Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Indonesia Business, Business Person for Readers of Economics and Business

Indonesia Business, Business Person for Readers of Economics and Business. Print media business in Indonesia is still tempting. There are still a lot of old newspapers that still exist and be able to make profits. Unlike in the United States, the paper includes some old newspapers, have gone out of business, due to the invasion of the internet. One newspaper that has long circulated and still survive is a daily Indonesia Business. In fact, a number of new newspapers that target similar segments of this newspaper, continues besieged. With very elegant, medium business clients is still exist providing quality news for loyal readers.

Business Tradition

Indonesia Business, supported condition of Indonesia's strong economy doing development in various sectors. Daily since its inception in 1985, closely related to the economic and business affairs. Its founder at that time, namely Sahid Sukamdani Gitosardjono are entrepreneurs who are very concerned about the economic development of the nation.

Besides establishing
Indonesia Business, the Sahid also the originator of the establishment of several organizations including employers such as Chamber of Commerce and HIPMI. Moreover, Sukamdani teamed up with three other great entrepreneurs, the Ciputra (property), Anthony Salim (Salim group) and Eric Samola (business media).

Tradition strongly attached to the daily business of this business, so they know exactly who their market. Extensive network owned by their managers into one pillar of the success of this day. So with that vast network, we can get a lot of important information and up to date every day.

Every day they present business and economic development, which is much needed by the business community at the time. As a result, growth is going very positively. They are also relatively safe from reprimand ruler, who was quite stern towards the print media.

Right Strategy

Although not as big as other mass media group,
Indonesia Business should be proud for having remained in existence until now in the midst of an increasingly tough challenge. Competition is inevitable, with the presence of a new segmented newspaper business, as of the Lippo Group, Investor Daily and from the Compass Group Cash Daily.

Daily success themed business world is not separated from their strategy in the circulation. They do not rely on retail but directly to a variety of corporations, with the subscription system. More than 90% of the readers of this newspaper is the customer, the rest is retail. This strategy is particularly suitable, since most of its market share is the businesspeople and corporations.

Since 1992, the company has also launched a number of new media, such as Indonesia Business Weekly (magazine which later closed), Solopos, Depok to the Daily Monitor Yogya. They also launched a Chinese-language daily Indonesia Shang Bao, but then the newspaper was sold to a group of Gajah Tunggal.

Not only that, the theme of the daily business world and the economy is re-issuing two tabloid according to their characteristics, the tabloids and tabloid Digital Trends Business Money. with the publication of these two increasingly widespread tabloid coverage of the business world alone include for loyal readers.
Institute of Preaching

In business, the daily is also very clever in taking advantage of opportunities. They are a business in Indonesia to supply news to the international community, such as Xinhua (China), Bloomberg, and news net Asia as well as several other international news agencies.

With the move to make
Indonesia Business as a reliable reference source of economic and business affairs in Indonesia. Of course, this condition is very beneficial because their market share in Indonesia, practitioners, analysts, and observers of the business will be increasingly reliant on the existence of this daily.

House of Representatives (DPR) has approved a budget deficit of Bank Indonesia (BI) in the Bank Indonesia Annual Budget (ATBI) 2011 amounting to Rp45 trillion. The budget deficit was considered to be prone to rapid flow of capital inflow shock Indonesian business. For the record, the central bank policy proposes budget deficit in 2011 amounted to Rp45 trillion. That figure showed an increase of 32.4% when compared with a budget deficit of central bank policy in 2010 which amounted to Rp37 trillion.

While the operational budget, the central bank said in the 2011 will record a surplus amounting to Rp17, 35 trillion. Where's operating budget revenue plan for Rp22, 6 trillion and expenditures of Rp5,2 trillion. Plan operating budget expenditures in 2011, the budget management of salary and other income rose 2.46% at Rp47, 6 billion in 2010 to Rp1, 98 trillion.

It is considered the capital market observers Farial Anwar as a very risky move. If the same happens it will have a negative impact on the economy of Indonesia. "Shocks to the weakening rupiah which is not measurable, the stock market declined sharply, escape in large numbers to the dollar," said Farial. According to the Director of Currency Management Group, if the 2012 capital BI in point two trillion dollars, it cost the government condition of having to inject large budgets. Of reasons, it is quite difficult to stem the flow of heavy capital inflow.

"We (Indonesia) stupid, do not learn from experience, and powerless against the onslaught of foreign hot money," he said. Since the beginning of the emergence of capital inflow bring more harm than benefit in countries that are developing.

However, it shall in Indonesia aware that once the economic crisis in 1997, ironically the only difficulty was controlled by a few speculators in the stock market "We are very highly praised as if foreign hot money like this when there is no benefit," said Farial.

In fact, investors are speculators were never seriously intended to build a plant in Indonesia. States are also not benefit from the retail profit sales cooperation. "Thailand and Malaysia firmly refused to let raided hot money, because they know the pros and cons," said Farial. Unlike the mindset Indonesia (mindset) as if hope strangers.

So, how effective policies for BI so as not to undermine the government's budget as well as many fend off "hot money". Farial pessimistic put faith concern that capital flows. The problem, so far Indonesia has Law. 24 of 1999 to free traffic exchange.

"In essence, the policy holder has the courage or not to strictly limit rules in the stock market ?" He said. At least, that do short term is to revise the Law. 24 of 1999 and continued to socialize people do not get bored. For example, in the Act contained provisions that later investments how long, one year, as applied in Singapore.

There are many other developments that can monitor the business world from the business daily, not just on the information above. What do you think of the information ? It's important not ? In addition to preaching the facts, through this we can see the daily and learning to correct errors in business growth in Indonesia in particular.

Without Information Boundaries of Indonesia Online Business

To facilitate its loyal readers monitor the development business, this makes the daily news format in the form online. This is done considering how much important information and facts that will be distributed to loyal readers. The online system allows everyone to be able to up date daily news is in at any time.

If you want to read in the form online, you can visit the web There you can get various information about the world business like in the newspaper. Even with daily online, you can get more new important information other than the printed newspaper. Here you can read news about world business for previous editions, because it provided a special page for past editions. So, if you had to miss the news, could open in the last edition of this special page. In other words, at this day there are no words to miss information.

One more convenience provided by the business daily, the largest in Indonesia, such as facility e-paper. E-paper is a newspaper created in digital form. You can read this on the web but the daily digital format similar to one hundred percent with the display printing. You like reading the newspaper as usual, only in digital form. For the material do not doubt it, because it still puts the quality of news.

Ease This course provides a good input for the largest business daily in Indonesia. Readers will trust with credibility as the biggest business daily. In addition, readers will be greatly appreciated as this newspaper always provide information that is balanced without fear of interference from the authorities. Curious? Read it at Happy reading !

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