Monday, February 4, 2013

Easy Ways to Grow Roses Flowers

Easy Ways to Grow Roses Flowers. Roses are kind of interest generated from shrub named genus Rosa. This plant grows wild in many areas tube cool, and most commonly found in the northern hemisphere. The number of wild roses, there are more than 100 species, with branches that spread and can live with the high reaching 20 meters. Leaves of old roses have compound leaves 5-15 cm long. Each stem has at least 3 or 5 to 9 or 13 young leaves and leaf leverage (stipula) with oval shape and bone pinnate. The edges of leaves, and a tapered tip. Some types of roses are in Southeast Asia with green leaves always grow every year.

Various variants of Roses

Here are some types of roses that are commonly found in the community.

a. Flower Wild Rose (Wild Rose)

Is the type of roses that grow wild. Rose has been known to humans since ancient life. The flower of this plant has a simple form. This plant is rapidly proliferating, wild life make very strong durability, so the roses are not easily die because of resistance to pests and diseases. Usually in doing grafting roses, plants as rootstock.

b. Ancient Rose Flower (Old Garden Roses)

Is a plant that has particularly smell very fragrant and unique shapes. Unfortunately, these roses bloom only once in a season. However, at the time of blooming, old-fashioned roses would eject flowers very much, even can continue to bloom up to 2 months, and the rest to flower until the following year. Some types of roses are alba, Gallica, damask, Centifolia, moss, china, portland and so on.

c. Flowers Modern Roses (Modern Garden Rose)

Became known in 1867 when the advent of rose cultivars. Roses are also named Rose La France as well as the work of an expert rose named Jean-Baptiste Guillot. Rose from crosses between Madame Rose, viktor Verdier, and Madam Rose Rose Madam Falcot Bravy Or is flowering continuously and has a petal very much, even up to 60 petals.

How to Grow Roses
Roses generally grow with temperatures in areas that have a moderate climate. However, some types of roses are the result of grafting and can be grown in some areas with tropical and subtropical climates. To that end, how planting is also not difficult. Here's how planting roses do.
  1. Choose a location that gets enough sunlight for 6 hours. As this will make the roses can continuously generate a lot of interest. In addition, note also the land. Roses do not like muddy soil or standing water. If the soil is too clay, mixed with compost sand and  the ratio 1: 1: 1.
  2. 50 cm deep holes in the ground and fill it with good soil for roses as a special fertilizer with a ratio of soil: compost: sand is 1: 1: 1.
  3. Note the distance between the roses. The distance is different depending on the type of rose. For ground cover roses, berries on each plant distance of 30 cm. Then give a distance of 1 m to 2 m for the rose pergola.
  4. Splashing the roses are planted every day use water very much. But only on the land, not the leaves. Flush in the morning or late afternoon. Water is also very good for roses during the fruiting season. However, after a 2 year old roses, reduce watering to once in 4 days.
How Caring for Roses Flowers
After we planted roses should also pay attention to maintenance. Do not let the roses that have been painstakingly planted to grow rapidly wither or not perfect. Roses is very famous for its fragrance and petals are very beautiful. To that end, the roses should be given to drink and eat regularly. Give food with a special fertilizer for roses used as organic fertilizer specially roses. However, this plant can also be fed using humus or compost. This fertilizer can be made from chicken manure and cow dung that has been dried.

For regions in Indonesia, doing fertilizer just before the end of the rainy season or false. Fertilizer is also done every 2 months during the flowering period. For water, give as much as possible, once every day with abundant water when flowering. However, after flowering just once in 4 days. Do not just pay attention to flowers roses, but note also the land and environment. Clean plants of various wild plants and weeds. We can use a mulching technique, ie by covering the land under rose bushes to use various organic materials. Look for a variety of organic materials around our environment, such as shredded leaves or bark, straw, grass clippings up pieces of vegetables that have not been used.

The function of this technique, in addition to maintaining soil moisture also can protect crops from wild plant growth. For countries outside of Indonesia, perform mulching the plants during the winter will make the plants are protected from the cold and the snow. Be careful with a variety of diseases that can approach your roses. Because roses are very susceptible to pests such as aphids. These pests love to eat the flower buds and young shoots. The fix, in addition to directly kill the pests, you can do so by pressing him to death, can also use a mixture of oil with water saur savon de marseille, which is a kind of organic soaps.

It is very easy, just spray it on tick, but not every day, do it every three days, and just sprayed the fleas are still there. Besides aphids, roses can be exposed to serious diseases such as leaf rust. This disease can cause leaf loss caused by the fungus Phragmidium mucronatum. There was also a result of the disease powdery Mildew fungus Sphaerotheca pannosa, as well as the emergence of black spots on the leaves caused by the fungus Diplocarpon rosae. The plant is also highly favored by the type of Lepidoptera larvae as food.

For treatment, rose plants must be fed regularly. Furthermore, in order not to propagate, cut foliage immediately affected pests and diseases. Burn the collection of leaves. In addition, for the arrival of pests and disease prevention in plants, the leaves and stems shoots using liquid preles of organic material. Prevention can also be done at the time to plant these roses. For that reason, when to plant, make a very deep hole and plant should be planted in good soil. Planting roses is not an easy job. There are many things to consider if you want to get the roses as you wish. That is thriving roses and fragrant scent of the surrounding.

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