds of remediation on site and off site. The cleaning on site is cleanup at the site. Cleaning this type easier. Meanwhile, off-site cleanup includes excavation of contaminated soil was then taken to a safe daeraah to be cleaned of contaminants.

Another way to do, namely bioremediation, the process of cleaning the soil contamination using mikrooorganisme (mushroom or bakateri). This technique aims to break Zata pollutants into less material baeracun or non-toxic.

Well, that's the description of the composition of the soil and soil pollution Agriculture. Hopefully useful.

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