Wednesday, February 6, 2013

History and Purpose of Carpet

[Carpet] Illustration of carpet
History and Purpose of Carpet. Carpet or rug is a pedestal floor coverings. The carpet is made from a variety of materials according to the needs and usefulness. By using the rug, so if we sit down, our clothes would not get dirty floors and dust will not directly feel the cold floor. In addition, homes with carpets look cleaner. Before we delve further into the benefits of carpet in our lives, it helps us review a little history about the rug.

Carpets - History of Tapestry

Historically, the carpet or rug has been created and used since centuries ago. The discovery is the oldest rug in the tomb Pazyrik Valley. Tapestry is derived from the ancient Italian language, which carpire which means "coat".

When viewed from the understanding, the tapestry is an item in the form of sheets and is made of knitted fiber fabric used to cover or used as a base. Over time, rugs have evolved. Where to begin manufacturing materials using various types of materials, such as plastic, rubber, fabric, canvas, and some even velvet.
Carpet - Rug Types

At the present time, we know so many types of rugs in various sizes and motifs. By type, the rug could be divided into two types according to the raw material of manufacture, which is as follows.

1. Traditional Rug

Traditional rugs tapestry weave is still done by human hands. Typically, this type tapestry using ingredients derived from nature, such as wool or part of the plant. Because the process is still traditional, and just use your hands, then the creation of the rugs usually takes quite a long time.

There are many traditional rugs that we can see in the market, such as the rug is made of rattan which many marketed in Borneo and called the mats. There are also other traditional tapestry called mat made of woven bamboo.

2. Modern Rug

Modern Carpet is a tapestry weave already using sophisticated machines and usually they use synthetic materials such as plastics and rubber cloth. Synthetic materials readily available and easy to process and modify it into a variety of forms. Some types of modern rugs are as follows.
  • Rug or mat
  • Floor rugs
  • Meter tapestry made of plastic
  • Tapestry better known as wallpaper
  • Tapestry car
  • Tapestry jog good for furniture and automotive
Carpet - Rug Manufacturers

Tapestry in Indonesia was imported from abroad, but there is also a domestic production. In fact, the existing carpet factory in Indonesia also exports its products to overseas. One of the biggest tapestry factory producing in Indonesia is PT. Inan Semarang is in Jl. Mangkang, Semarang. Results products have been marketed in Indonesia and exported to overseas. The product itself consists of different types of rugs from synthetic materials.

Carpets - Rugs Usability

There are various reasons why people use carpet. Besides as a cushion, rug use also was able to add to the beauty of a room. This is compounded by the many types, sizes, colors, and patterns that can be tailored to tapestries decorating the room. It certainly will make your home more comfortable. Another reason of the use of tapestry, which is as follows.
  1. Many rugs are used as a floor in order to comfort those who were on the floor, either just to sit around and worship. Tapestries were used for this floor there is also a permanent and left attached to the floor for a long time and some are used only temporarily, for example, only when there is preaching, no prayer or when there is a celebration at home where guests are welcome to sit with a Lesbian.
  2. In a house with a modern design, tapestries functioned normally use as a sweetener in the sitting room or lounge. This is very common and many are using tapestry in a way like that. Typically, modern homes as it is a very good use of ceramic so rare tapestries functioned as a floor covering. Tapestries were used to decorate the room is not a haphazard tapestry that can be purchased meter. But usually used is tapestry rug with the best quality and materials as well as high-priced.
Carpet - Tips for Choosing a Rug

At the moment we are going to buy a carpet, then there are some things that we first need to know so that when selecting carpet, then we will not be confused. Typically, the selection of rugs must be adapted to our need for these rugs.
  1. At the time of going to buy a rug that mainly have to be determined is where the carpet will be installed or placed. After determining where the laying of carpet, the next thing to do is measure the widest point of the tapestry that we buy no less or no excess size and fit the shape and size of the venue.
  2. When buying a rug, we also need to know the functions and benefits of the rug for us. If it is only used occasionally when will welcome guests then choose a rug that easily rolled up and stored again. Usually rugs that are only used occasionally is better to use rugs made from plastic or synthetic that is not easily damaged or moldy. However, if we want to use the rug is to coat the floor of the room, then find rugs are easy to clean.
  3. Motif or ornament that is very important to note the rug and adapted to the place where the carpet is installed. A bright red rug would be very suitable to be placed on house walls orange. Same is the case with black tapestry, will clearly add to the dark house with poor lighting and will bring a lot of mosquitoes. Currently, there are a lot of cute patterned tapestries and cartoons favored by children. Motif rug with children fitting installed in the room or child's bedroom. Plain patterned rugs can be used in any room while too lively patterned rug would be great for a home with a minimal design and a walled plain.
  4. Find out first about the different types of carpets and their rates so that we have a picture of the funds that we have to prepare to buy a rug that we want. Adjust the rug needs rather than price. Buying luxury rugs simple home will obviously be a waste and not worth making. Rather than receive the credit, but it could be if we impose such circumstances, instead we get just reproach. Daily meals is not enough time to buy rugs that cost millions.
Carpet - Rug Care Tips

Tapestry that we use should we care well in order to always be clean and durability. Tapestry that is not treated will become a hotbed of germs. In addition, the rug will be easily damaged if not cared for properly. Here are ways that we may use in treating and maintaining carpets in your home.
  1. Frequently suck rugs made from wool, velvet and fabric used for this event especially after using a vacuum cleaner. This prevents dirt settles for too long and rot to cause odor or even fleas or ant nests.
  2. Wash with a solution of brine or vinegar solution using a soft brush or sponge and dry in the sun and dry quickly if the rug has been spilled something particularly sticky liquid, such as water syrup or gravy.
  3. Provide insect killers sprayed way to make sure we do not become a den rug fleas. Remember, do not get too close to the sprayed, ± 30 cm from the surface of the rug so that its surface is not quickly broken.
  4. Keep in a dry rug and enough air if not used after a previous wrapped in paper or plastic. Keep carpets are clean before storage.

Carpet does have many benefits in our lives. We can use these rugs to sit on or just as a sweetener room. At present, a tapestry made up of a wide range of colors, sizes, materials and motifs that can be tailored to the tastes and needs. Therefore, in choosing a rug be carefully.

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