Friday, February 8, 2013

Knowing About Joglo House - Java Traditional Houses

Knowing About Joglo House - Java Traditional Houses. Joglo house is one of the traditional houses from the Central Java region. The uniqueness of this house because the house is under construction, philosophy and the history contained values adopted by the Java community. That philosophies that ultimately affect the shape and structure of the house joglo. Joglo house itself is one of five custom home community in Central Java and Yogyakarta. Besides joglo house, another form of house that is widely used as a model for the construction of houses, among other models panggangpe, villages, and tajug pyramid.

For homes that use the model form panggangpe, has a very unique shape of the building as well as simple. Because, in this building only has a roof on the side of it. As for building a style called form this village, has a roof on both sides. And in the middle there is a ridge. A house with a pyramid shape, have a more complicated form. In this building has a roof on all four sides as well as part of a ridge that is at the center of the building. While home Joglo or also called tikelan house, a building type that has a buffer or sokok teacher and has a roof on four sides and a ridge portion at the center of the building. Joglo house model is a type of building that houses the most widely used by people in the land of Java.

Model building is a traditional Javanese last tajug models. In this model, building a house has called poles or pillars. In addition, the fourth part of the roof using a roof but is not equipped with a ridge in the middle. Thus, the tapered shape of the building will look. To form tajug itself usually is not used to make a building designated as a place to live. Typically, building tajug model was selected for the architectural style of the place is considered to have the value of chastity. For example, to make the building the mosque, the throne for the king or also to make the protection of the sacred tomb.

In the Java community, has the technique of making a building or building art. The technique is known as the science of loop or commonly known as wong loop. This technique is used to guide the community in making the design of their home, which is connected with the problem of the environmental conditions that exist in the science of feng shui. In the past, the shape and architecture of the house is one of the indicators of social status in the community. For those who still have a relationship with the royal blood or blue blood, the shape of the house usually tend to have separate parts and have the function of each.

At the front, there will be a gate that is usually built in the style of the village buildings. The function of this gate, as well as the entrance to the courtyard is also used as protection from the dangers that threaten the safety of homeowners. The second building is the pavilion, which is usually built with the concept joglo. In this hall, usually homeowners will receive their guests or also used as a place to relax while looking at the environment around them. In addition, the pavilion is also often used for meetings or meetings with residents about where they live. This is related to the social status of a nobleman, who is usually in the structure of society will have a position as a leader. Thus, homeowners will often hold meetings and workshops with residents.

Last is pringgitan. The building is usually pyramid shaped and functioned as a place to rest homeowners. Pringgitan is located at the back joglo and not everyone can enter premises without the permission of the owner of the house. Meanwhile, the house located in the coastal area of Java island has little difference with the people who live style away from the beach. On the coast of Java, they inhabit houses usually have a bit of modification. This is usually done on the legs or base building, by adding legs. Feet at the bottom of this meant that the house is not directly in contact with the ground and has a vault. Thus, during high tides or floods, the main building was not affected. Additionally, on the vault is often used to store equipment at sea or for storing the catch before it is sold to the market.

Joglo Borneo

In addition to Java, the term joglo house is also known as one of the traditional houses in the area of South Kalimantan. Strictly speaking, the people of the region who have a house Banjar called home joglo or also joglo warehouse. Besides in the Banjar, a house like this can also be found in the Pontianak, West Kalimantan. In this area known as the home joglo round the house, and can be found in the village Penghulu, Marabahan, Barito Kuala.

Joglo houses in Borneo has three pyramid roof arrangement. Arrangement whereby the three berbanjar roof to the rear, where there is an extra pyramid roof the size of the back has narrowed. The back of the house itself is used as a kitchen. To model joglo warehouse, has a style existence of a pyramid roof which is connected to the roof called Sindang sky. The roof was put on the front of the house and to the rear of the house roof is called hambin clouds. There is also a barn Joglo house that is made by adding the porch pamedangan wide on the left and right of the house.

