Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Frame Business of Arts- Promising or Heartbreaking ?

Frame Business of Arts- Promising or Heartbreaking ? Want your photo timeless and memorable stay to tens of years ? Want all the memory it looks pretty and charming? Yes, you only need one item, namely the frame frame. This article will explain about the picture frame business. Frame is very helpful for a photo or painting look more attractive. Now, shapes, materials, and manufacturing process development of the frame has begun to match the demands of the market. However, if businesses in the frame as well as beautiful form ?

Frame - Business of Art
Business is business frame of art and beauty. Since only the people who are most interested in the art would go into this business. When compared with businesses that are desperately needed groceries everyday people, business frame is not so smooth. In the era of the all-powerful, in which a picture can be enhanced only by computer software, frame suffered a decline in popularity. People prefer other forms tool to enhance your photos cheaper than an expensive frame.

Today many businessmen found the frame folded. Many of them are just sitting all day waiting pensively buyers that never arrived. If there are visitors, sometimes they just have a look or even interested in them only dare to buy at a low price or choose the frame that suits their pockets. In fact, once a month is not a single frame that they managed to sell. Then, what about the cost of a rental shop, food, accommodation, or an employee who would not want to have them spend each month ?

In addition to frame in terms of artistic quality and competitive price, this business does require proven strategies and creativity. For some entrepreneurs are creative, they can maintain this frame business in many ways. Well, for those of you who are interested, you can certainly like them. Although its popularity declined compared to a few years ago, but business fixed frame has the opportunity to thrive in the market.

Many ways you can do if you want to grow this business. For example, more often hone skills in creating art works or design new and unique. Alternatively, you can change the marketing strategy for the product you make. Here are some tips that can help you to exist in a business frame.

Market Expanding Business Tips Frame

Every business must have experienced ups and downs. However, as an entrepreneur, do not make it a reason for your silence and make efforts in the way you frame or even losses. Here are some tips that may be an inspiration to you.

1. Frame Business Must Focus

Just because business was slow then make you tempted to switch to another business. Stay focused on the business will make you a businessman who is not easily swayed and had a clear vision for the future.

2. Business Frame Offline + Online

During this time, you may only sell offline frame, the shape of the store from morning to evening, even night, there should be a guard. Why not find another alternative, which is to sell the frame online ? Many of the benefits, especially in terms of the number of customers who would be able to reach all of Indonesia.

You just provide a website that contains all of the following frame price. Buyers who are interested in living contact you and the goods were sent to all corners of the region. Saving operational costs and make your business thrive. Tempting, is not it ?

3. Variation Frame

Materials for this frame is usually made of painted wood or lacquer and square or rectangular. It's boring, is not it ? Why do not you find the idea of frames made of materials other than wood, such as from recycled materials ? Or, from the materials that had never occurred to you ? Create a unique frame, unlike the others, and not boring. Create a business breakthrough that has never been done other entrepreneurs.

4. Entrepreneurs are Different Frame

Why should it always be the second, third, and so if you can be the first ? Dig business ideas from entrepreneurs or foreign magazines. Be businessmen frame different from the others. Create a business opportunity that has not been thought of by others. If you can vary the content of your store with knick-knacks that support the business frame, why not ?

Businessman Success Stories Batik Photo Frame

It turned a hobby to make money millions, as experienced by a graphic design graduate from Udayana College, Denpasar. His name is Jeff Kristianto, a businessman home decoration inspired photo frame collecting hobby. This photo frame business generating a turnover of around 85 million rupiah per month.

After finishing college in the Graphic Design Department, Udayana (Udayana University), Jeff was determined to plunge into home decoration for the simple reason, that the time frame he was happy to collect photos. Various forms of the frame, from the stylized to the unique, up to the amount he collected hundreds of frames. Jeff then thought that the shape of the frames can still be formed again to produce something different.

Finally, Jeff experimented with the frame in a way similar to the process batik and batik fabrics. Jeff was getting excited and making decisions that are not half heart after receiving positive comments from family and friends, which is considered his work more than others. With a capital of IDR 15 nevertheless, he build showroom in Jakarta in 1998. This capital he used to rent a place and procurement.

His frame is the product turns out many foreigners that Jeff liked to move the business to Bali two years later and was named Asia Line Bali. Currently, Jeff has four showrooms, two showrooms located in Kuta and two more in the Ubud area. To oversee the development of its business, Jeff employs 12 people who duty keep the showroom as well as 12 people as the back office (accounting, purchasing, stock control, warehouse, etc.).

Jeff said that Bali is a window of the world so he determined established showroom in Bali. In addition, the Asian Line Bali product is intended for outsiders. Until now, its products, including batik frame, has reached one thousand items are described as home decoration.

Their products are dibatik wood, such as bowls, boxes multifunctional, frames, masks, and so forth. The process involves the production of home decoration is approximately 15 crafters from Solo, Gianyar, Yogyakarta and Gianyar. Raw materials are generally in the form of palm wood, clove, and buffalo and cow horns, provided by the craftsmen themselves. Jeff only need to choose the model and design stuff. Such systems are considered more practical so uncomplicated thinking and raw material procurement focus only think of the design.

Within a month, Jeff earned an average turnover of about 85 million dollars with a production capacity of 1500 wooden batik pieces a month. Here's the list price of the product in Asia Line Bali.
  • Buffalo Horn Handbag: U.S. $ 11.67.
  • Hypo Dolls: U.S. $ 4.44.
  • Elephant Slee: U.S. $ 7.
  • Stone Brass Frame: U.S. $ 10.56.
  • Flinstone Frame: U.S. $ 6.67.
  • Batik Bowl-Rice Bowl: U.S. $ 6.11.
  • Batik Coaster Set of 6: U.S. $ 5.00.
  • Elephant Shower: U.S. $ 77.78.
  • Frangipani Incense Holder: U.S. $ 2.67.

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