Friday, February 8, 2013

Traditional House in Indonesia, Form and Meaning Philosophical

Traditional House in Indonesia, Form and Meaning Philosophical. Custom homes in Indonesia is the completeness of which is used by certain indigenous peoples in order to meet the needs of the board, as well as custom needs in each region. Needs board here is the need for shelter that serves to protect the indigenous peoples in Indonesia from various weather situations and surroundings, while is the custom needs of indigenous peoples is the need to raise primordial values in the area where they live. Custom needs is what will be useful to people's lives primordial to identify themselves and the surrounding environment. With the form of traditional houses in Indonesia different, it could mean that the life of food, clothing, and shelter every community in Indonesia was different.

For example, traditional houses in Indonesia are located in the coastal areas will be different in form and philosophy with traditional houses in mountainous areas due to the belief system of the two communities were different. Beach people tend to believe the myths and the legend that from the beach (as Nyi Roro Kidul myth), while the mountains tend to believe in things that appear supernatural ruler of the mythical mountain or forest (such as a tiger or Maung mythical forest guards in tatar Sunda ).

Hence, traditional houses in Indonesia has an inner function that expresses cultural values, as well as other aspects related to the culture of a local custom. For example, Indonesia's traditional houses inhabited by the Sundanese and Javanese have a different structure to the custom home communities in Lombok, Bali, and other coastal areas because these areas are located in different areas. Custom home in Indonesia, which is inhabited by the Sundanese community tend to be more closed and insulated when compared with traditional houses inhabited by the Lombok. This is due to the weather in the mountains of Sunda (Sundanese region the majority of the mountains) with hot climates in coastal areas where people live Lombok.

In addition, the materials forming custom homes in Indonesia also vary, depending on the nature of materials that can be easily found in the area. There is a majority of the building materials used rocks, there is also a majority of basic building materials such as wood or bamboo.

Aesthetics Traditional House in Indonesia

In addition to differences in physical structure or form, traditional houses in Indonesia also have differences in terms of aesthetics and the myth that it carries. For example, the Sundanese people that emphasizes the noble values of womanhood would be linked to the structure of their custom homes myth is so comes goah aesthetics. Goah aesthetic beauty is not only owned by Indonesia's traditional houses inhabited by the Sundanese, but also have cultural values concerning the properties of womanhood. Goah or kitchen will be placed at the back of the house and the things associated with women, such as cooking utensils, cutlery and food ingredients.

This means, the philosophy of traditional houses in Indonesia owned by Sundanese women as the main subject and the right to compulsory and take care of all the affairs of women, and a man may only occupy the outside of the house (living room). In this case, the men who have an obligation to make a living so it is placed outside the home or the home front. Another philosophy is that we can meet the aesthetic of traditional houses in Indonesia are subject to the right to stay and have the custom house. In Sundanese, women are the most entitled to have a custom home and lived in the house. Meanwhile, Minang people put men as the most right to own and occupy their ancestral homes.

Sundanese people justify the term that the men bought (apply) the currently married women in Indonesia so that custom home inhabited by the Sundanese entitled owned by women. In the meantime, the house is owned by indigenous tribes Minang men because society believes that the men who purchased (proposed) by the women at the wedding. From the second the aesthetic custom homes in Indonesia, can we know that the system of kinship between the two areas differ. Sundanese people have a matrilineal kinship system that takes the line of descendants of the mother, while the Minangkabau society has a patrilineal kinship system that takes gender

However, there are similarities aesthetic that almost every home owned by peoples in Indonesia, namely physical function not only protects the head of the household alone, but some were descendants or relatives can live together in one house custom. Custom homes in Indonesia mostly occupied by several heads of household who are still related. It shows that there is a similarity of properties owned by the people of Indonesia, namely mutual assistance and social. Will However, the placement of custom homes in Indonesia can not be arbitrary because there are some customary laws that must be followed as part of the primordial values ??believed local indigenous community.

As explained earlier, this placement relates dengansistem public trust who occupy the house peoples in Indonesia. There is a strong believer that the world is controlled by the values of women, but there is also believed that the strength of male energy is stronger than the other energy that is in the earth. In addition to gender issues, there is also a custom home in Indonesia before the inhabitants, several requirements must also be met to comply with customary. And there is also the ancestral lands can only be used when the customary procession.

Diversity Filososfi Traditional House in Indonesia

Other customs, different customary home. In addition to the aesthetic differences, custom homes in Indonesia also has diverse philosophical value. One is a traditional Javanese house, the house Joglo has a rectangular shape with four supporting pillars and the floor is flat and wide. Custom homes in Indonesia are occupied by people of Java to wider than custom homes in other areas as well-known Javanese palace centric culture in which there are many members of the family (royal) and so we need a large house to accommodate the entire family.

In addition, there are also differences between traditional houses in Indonesia that are in mountainous areas or paddy with custom homes that are in beach area. Custom homes located in coastal areas tend to be higher than the existing traditional house in the mountains and paddy. This is done to avoid the brunt of the ocean waves or storm tides when the season arrives. Then, the traditional houses in Indonesia are located in areas of high air temperatures tend to be more closed than the traditional houses of the region, the air temperature is low. The diversity of traditional houses in Indonesia is not only located at the level of the building, and the building materials used, but also other accessories are attached to the house, such as the shape of the roof, wall hangings, and carvings were made to beautify the fence or door.