Joglo houses in Borneo are generally similar to home Joglo contained in Java. Only, the techniques used in the manufacture of home Joglo in Kalimantan, still refer to local building techniques that exist in the Banjar. In addition, the model houses in Borneo Joglo itself uses the concept stage. In the area of Banjarmasin, joglo house barn inhabited by people of Chinese descent-Banjar. Joglo house has been used as a collective cultural heritage in architecture South Kalimantan have been developed in the past.

Chinese community rich in Banjarmasin, many have made the home model joglo, but the technique used is the technique of Banjar. The model has the characteristic pyramid-shaped roof, which has particularly high pole. In some homes, the pole is decorated with carvings. Typically, this is done by the rich. By building a model made this stage, there is a space that resembles a pit at the bottom of the house. In place of that, the Chinese community-Banjar many who use it as a warehouse. They save the forest products such as rubber, etc. in place. This is because the people of Banjar Banjar-class Chinese descent has a job as a trader of agricultural products in the market Banjar.

My house is my heaven. We often hear this adage. Saying that illustrates how meaningful home for us. Home as we shelter, release the fatigue after a day of activity. Not quiet it feels when the day did not see the house. The house has a specific function and form. We are familiar with the term traditional house, traditional houses, permanent houses, wooden houses, houses on stilts, and so on. Despite the different names, still home is where we live. Before the advent of permanent housing, which is made of cement and brick material, the ancients chose to make home made by wood.

Houses Joglo Warehouse

Made by houses of wood and other natural materials such as stone, fibers, thatch, bamboo identical to traditional home. Every region in the country we have traditional homes each. Popular term for a traditional home was custom house. One of them is the Banjar typical tribal customs. Joglo house name, exactly the Joglo Warehouse. It was never heard of this term Joglo house. Yes, the house Joglo contained in Java. What might Joglo house is also brought to the Banjar ? Or mimic the Banjar Joglo of Java ?

Well, the house is also located in Banjar Joglo, precisely in the area of South Kalimantan. The house Joglo Warehouse is one of the custom house there. It's similar to home Joglo in Java, only in the form of construction wooden house with typical local building techniques Banjar tribe.

Banjar tribe

The house Joglo Warehouse is one of the proud tribe Banjar in South Kalimantan. Banjar tribes are indigenous part of the population in the South Kalimantan. Banjar guest tribe comes from the origin of Sumatra or the surrounding areas, who built a new home in the region around more than a thousand years ago. After all this time mixed with indigenous Dayak tribes, and immigrants from other regions, forming at least three subsuku, namely Pahuluan Banjar, Banjar Trunk Banyu and Kuala Banjar.

Name Banjar taken as they once were citizens of the Sultanate of Banjarmasin or abbreviated Banjar, according to the name of the founding of its capital. When the capital was moved inland, the last Martapura, the name seems to have changed or no longer raw.

The uniqueness of the house Joglo Warehouse

Warehouse Joglo house comes from the word joglo and warehouses. So named because it resembles the shape of the house pyramid Javanese also called Joglo home. The difference with the Joglo in Java, home Joglo Warehouse in Banjar section under the house, which in Banjarnya berumahan, used as a warehouse for storing forest products, especially rubber, which is a traded commodity in ancient times.

This round shaped houses in the village are Penghulu, Marabahan, Barito Kuala. Joglo house building form consists of 3 pyramid roof arrangement that lined the back with the addition of a smaller pyramid roof at the back of the form of the kitchen. This pyramid house like that in Java called home Limasan Endas Telu.

House Type Joglo Warehouse
  • Joglo Warehouse characterized by high beamed pyramid-shaped roof, under the house into a place to store items of forest, a very large size of more than 40 meters.
  • Four Aspects Joglo characterized by the rectangular shape and smaller size.
House Plan Joglo Warehouse
The spaces in the warehouse Joglo typical Banjar tribe successively from front to rear comprising :
  1. Surambi Message (terrace house)
  2. Pamedangan (half-open gallery)
  3. Panurunan (living room)
  4. Paluaran (family room)
  5. Palidangan (the bedroom)
  6. Panampik In (space in)
  7. Padapuran (Kitchen)

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