Thursday, February 7, 2013

Toto Toilet - Sanitary Products World Quality

Toto Toilet - Sanitary Products World Quality. Toto toilets are the product of Toto Limited which was established in 1917. Toto Limited is a manufacturer specialized in producing products made from high quality ceramic sanitary ware and plumbing fixtures. Toto Toilet Toto Limited which manufactures is then grown and evolved into a company that leads the industry in Japan. Entering the 21st century now, Toto Limited with superior products still dominate the Toto toilet is also made of ceramic sanitary ware field for the middle class and above.

Toto toilets and Toto Limited Time Travel

At the beginning of its establishment Toto Limited in 1917, Toto toilet has a superior product. The products are sold to many countries, such as China and Indonesia. Because it is made of high quality ceramic material, Toto Limited was experiencing difficulty mastering the market for sanitary ware made of ceramics at the time. Although at the time, even now, the price is not cheap, including Toto Toilet. In 1920, Toto Limited Tunnel Kiln managed to build its first factory in Japan. Then in 1937, Toto Limited built a factory specializing in producing sanitary Chigasaki and other supporting equipment. The company continues to grow, and in the world market, Toto Limited products compete with similar products from Italy.

Toto Limited, in 1946, managed to build a new factory which specialized in producing faucets and other supporting equipment are made of metal. In 1958, also built factories to manufacture FRP bath. Along with the development of technology, Toto Limited participated apply perfectly when in 1970 successfully developed water equipment electronically. In this year also, the tub manufacturers and supporting equipment made of iron intensified. Since the product of not only Toto Toto Toilets Limited, one could even say a lot of excellent products, good for bathroom fixtures and other sanitary products, Toto Limited management felt the need to build an exhibition hall. Then, in 1971, was made Toto Ginza Showrom Pavillion in central Tokyo, Japan.

For the Indonesian market, the year 1977 is an important step to further expand the range of product marketing Toto Limited. Why the year is considered an important step? Since that year, Toto Limited binding joint venture partnership with PT Surya Toto Indonesia, a company that originally only acting as an agent of the products Toto Limited. Only a lapse of three years, Toto Limited was binding cooperation with the joint venture company in Korea to establish the Royal Toto Metal Co.. Ltd.. Seven years later, Toto Limited was established another joint venture company in Korea called Kelim Toto Co. Ltd., while in Thailand, he set up a joint venture under the name of The Siam Sanitary Fittings Co. Ltd..

In 1988, re-established changes Toto Limited joint venture in Taiwan, the Taiwan company name Toto Co.. Ltd.. And, for the sanitary control of the U.S. market, the company Toto Limited was founded companies in the country as a distributor and manufacturer of sanitary wares and accessories. The company was founded in 1990 and named Toto Kiki USA Inc. Apparently aggressive steps Toto Limited does not stop there. In 1994, China had established a similar joint venture company, named Beijing Toto Co.. Ltd.. Of course this joint venture was established to control the market of sanitary products previously controlled Chinese local companies.

Toto Toilets and Indonesia Market

Marketing products Toto Toilets and other supporting products from Toto Limited in Indonesia, held by CV Surya as the authorized agent of Toto Limited product sales. CV Surya is a company that has experience in marketing products and building up since 1968. Selection of CV Surya as the authorized agent for all products Toto Limited course is an important step for the sanitary market in Indonesia. As is known, sanitary products with trademarks brand Toto has won the trust of the world.

Management CV Surya apparently saw this opportunity as a chance to grow as well as control of sanitary ware market in Indonesia, so it was decided to cooperate more seriously with Toto Limited in the form of establishing a joint venture. The plan was welcomed by the management of Toto Limited. And, in 1977, they agreed to establish a joint venture company in Indonesia called PT Surya Toto Indonesia. For Toto Limited itself, with the construction of the joint venture, will be more efficient, especially since Indonesia is not only available in the base material of ceramic and metal, but also available skilled labor and fuel prices are much cheaper than in Japan. With the establishment of this joint venture, Toto Limited will be able to cut the cost of shipping the product Toto Toilets and other supporting products to Indonesia, which has been done.

Now, PT Surya Toto Indonesia is the largest manufacturer of sanitary ware products in Indonesia. To supply the market Indonesia, PT Surya Toto Indonesia already has two factories to produce sanitary products and other supporting products. PT Surya Toto Indonesia is supported by high loyal employees and dynamic marketing so superior product Toto Toilets and other supporting products could spread to all parts of Indonesia.

Since 1978, PT Surya Toto Indonesia began exporting sanitary ware products to regional and international markets. Later, this company, since 1990, listed its shares on the Jakarta Stock Exchange. In 2002, the company was established PT Surya Pertiwi Paramita, a business unit that handles the production of kitchen systems.

Factory PT. Surya Toto Indonesia as a manufacturer Toto Toilets in Indonesia, standing on a land area of 300,000 square meters and a building area of 35,000 square meters. Composition of shares of PT Surya Toto Indonesia is 38.8 percent held Toto Limited, PT Suryaparamitra as much as 25.1 percent, and PT Multifortuna Asindo as much as 25.1 percent, PT Intimitra Prosperous much as 1.6 percent, and the remaining 9.4 percent owned by the public.

With the number of employees who are no less than 3500 people, PT. Surya Toto Indonesia has been producing sanitary Toto toilets, bathroom fixtures made of metal and plastic, automatic water faucets, water heaters, heating automatic hand washing, all of which can save electricity and water. Toto Toilet addition, another excellent product of PT Surya Toto Indonesia is a tool called "Auto Faucet Aqua", ie devices that use electrical tap water flow to turn on the power or charging dynamo. So this tool can save electricity at the same time conserve water usage.

In the hand-washing faucets, spout is equipped with a sensor, the detector hand to run the tap water. Tap water will function when a hand is in the distance range of the sensor. Water required to wash their hands too so not too much when the hand position closer to the tap. Other sensors are sensors that function bathroom appliances capture the presence of objects or people in the bathroom. Toto toilets and other sanitary equipment supporting production of PT Surya Toto Indonesia is widely used by homes, hotels, restaurants and other places that seem luxurious. Compared to other products, the product is priced Toto toilets are more expensive, but it is comparable in quality and luxury they have.

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