Thursday, February 7, 2013

Minimalist Garden Design Cool and Fresh

Minimalist Garden Design Cool and Fresh. In designing and building a minimalist garden, we need to pay attention to aspects of health, beauty, and comfort. The three factors that create a minimalist garden that tune and in rhythm with your minimalist home. Minimalist garden can not give effect to cool and fresh will in turn make a minimalist house feels cramped, hot, and not good for the health of our families.

Minimalist Garden Design with Pond, shower, and Waterfall. Minimalist house is in desperate need of an overgrown garden of green plants to produce oxygen from photosynthesis. In generating oxygen, of course, plants need water quality and more.

Minimalist garden with a pond can be an alternative choice of your design. Because in addition to making the park a cool and fresh, it can also be a source of pond water for greenery. You can add to the showers around the pool to add to the beauty aspect minimalist garden. Fresh water nodes from top to bottom will create a melodious voice and psychological well for family members. Mist of water produced by the shower also serves to keep the humidity in your home. Being in the metropolis and mega, especially in Jakarta, which has a temperature of hot air, it will definitely need it.

To be more complete, then add the water that falls on the minimalist garden park atmosphere is cool, fresh, and cold can be realized. Do not forget to also add a large black stone at the waterfall so that rural atmosphere could arise.

Tropical Garden Design Minimalist Style

Tropical garden design minimalist style is very fit to be applied in the country as selected plant is a tropical plant that green but neat and not easily die. For you are busy in a career, of course, difficult and hard to take care of the park every day because of busy work in the office. Well, this design can be an alternative for you. The selected plants must have green criteria, growing up, and did not have an easy fall leaves. For example pine, cactus, dragon fruit, palm, bamboo and other yellow. The road to the park's tropical minimalist materials you can choose from coral stone and natural stone and natural so memorable. In the vicinity of the road, give green grass and easy to maintain as elephant grass. In order to color and dynamic harmony road to the park, adorn your walls with coral and rocks the same time.

Tropical minimalist garden design will feel perfect with the addition of lights decorating the beautiful attached. Ornamental lights can provide a spacious and airy effect on the park when combined with plants that have broad leaves such as palm. The lights should be mounted under or should not be more than 30 cm so that the light reflected on the broad leaves of the plant. With these reflections, the park will have an exotic impression.

If the minimalist garden installation is complete, the park can be a refreshing tired every day after work. There could be a place to eat together or in European terms is a garden party.

Minimalist Garden Design with Gazebo

Gazebo is already an integral part of a park. For a minimalist garden, a gazebo is an essential part to be built that will enhance the friendly, spacious, and beautiful. Gazebo or called villas is building inside the home as a place to read, relax, sleep and laze around. Gazebo shapes are popular in Indonesia is rectangular. But pentagon shape, six, and eight could be an option as you wish. If you want a gazebo that was built into the center of the charm and the attention of the guests, put the gazebo in the middle of the park. However, if the gazebo just complement the beauty of the park and enhancer factor, place the gazebo at the edge or corner of the park.

Forms gazebo built to match the design of the minimalist garden, can be shaped square, round, triangle and others. Gazebo built must have a cushion height 1 meter from the ground. Give also limits have vague impression and blends with the road and plants. Wood from Sulawesi be a primary choice. Wood Sulawesi is known in Indonesia and the world as wood is strong, durable, and cool. Connection is recommended using wood gazebo pantek system connection to be removed and moved to another place if you want a new minimalist garden atmosphere. For the roof of the gazebo, you do not need the tile because the tile will eliminate the natural atmosphere. Choose natural roofing materials of wood, thatch grass or palm leaves.

To strengthen the building gazebo, choose a rope made of bamboo. For finishing, you do not paint the gazebo because the paint color is not in harmony with minimalist garden is cool and fresh. Suffice you fernis gazebo to make it more beautiful. At the nearby gazebo, give a page with coral or times. White coral that will provide light for the garden and home.

Minimalist Garden Care Tips

Minimalist house cool, fresh, and healthy can be realized if you have a minimalist garden well maintained. Plants and green plants that grow well maintained and tidy will give the impression self for family members especially for guests who visit our homes. Here we present simple tip in caring for the minimalist garden.
  • Classify plants in the minimalist garden. Plants of water needs can be classified into several groups. First water plants. These plants live in or on the water. These plants will not be able to live for a long time in the land without water, for example lotus, algae, and others. Both plants need water much like rose, pink, tulips, and more. The three plants that require little water such as cacti, palms, dragon fruit, pine and others. Once out on the water needs of each plant that grows in the garden minimalist, it will be easier for you to water it regularly.
  • Choose plants with a long growing character so that you will not be difficult to control. Choose a plant leaf is also strong and not easily fall. This is so that you do not too often sweep your minimalist garden.
  • In the cut and the cut branches and twigs of the plant, choose the base with a thick stem that plant growth is slow. It also meant that growing up twigs and leaves to dynamic straight up with a minimalist garden.
  • Plant in a pot of water plants that are large and easy to be drained. Large pot that will facilitate you in flush or fill the pot full of water plants. Pot of water needs to be cleaned regularly, especially during the rainy season so minimalist garden free from harmful mosquitoes such as malaria mosquitoes and dengue fever mosquito.
  • When you want a unique form of plants, you can put a buffer of wood and bamboo. Unique shapes such as rectangles, ovals, circles or shapes are more difficult as the house or airplanes. The unique shape of the plant will create a minimalist garden more attractive and beautiful.
That's some minimalist garden design that can be selected and applied to your minimalist home. Congratulations renovating the house !

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