Saturday, February 9, 2013

How To Planning Choosing Fence Houses

How To Planning Choosing Fence Houses. When it came time to plan, select or design the fence, then you may be overwhelmed with so many different types of wood fence and other options. But, in choosing a wood fence can consider two things, namely of the form and function. From this "shape" fence, of course taking into account the style or appearance, while the "function" fence by considering the practical purpose of the fence. Fortunately, there is sometimes a very close relationship between form and function. But it is not always the case. For example, a fence of wire and other metal products are often made as a security fence at a high level.

Type of Fence Houses Based on Shape

In choosing the type of fence wood, then consider all potential compatible, from home style and the style of landscape design. Adjustment house fence design example is as follows.
  1. Wooden fence with a split rail shape or form as the transverse rails. The design is characterized by the arrangement of the rough and grooved rails and form are always a favorite ranch-style home and landscape design with the theme of the Southwestern United States.
  2. Wooden fence with a form picket or wooden slats arranged vertically. This form is suitable for cottage style home or landscape designs inspired by English cottage gardens.
Type of Fence Houses Based Functions
There are special circumstances in which a wooden fence, regardless of the zoom are pretty, maybe not the best choice as a fence. Sometimes, for example, homeowners in the market fence to keep the animals in order to stay in the yard, such as a dog. In this regard, a special electric fence for dogs may be the answer.

There is also when the problem is to keep the animals do not go to the page, such as stray dogs or deer if you still are in rural areas. Security is another practical function of the demands of homeowners against the fence. That is why, over the metal fence of a consideration than a wooden fence. Fence can be either iron or welded steel. But the wooden fence of the house is perfect for the choice of a private fence, both in terms of the sound barrier or the more common visual barrier.

Fence of wood for Fence Houses, along with a replica vinyl fence provides several options of most interest. It is highly recommended if your biggest concern is to create a nature reserve in the backyard. Style fort offers examples of wood fence design that can be a solid barrier between your yard with the neighbor's yard resulting in complete privacy. While the composition of the rock as a brick can serve the same, but the cost is higher compared to the wooden fence.

One can compromise the privacy fence when choosing a home. This is done by choosing a wooden fence with a design more windy thus avoiding the enclosure from the outside world. Picket fence with a high style, for example, will be able to provide partial privacy fence as the design of the grille. A popular alternative to the choice of privacy fence with options as described earlier is the design of the wooden fence hybrid, such as a solid barrier fencing for three quarters from the bottom up to the grating above to incorporate more windy and decorations.

One factor in choosing the type of fence is the compatibility of different wood fence with home landscape design. Fence of solid wood can provide an attractive backdrop for planting. While the design of the wooden fence that windy, eg a wooden fence with a form of split rail and picket styles can serve as the front or background for planting in the garden.

Plan and Design Fence Houses

A fence can provide several things, namely privacy, weather barrier, keeping children or pets, protection from intruders, or simply decoration only. By deciding which one is most important to you, then prompts you to choose what type of fence to be made. The design of the fence is only limited by your imagination. The best way to start is to look at another house fence in your area, have a look of the book or the internet, and of course from the magazine. There are many different types of fencing, ie wire, panel, picket, ranch style, and so forth. Techniques on how to install a similar average.

Things that need to be considered when installing a fence is as follows.
  • Contact the city or housing association to find out if there are any special requirements of the construction fence.
  • Check again, if you are allowed to build on the property boundary.
  • Check that no wires or pipes that are embedded in the soil.
  •  And make sure you know the limits of your property.
Creating the layout of the fence you are a pretty basic theory. Mark with a stake in which you will build the fence and pull the rope in between. Thus, you have a guide to install the fence poles. If your fence or railing starts at home, usually you want to make the right angles. You can calculate the right angle with Pythagorean formula or 3-4-5.

The first stake fence will mark where your house would begin. Tie a rope from the stake and stretch out perpendicularly to the direction of the house (or in the direction you want to create). Measure 4 feet (about 1.2 meters) to the outside and mark. Mark the point on the house within 3 feet (about 91cm) from the stake. Hold the tape measure diagonally 3 feet (about 91cm) at home and mark 4 feet (about 1.2 meters) on the ropes. Then move the rope up to the distance between the markers exactly 5 feet (about 1.5 meters). Tie your rope at this point. So the point is precisely perpendicular from home.

Mark the position of the first wooden slats. Then measure the lines to mark the rest of the wooden slats along parts of your wooden fence. Then you should be on the outside of the wooden slats so you have to measure from the center of the rope to the wooden slats. Marked with a stake or mark with tape so you can see it. When a fence down the hill, you have two choices. The first option is that you can make the top of the hill and follow the slope of the second option is that you can maintain the fence section and make steps Fence Houses down on each slat.

For a terraced Fence Houses
down, determine the difference in elevation between the top of the hill and the bottom. Then divide that number by the number of parts. The result of this calculation is the number of steps of the fence which declined in each slat.

Hopefully these tip will help you to create a fence.

1 comment:

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