Thursday, February 14, 2013

Great Home Boarding House Tantalize Business

Great Home Boarding House Tantalize Business. In big cities like Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta and Surabaya, both boarding house for students, households, and the employee is required to be part of the needs of food, clothing, and shelter. Therefore, the boarding house business into a field a very lucrative money machine.

Endless Not There

Moreover, the needs of the boarding house in big cities like mentioned above would never ending because the city is like "sugar surrounded by ants". The migrants from these areas come to the big cities hoping to fix the economy, get a decent education, and even get a political position.

Everyone will need, in addition to food, drink, and clothing, as well as a place to stay. The migrants who travel to the big cities, if they do not have relatives, friends or acquaintances whose house can be occupied, then the only way to get a place to live, yes by contracting / boarding.

The number of migrants into the area major cities each year continues to increase making the boarding house business opportunities more promising. Like a said, this business can be a kind of ATM or cash machine where the owner
Boarding House just waiting for the deposit amount can equal or even exceed your salary each month. If so, promising instead ?

Steps to Success

Try now imagine you have ten boarding house door with the rental price of $50/month. Tenth filled all because the location is very strategic so that prospective residents Boarding House you do not think twice again to sign him.

In one month alone, mathematically you will earn income of $500. Means in one year, the total that you will gain from a home business is $600. Amounts tempting is not it ? However, you do not necessarily oversimplify by ignoring the ways to start a home business Boarding House. In every start businesses must always be ready to rip gravel your feet when stepped want.

Therefore, here are some steps that need to be considered so that the success and achievements have always been on your side.

First, find a strategic location. The first step is to determine the level of success of your business because no matter how location can be regarded as an early milestone in your business instincts are tested. 's Impossible, if you open a business Boarding House in a location close to the cemetery is a very quiet, or around the banks of the river which annually swept away or potentially rob.

Second, determine the market you want to go. Your business must have a clear specification of the market, not gray. Needs of students with a place to stay for those who are married will obviously be different. If enough students made for boarding house size is not too large, appropriately for sleeping, cooking, and learning. For those who are already married, let alone had children would require a fairly large spacious house.

Third, marketed offline and online. Able offline word of mouth or spreading leaflets attached at strategic places such as markets, campus environments, where photocopy, etc.. For online marketing you can learn them first to Life is Beautiful to find out ways and tricks to market your home effectively Boarding House

Fourth, provide adequate facilities according to the needs of people who will live in your Boarding House. For students, the move surefire if Boarding House is equipped with a wireless hotspot or students of the need to access the internet can not be denied anymore in the age of sophisticated as it is today.

Fifth, set the price competitively. Do not let you open a business Boarding House a higher price than your competitors. Keep in mind that the market psychology Indonesia tend to prefer something that's cheap even though the quality is not very good. Some people look at cheap rates or discounts must be more interesting than talking about quality.

Sixth, serve with a nice and friendly all residents Boarding House you because basically everyone wants to be appreciated and respected. Seventh, responsive when there were complaints of discomfort happenings Boarding House facility either because of damage or because of disruption of local people, for example.

Finally, after six it is well understood then the next step is your turn to prove yourself to the practice directly. It should be understood, that the business is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. Will a lot of thistles and thorns that will block your every move. If it is so, what is needed in addition to the commitment and consistent, as well as pray. Congratulations trying.

Home Business Knock-Down Gazebo Creation

When you've lived in houses on stilts, then one day it will feel homesick to stay home stage again. Stage house is made of wood seem so comfortable. However, it may not want to have the regular stage. The solution is to buy a house on stilts knock down. Business houses on stilts knock down in Tanjung Batu Seberang Ogan Ilir, South Sumatra, could be a destination for realizing the dream of having a representative wooden house.


Gazebo-Creation is a center for the manufacture of gazebo and knock the house down. The company is promising export quality at local prices. The house that produces knock down a house on stilts typical Palembang. There are several sizes available, 25/30/36/50/60/70/80/90/100/150, and others, according to the demand.

The place is located in a side street quite easily achieved. From downtown, cross the Ampera bridge, turn right, and follow after entering Kertapati area, follow the path until you find a row of houses small and medium-sized stage on display at the show room's outdoor Gazebo-Creation. But if you just want to see pictures, visit the company's website at

Gazebo-Creation Promise

In addition to the local price of export quality, Gazebo-Creation also promises fast service. Buyers living provide land and the Gazebo-Creation will come home and realize the dream stage in the not too distant. The design is flexible, prices include shipping insurance, reliable workforce, buyer satisfaction is the main thing to be considered by the Gazebo-Creation.

Gazebo Project-Creation

Gazebo-creation has marketed its products to many places. Houses stage also has many forms and types. Among the projects was a knock-down villa type 40 mounted on landmarks, Central Java. The form is very artistic eye is very soothing.

Installation of the villa for 14 days with 3 workers. Villa are used as a resting place by the owners at the weekend and the holiday is also intended as a reading garden for the surrounding community. Natural color of the wood blend perfectly with the natural beauty of the mountain Merbabu.

Stage Knock House Prices Down

The price offered in accordance with the type and desired design. For example, type 80 villa home design stage Palembang price is $128.000. Indent period of 2-3 months. The villa has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 2 terraces and front left, one living room and one kitchen. The type and design have been installed in Cibalung happy Land, Bogor.

When visiting the website Gazebo-Creation, then you will get lots of information about houses on stilts knock down. In addition to news clippings from various media who have covered the model house, also a note about how to create and connect construction wood. If you are interested in being his agent, just call the phone number listed on the web.

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