Sunday, February 10, 2013

Orchid : Flower of Life as an epiphyte

Orchid: Flower of Life as an epiphyte. Flowers have long served as a symbol of expression of affection among people. Types of flowers are diverse. Not all flowers have a pleasant fragrance. There are also several types of flowers are just wonderful just from the look of shape alone. One is the orchid.

Orchids or orchid in English is have scent of flowers is not so strong, or even tend to be non-existent. The main value owned plants are an interesting shape. Ornamental plant also has a unique variety of flower colors. In each flower, these plants have a mix of colors that can sometimes be more than one.
Orchids and Environment

Ornamental plants are part of the family Orchidaceae. A monocot plants that live on average attached to the trees. In the family, this is an ornamental plant species with the greatest number of species. That said, the number of species of plants is as much as twice the number of species of birds and four species of mammals. Ornamental plants are still one family with vanilla.

Ornamental plants are widely spread in the tropics tend to be wet to the circumpolar region. In tropical regions, these plants are epiphyte life. Life as an epiphyte means dependent on other plants. Although it sounds similar to the parasite, epiphytic way of life is totally different from parasitism or parasite.

Plants that live in a way epiphytes can produce their own food. He did not interfere with the growth of the host plant. Water the plants needed is obtained from rain, dew or moisture. Nutrients required by plants also he can not plant a mother. These plants get the nutrients from the stem or other plant leftovers are already rotten and decomposed.

Plants epiphytic type of backup does not take food from plant mother. But sometimes epiphytic plants blocking the intake of light that plants need a host to live. Meanwhile, in the temperate regions, these plants can live in the soil. Ornamental plants will form a kind of bulbs as one way to adapt to the environment tend to be cold. Ornamental plants only need a little water to survive. However, these plants also can not live if you have to be in an area that has a desert climate.

In growth, plants require sunlight, but not direct sunlight hit. That's why these plants are found in hidden places that are not exposed to direct sunlight.

Types of Orchids
There are many kinds of ornamental plants. It's just an outline and based growth, these plants can be divided into two, namely simpodial and monopodial.

1. Orchid simpodial

This type of orchid is the form does not have the support of the main stem. Flowers grow out of the rod tip. Children plant can produce new flowers. Ornamental plants are an example simpodial type dendrobium, cattleya, Oncidium, and cymbidium.

2. Orchid Monopodial

The opposite of the type simpodial orchids, orchid monopodial type only grow on the stem end. Usually grow straight with flowers growing on the side of the outside of the trunk. Ornamental plants like this is vanda, Arachnis, aranthera, phalaenopsis, and Renanthera.
Smallest orchid in the World

In the past 2009 years, the world of biology commotion with the emergence of new orchid species, namely Platystele sp, a native of Ecuador. Species of interest was then crowned as the world's smallest orchid with a size 2 to 2.1 mm only. But apparently there are ornamental plants that are smaller in size, which Oberonia sp. Super mini orchid is found in Indonesia, precisely in the Mentawai islands. This flower was found in the year 2010, a year after Platystele sp from Ecuador was crowned as the smallest orchid.

Oberonia sp has a size of 1.1 to 1.5 mm. Flower color bright orange. In a flower Oberonia sp, there are hundreds of tiny flowers that form a beautiful spiral pattern and regular. Until now, experts are still researching deeper to know the ins and outs of this tiny flower. The very small size led to research and identification difficult; yet more information about these plants in the region has not been known.

Although Indonesia has a large collection of plants does not mean that the knowledge and literature on Indonesia's interest is complete. Precisely collection of literature on ornamental plants is the most complete in England, as many botanists since the first country to come and analyze a variety of species of interest. It's just not a lot of information about the species Oberonia. Perhaps because of the small inconspicuous flowers for the botanist (does not look like orchids) and does not attract the attention of farmers.

From a handful of information obtained, supposedly this little flower is a flower native to Indonesia are abundant. Ongoing research, because experts suspect there are other species of smaller Oberonia again in our homeland.

Choosing Orchid
Indonesia typical flowers should be preserved. This ornamental plant species in Indonesia has a variety of beautiful colors and shapes so there are many people who are interested or just increase planted as an ornamental plant. Not a few of them are willing to spend a deep care for this plant.

Although plants are plants that are not fussy, but keep in mind several things so that your orchids thrive. Cultivate in yourself that this plant does not mean simply enjoy the beauty but also maintain their health so that growth is good. In other words, love these plants.

1. Be careful before buying

There are many kinds of flowers sold in florist or at the show. Although the appearance of the flowers that make you fall in love at first sight, make sure you do not buy plants this origin. That is, to understand the type of orchid you choose before you buy. Plenty ask the seller. Do not let your plants die once he was in the house because it was the type you choose is not fit to live in your home environment.

Although the seller gives you the information seems accurate, you should not immediately believe it. Seller may give you false information or exaggerated that you are interested in buying the plants it sells. Therefore, Arm yourself with enough information. Do a little research on species in cyberspace that you like, and then understand how to care and condition of life (growing media, temperature, altitude habitat, the need for light and water, etc.).

2. Purchase orchid cultivation

That is, avoid buying wild orchids lifted directly from nature. Besides the roots being damaged, these plants have not been able to adapt to the new environment and vulnerable urban stress resulting in death. Meanwhile ornamental plant cultivation was developed for resale, so the plants are cultivated as much as possible to be able to adapt outside their natural habitat. The advantages of buying ornamental plants are cultivated in farmers you help the economy and help reduce the habit of pulling out the hunter in wild orchids in their natural habitat.

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