Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Which one would you choose, work or business ?

Which one would you choose, work or business ? or both ? That's a question that always haunts many people. Because gambling interests will come back to life, with enough willpower alone capital or money split. Last night, I wrote a question on facebook to friends, which one they want? So businesses or work for a company ? Less than 1 hour I get more than 200 comments.


I note from each answer, it turns out almost everyone wants so BUSINESSMAN. The reason is variety, there are thought to be more money in business, can set their own time, there is also a wish to be a big BOS and others.

Have They Started ?

Or just 'a desire' ? Is something I often hear from many people they claim to want to succeed, but always has a reason, one of which 'no time' or 'do not have the capital'. Not uncommon for people to send me an email, claiming to want to succeed, want to run a business like me, then behind his email flavored 'but unfortunately dear, I do not have the capital'.

Sound familiar ?

If someone sends an email like that, I always answer :

Dear All of My Friends ..
  • CAPITAL hungry is to find food.
  • CAPITAL thirst is to find a drink.
  • Ignorance is the CAPITAL to find out.
  • CAPITAL stupid is to be smart.
  • Do not have a 'capital', is the CAPITAL to find and get the capital you need.
Do With It, Will Road in Discover

I dare say one could never be BUSINESSMAN success if he can not or will not seek WHAT he needed. If you really want to be a SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSMAN and you must be prepared: Solve every problem in sight, before tasting the name 'profit'. Simply put, how do we want to be a businessman, if at the beginning only, and only because 'no stock' you make an excuse for not moving forward.

You can imagine, if you become a businessman, we make it easy to understand examples and imaginable : Like if I founded the company PT. Surya Agro Utama Tech in Indonesia and that in the United States. This Company currently has hundreds of staff here and there. As a businessman, I have to be responsible include :

Hire hundreds of staff each month.  I have to think how to keep the company afloat, could hire hundreds of staff each month and make the company moving forward. I can not 'whine' and remain silent, expecting help and compassion from others, asking the reason "I want to succeed, but I do not have the capital to pay my staff.

No way ...!

As BUSINESSMAN, you should not have a mental way. As BUSINESSMAN you are challenged to continue to think and solve all the problems that are the responsibility of you, not someone else.

Do not Complain

How do you want to be a businessman, if the problem you catapult yourself to others ?, Whoever becomes Businessman, of course, wanted to be a large and prosperous business is not it ? Well, if your business is large, then your responsibility would be even greater. Your responsibility is not merely for its own sake, but more for others. So LEADERSHIP attitude became essential to a business.

Hire staff only 'one' of the many responsibilities you have to think at the time was a big business. Not to think about this cost, this strategy, and it should always be considered for our business continuity. Many people only imagine the joy so businesses in terms of 'profit', but they forget BUSINESS and hard work in our daily business. Failures should they break, and they never stop to what they want accomplished.

If you want to be a successful business, be prepared to swallow hundreds of failures in the beginning, before the first taste of success. Do not see the fun business of profit they get. Their income from the billions. Look at the 'battered' them before reaching its current position. Running a business is not always dependent on the 'financial capital' to run it. But more on the mindset and attitude are READY for different kinds of challenges.

Friends, we live in the real world, not a soap opera. Origin not only a successful businessman signing autographs, riding fancy cars and foreign holidays. Whose name HARD WORK is essential to a business. Dare battered at the start. Prepare yourself mentally to experience failure and loss barrage. Not just always think of profit.

You Be The key Maturity

Learn to adult where you really want to accept the fact that there is no such thing as 'instant success' in this world. There is no such thing as a successful free. All the necessary sacrifices in the beginning, hard work and very little effort.

Friends, success does not always depend on the name 'money' or the need capital. Are not many of us who have always said the money could be sought ? And THAT'S your exam the first time as a businessman ! Let's break. Not serve as an excuse. Remember, we have been given capital since birth by the Almighty Giver of capital, namely: the mind. Use it as a starting capital and primary capital.

Always remember the formula: IF YOU REALLY WANT IT, YOU WILL find the way. And of course do not forget, every step you start with prayer.

Starting with Little or No Capital

With zero capital, you start with a slightly higher awarenes, as business development ideas, and phase studies with zero capital markets out there, but hidden a bit because it takes a sharp eye. However, this does not mean zero capital thoughts alone. There is little capital, but no big obvious. The following points will guide on how to generate capital.
  • Go Online. The Web is an excellent starting point for a new business. And with the evolution of social media, the benefits have been increased tenfold. Start with a website or a blog to write hundreds of free resources available. Here, you can test different ideas you may have for your business. If you want to launch your own brand T-shirt, you can start a website or a blog that gives a unique T-shirt designs themselves and start new trends. War with another. If your design is really good, you will get a good reader from which you can develop a community of people who really like the T-shirt design. You can even earn money from your website or blog with the help of free tools like Google AdSense. Then you can launch premium services on your website, and it will be the start of your brand!
  • Social Enterprising If your business idea is inclined toward socialite, environmental conservation, green technology, etc, there are many things that will fund your efforts. Even here you have to convince them of your good intentions along with the ready with a complete plan. There are also certain government schemes that may help you.
  • Exploit all Free Resources There are free resources available online and offline that can help you in your efforts. Find and use them all. Even if you do not start your business online, you will need a website to provide information. Also, utilizing the power of social media and social networking sites for free publicity. So like Work or Business? The important thing is to do it seriously.

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