Saturday, March 9, 2013

7 Advantages Optimistic and Positive Thinking

7 Advantages Optimistic and Positive Thinking. Being positive thinking and optimistic to get a lot of benefits, not only for ourselves but also others. Although it is not easy, but it must be pursued. The nature optimistic and positive is an honor and is a brilliant personal, stronger, smarter and longevity.

Working Smart

According to research to be positive really makes a person smarter in work, not harder. This is attributed to the negative nature of the work environment, if there is a negative trait, and not just decreased work productivity, but will also have problems with co-workers, work environment.

Able to Manage Stress

Many people always always smiling every day, but the problem is so many. Is she faking or not ? Actually he is, he is actually sad, but he gave a stimulant to him that whatever happens, keep fighting and try to keep smiling and believe all can be overcome.

As Pusher

If a leader is not optimistic and positive, how to subordinates ? Sure will be even worse. Leader as a driver and a leader for the subordinates have to think positive and optimistic and well guiding subordinates in order to achieve organizational goals.


Harvard studies have shown that people who throughout the course of his life to be optimistic and positive are healthier than those who are pessimistic at the age of 45 to 60 years.

More Hold Banting

The problems of life are so complex, ranging from money, career, relationships and so on. The many demands of life have to be prepared to face life's difficulties hardiness, one optimistic and positive thinking. Optimistic to fix things when the situation is difficult.

Increase Prosperity

Being positive gives the overall well-being, this will increase the immune response in the face of life's problems, more resilient and better cope with stress.


According to research reported BBC News, optimistic people live longer and stronger to overcome the disease when compared with their peers who are pessimistic. Maintaining a positive outlook is not going to change all the one time, but this is a mechanism to achieve a happy life and longevity.

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