Sunday, February 24, 2013

Make your own Blogger template with Firdamatic and Artisteer

Make your own Blogger template with Firdamatic and Artisteer. Among of blogger does provide a direct free templates ready to be used. However, if you want to create your own templates very likely to be possible. There are many template generator that can help you to make a blogger template itself.

Artisteer Template Generator Use

One is, with the help of a software Artisteer a blogger template can be created in minutes. Here are some tips on how to make their own blogger template with Artisteer. Artisteer is a template generator softaware best and most complete. Not only bloggers are allowed to build the template here, but all in the realm of popular blog platforms blogging can also be done. Such as Joomla, Drupal, DotNetNuke and WordPress.

There is one disadvantage of Artisteer. To get it we have to pay. A total of $ 49 for the home edition and $129 for the standard edition. A sizeable nominal. However, do not worry. If you can just try it for free to try demo version Quite large capacity file. Approximately 60 MB.

Steps to create a template using Artisteer bloggers themselves are as follows :
  • Install and run it then click on the Artisteer suggest design. You will be given advice by Artisteer template. If not satisfied, click the button repeatedly to find a satisfactory template.
  • At the top there is a menu tab color, font, layout, background, and so forth. 's Work a menu to your liking and within their tastes. You can customize the fit with the theme of your blog. Including coloring matter.
  • If so, immediately publishing the template to be used as your template on blogger. Click the publish menu then you will see a new window that requires you to enter a username and password on blogger. If you have click publish. Completed.
With Artisteer this program it is possible to create and be creative in designing a template itself. And the template does not require you to use a standard template blogger.

Use Template Generator Firdamatic
Firdamatic template generator is one that is very easy to use to create a design blog. Just like the motto diusungnya, The Design Tool for the Uninspired webloggers. Because it only takes between 3-5 minutes to make a template. Here's how to create a template with firdamatic:
  1. Unlock and open your Internet web browser. Type the URL link
  2. Once the window opens firdamatic, you need to specify the model you want blog column. Is using a 2 column layout or 3 column layout.
    For example, if you select 3 column design, then fill out form located at Generate A 3 Column Layout.
  • Enter Your Name: fill in your name
  • Enter Your Email Address: fill in your email address
  • Entre Your Blog Title: enter the title of your blog
  • Weblog Address: enter the address of your blog
  • Blogging Tool Machine: type blogger
  • Blogging Tool Website Address: blank, if you want to discriminate template blog setup automatically.
  • To set the header, you can just fill in the required fields.
  • Enter The Url Image: enter the Url link to make your header. If you keep any in picasa, photobucket or flickr.
  • Would you like a Title Text: if your header image blog title has not been there, then you can fill it, therefore select the option Yes, I do. But if you've found the header image blog title, then choose No. 
  • Header font: font used.
  • Header Background Color: to choose the background color of the header.
  • Header Font Color: choose the font color used for headers.
  • After that, you are asked to complete the body of the blog. Forms were filled in the body of the blog is the text color, background color, border color and the color of the credit box.
  • After all completed forms filled in, then click the Generate button. After that you will see the results of template designs you create with 3 columns.
  • Before you create the template included in the blog, then copy the code. How to click word "copy and paste here".
  • When you are open and visible code, CTRL + A only. Then copy and paste into Notepad, then the save.
Installing Template to Blog
To install the template you are using firdamatic, you have to do is:
  • Open your blog. Then select the Layout at the Dashboard.
  • Then click Edit HTML, and replace the existing code with the code template that you create by using Firdamatic
Then click the Save Template Change

Now your blog template has changed according to the template you created. How? Easy enough to make a blogger template itself, is not it ? Therefore, if you are bored with the template there are many free template by blogger, you can make it by using two ways of making a template that is described in this article.

Keep templates created must describe the general content of the blog. Do not let not connect. With template a good choice to make visitors feel at home reading your blog. Indeed, there are several other ways to make templates. There Psycho da n Trix. Both template generator can also help you in creating your own templates. How about the same. So if you can make a template with firdamatic and how to post them on the blog, then you will not experience overwhelmed in creating a template by using Psycho and Trix.

If Template Already Ready, Study Business Online in Life is Beautiful

For those of you who use blogger as a business tool instead be more freely again. How to design a blogger template so that a friendly visitor or visitors. By adding a little column or sidebar to place buying and selling online, for example, is very effective way to invite buyers. Blog as a place to do business whatever it is indeed very trend right now. Blog is not just a place to distribute a hobby. Blogs can be used as a medium which is believed to be effective in delivering consumers to producers.

Small Business blog as one of the largest online business community site in the homeland also highlights this phenomenon. How does a blog have evolved as a media campaign as well as a meeting place between producers and consumers. And Wawie as the man behind the success of Life is Beautiful want to share their experiences with our online business.

Because Small Business understand, if there are no blogger who guided the stairs to his online business success story it will be difficult to achieve. Since not all online business start an online business because of its intentions. However, there is just trial and error, interested, or just part of it.

In short, if they do not exist that guide, it is a pity the sacrifices that have been made. Due to doing business online is not the least cost and effort should be spent. So, if you want to succeed in online business, do not hesitate to join in Small Business here. A community site online business in the world.

By joining Small Business, you will learn more about your online business. With a mix of bloggers how to make their own templates with marketing science taught by Mr. Wawie will surely be able to build your business well. You not only learn alone. There will be friends who are ready to advise you about the steps both in building an online business. For everyone who studied with Mr. Wawie will be introduced to students who are successful in business.

Learning from successful people is the key to be successful in the fastest business. Indeed, what is most needed is patience. Without patience, everything is not going to bring maximum results for you.

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