Monday, February 11, 2013

Reveals Business Of Jusuf Kalla Family

Reveals Business Of Jusuf Kalla Family. The number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is still far below the 2% of the total population. This figure is very alarming. Compare with Singapore more than 20% of the population are entrepreneurs. Alternatively, the United States, which every day always comes new entrepreneurs. However, Indonesia should be proud because there are many successful entrepreneurs who are able to compete with foreign businessmen. One of these successful entrepreneurs are a big family Jusuf Kalla, former vice president of the Republic of Indonesia.

Inheritance Parents
Jusuf Kalla family has long been in the business world. Started by Haji Kalla, Kalla parents. Their business is based in Napier. In 1964, he started a business selling sarongs sold in Sulawesi and eastern Indonesia. His business expanded to buying and selling animals. However, the current business development is highly affected by the political turmoil of Indonesia unstable. When there is a crisis, there was a thought of Hadji Kalla to close down, because the threatened bankruptcy.

However, the intention was to get opposition from her children, especially Jusuf Kalla. This is the beginning of the development of CV. Haji Kalla become a group effort. Within a few years, Jusuf Kalla and her sisters managed to build Kalla Group into a large business group.

They are not only engaged in local trade and domestic but also export and import, automotive, construction, property and hospitality, to venture fisheries, palm oil, and telecommunications. Almost all family members Kalla, involved in these efforts.

Cold Hands

Yusuf Kalla is known as the cold-handed businessman. How not, when it became active in his father's company, the business is threatened shipwreck. However, Hasanuddin University economics graduate faculty, the business is able to save his parents, and even expand it. When the father is no longer much care of his business, Jusuf Kalla who was the skipper. Kalla greatness no one other than is the case with the vast network of lobbying and negotiation skills are accomplished.

He was an entrepreneur, but very active organization that interaction across the border range of interests. Ability lobbying and negotiation has been seen since college. Kalla including as a campus activist with the Student Council Chair position.

Politics Business Support

Compared to other local businessmen, Kalla be called to a very active politically. Remarkably, the political activity does not interfere with business. On the contrary, all political activity Kalla, support business activities. Since Kalla active in various political activities, business groups and even a growing conglomerate in diverse fields. Persistence in trading great synergy with political lobbying capacity.

He had become the head of Dolog South Sulawesi, a member of the MPR group representatives many times, active in various political and business organizations, as well as other positions. The climax, when Kalla managed to occupy the vice presidency in 2004, preceded by an invitation Abdurrahman Wahid became minister of trade and industry. In addition, Kalla also served as Chairman of the Golkar Party.

Bukaka Group

The greatness of a large family of Jusuf Kalla in business and politics, as seen from the business group Bukaka. Besides Kalla Group, a marker of success Bukaka Group family. Bukaka purposely built for their existence in Jakarta, while Kalla Group already overdo synonymous with South Sulawesi and East Indonesia. Bukaka engaged in various fields, especially high-tech industries such as telecommunications.

The company is a partner company like Telkom, Indosat, Telkomsel, and others as a BTS tower construction contractor. In addition, the name of the looming Bukaka time managed to become one of the leading garbarata (connecting access from the airport to the aircraft at the airport [elephant's trunk]).

Garbarata successful not only in domestic, but also be able to compete abroad. Finally, Bukaka group that is publicly traded, has worked with leading companies Singapore, SingTel, building telecommunications network in Eastern Indonesia. Bukaka and Kalla Group increasingly showing great progress in the Kalla family business.

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