Monday, February 11, 2013

Simple Tips to Business Livestock Of Gecko

Simple Tips to Business Livestock Of Gecko. Livestock accounted for in the world of geckos from the farm business. Stimulating phenomenon makes geckos much sought-after. A reference traditional medicine because many parts of the body that are useful for human health. The price is quite high and the interest of a good market, so many people try to breed geckos instead of having to hunt in the wild.

Maintain Gecko

Although gecko hungry resistant and able to withstand a variety of weather, but it is not easy to maintain. Need source sufficient information so that the gecko can be developed. This supports business success gecko that will be undertaken, even just a sideline.

Law of the jungle applies to pet gecko has a fairly aggressive and cannibalistic nature, especially adult male geckos. If the gecko females have eggs, immediately detach and store in one cage for a gecko to prevent food fight. This method accelerates the growth and enlargement of the gecko.

Some breeders geckos geckos deviate one male with several females gecko. They have the same weight, about 45 grams each tail. If it appears there was a relatively larger geckos body size, immediately separated to avoid competition for food.

Gecko Cage

Competition in one cage make gecko uncomfortable, because these animals susceptible to stress. Do not move through the cage, which would make him feel uncomfortable and her appetite will disappear. Keep a permanent enclosure in place that make gecko at home and still feel in nature. This method accelerates the gecko adapt, especially if it is dark and atmospheric enclosure made of wood.

Gecko noktural including animals, that animals are always hiding and being in a dark place. Use red light for illumination cage, because there is an argument that these animals can not see red. Keep the cage temperature with a thermometer, maximum temperature is 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

What to Look For

Gecko (in Sundanese) molt frequently, especially minors. Symptoms of skin change is detected by changes in skin color fade and whitish. When this happens, the state of the cage should be more humid than usual, stereoform media often used the media to keep the humidity stable. If the gecko has been measuring about 5 to 6 cm, you should use sand clean, smooth, and measuring about 0.5 mm into the enclosure. For young geckos, use newsprint pad or a soft towel.

Do not use sand so as not to risk the health of swallowing a small gecko. Also, avoid storing stones triggering cause overheating in the cage. Keep the cage and make it as natural as possible gecko cage !

Remember, do not make gecko stress !

Because food or Kroto crickets, small lizards, worms, and other small insects will not make a big fast gecko's body if the animal is not comfortable. Change the water in the cage between 2-3 weeks. Try to give the cage and food near the natural habitat of geckos. In order to not let the tail geckos, like lizards. Hold the head of the gecko from behind. Try not to get bitten. Give food to be bitten before holding a gecko. The traditional way of removing gecko bites usually by pouring warm water into the mouth of the gecko.

Problems often arise in breeding geckos are uncomfortable circumstances in the process of maintenance, especially at home. More geckos death due to stress and sick. Geckos with a size range of 3 ounces or the size of 400 grams, are exported to Hong Kong and China. Of course, with the price of millions of dollars each tail. Before being sent abroad, geckos in-oven first so that the efficacy of the gecko's body well maintained.

It is not easy to breed geckos, so many people who just do breeding only. But with commodity gecko sell well in domestic and foreign trade, geckos businesses still provide extensive opportunities for elaborated.

Good luck.

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