Usually, we can also distinguish custom homes in Indonesia from things such as carvings typical of each region is different. Carving Jepara carving Bali will be different because of the knowledge and experience of the culture is different. In addition, cultural differences Buddhist, Hindu, and Islamic culture emerged in Indonesia also affect the process of creativity in interior decorating custom homes in Indonesia. For instance, the carving in Bali with ganesha engraving calligraphy contained in Cirebon area.

Thus, it can be concluded that the things that influence the formation of custom homes in Indonesia is a cultural, geographical, and cultural influences beyond. Indonesia is a country whose population is made up of various ethnic groups and tribes. This diversity affects the cultural richness of the Indonesian people. One of them can be seen from the diversity of traditional houses in Indonesia, where each region has its unique characteristics and different from one ethnic to other ethnicities.

The difference in the characteristics of people in Indonesia are basically cultural differences and different background functions. In areas that are prone forests or flooded, houses usually have a characteristic set that is above the poles. This is an effort to prevent the entry of wild animals into the house, or even to avoid the threat of floods that hit the region. With this basis, eventually established homes in the area have similar characteristics so that it becomes a unique. Similarly other homes that have strong familial traditions. The houses are located in areas with characters like this, usually characterized by the widespread availability of parts as a gathering place.

Traditional House Bali

Custom homes in Indonesia that still exist are often found in traditional Balinese house. This is because the Balinese have a very high confidence in the culture and customs that apply to the next. That is why, people in the area are still keeping the tradition and preserve it. Especially with the attraction of Bali as a world tourism destination center, the culture that has been retained is the main attraction for tourists. Including them is to safeguard the existence of the traditional Bali.

With this condition, each of the houses in Bali should be based on the inherent cultural order. Every establishment of a new building in Bali, should refer to the customary rules applicable in the region. Including them in the process of construction of houses. Bali custom home built by applying the three aspects taken from the philosophy of the scriptures. The third aspect is the human aspect of pawongan or household, or Neighborhood weakening aspects as well as aspects parahyangan the aspect of divinity.

These three aspects should be referenced and the basis of the development process in order to create a dynamic and harmonious life. These three aspects are often referred to as the Tri Hita Karana. Another characteristic that can be seen from the custom house in Bali is a knacks that adorn the house. Decorations are usually formed by carved and using a contrasting color, but natural. Usually the colors that are widely used are black and white. For the Balinese, use trinkets are more than just mere decoration of the house. Because, in the belief Bali selection of colors and types of piercings symbolize gratitude to God for favors received. In addition, the use of artifacts in the form of sculpture is usually associated with ritual activities undertaken by the people of Bali.

Physically, unique custom homes in Bali is reflected by the presence of a separate small building on an area. From the collection of the small building, surrounded by a fence that encircled the building collection. But with the changing environment, where more and more difficult to find large tracts of land, the system as it is becoming obsolete. Construction of the house was no longer made in an environment and no longer separated.

Traditional Batak houses

In the indigenous people, a house is not just a shelter only. For them, the house has a very broad function. Because the house is a means or symbolizes the embodiment philosophy and cultural practices adopted and applied to a specific area and the tribes living in the area. Similarly, a house in the middle of the Batak peoples. For the Batak, a hallmark of a good home is that the house must have a philosophy of life upon the Batak tribe.

In Toba Batak tribal society, life settlements are usually arranged by row pattern. The pattern now is a system that has a territorial arrangement intact and strong community solidarity on the issue of its citizens. In the Batak Toba villages often called with Lumban or huta. At each Lumban, founded two entrances called bahal. Bahal is placed on the north and south of the village. In addition, the stone fence with a height of 2 meters was built around the village. The fence is known as a function piggledy village for defense, because in the past was often a war between villages. Also in the corner of the fence lookout established to monitor the position of the enemy or for conduct of the defense.

Huta existence can still be found in some areas in the region of North Tapanuli. It is particularly to be found in the village Tomok, Ambarita, Silaen and Lumban Nabolon Pargasan. The village or on the current huta eventually be used as a destination location for tourists and the object of considerable interest to visit. In the huta, we can see behind the philosophy contained in the layout of the house in that place. every house or called sopo has positioned facing each other with shaft position north and south. Apart from being a place to stay, sopo functioned well for storing food such as rice, maize and several other estates.

From this layout can be seen that the Batak have a high appreciation for nature. They really take seriously the meaning of life, food and shelter as their life support. thus they react in a way to use all these components wisely. There are unique characteristics possessed by the Batak. This is especially when they want to build houses, usually perform some rituals. Among others, by collecting some construction materials to be used. The process of collecting building material is called mangarade.

Some of the materials commonly collected include poles, tustus or pegs, walls or pandingdingan, perhongkom, urur and some other materials. pengumplan the material is done in mutual aid called marsirumpa. Marsirumpa itself is a form of cooperation without expecting anything in return is done all the villagers. It is a form of solidarity and sense of family that were held by all citizens in the village.

A subsequent, if all the material is collected then the process will be left to experts called pande. Pande was served as designer and to realize the desired development. Of course, this process is based on the desires of the house, where the house would be formed with a model of "ho" or "sopo". In such development, there is uniqueness in the process of selecting wood for building. Typically, wood is wood that has been the loudest voice used for the pole "jabu bona". While the second loudest wood used for poles "jabu Soding", third tinny "jabu Suhat" and "the slap plate".

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