Friday, February 1, 2013

Download Dictionary of English

Download Dictionary of English. Download dictionary english through the web seems to have become a part of people's needs, especially those who are well educated in high school and in college. Dictionary itself is basically a reference book in which there is light on the meaning of words. Dictionary serves to help someone know the different types of new words and their meanings. In addition to the search of meaning, the dictionary also often contains various origins of a word and example application using the words in question.

For example, the Arabic dictionary, there is a term that in the plural Qamus called qawamis. The term is etymologically derived from the Greek Okeanos rich meaning ocean. In other words, the dictionary is a container that breadth of knowledge equivalent to the ocean. However, today's dictionary is defined as a diverse repertoire that includes the vocabulary of a language is ideal and unlimited.

Types of Dictionary Based Language Usage

Based on the number of languages ​​used, the dictionary is divided into several types :

1. Monolingual dictionary

Monolingual dictionaries, which dictionaries are only using one language to explain vocabulary words contained in it. Entries are described consisting of a common language so that the type of dictionary has significant differences when compared with other types of dictionaries, especially bilingual dictionary, the formulation is based on the corpus of data verification. Dictionary like this in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), Dictionary Board (Malaysia), and Dictionary Thesaurus (Indonesia).

2. Bilingual Dictionary

Bilingual dictionary, namely a bilingual dictionary with words from the language input dikamuskan and pemerian definition of equivalent or other languages. Examples of this dictionary is Britain-Indonesian Dictionary, Dictionary English-Malay, Indonesian-English Dictionary, and others.

3. Dictionary Kind of Language

Anekabahasa Dictionary, the dictionary that uses at least three languages ​​or more. For example, Dictionary English-Mandarin-Malay or Indonesian-English Dictionary-Sunda.

Types of Contextual Dictionary

In addition based on the use of language, the dictionary can also be distinguished by its content. This is caused by the published dictionary has a goal to meet the interests of the language in certain circles. For example, the students need a dictionary that is small compared to a lecturer.

Based on its content, the kind of dictionary can be divided into :

1. Mini Dictionary

Mini Dictionary is a dictionary whose thickness is less than 2 cm with a practical use that can also be stored in the pocket. Therefore, this dictionary is also often called a pocket dictionary.

2. Concise dictionary

Dictionary is a dictionary-sized little small, easy to carry anywhere. However, the dictionary is usually more complete than a mini dictionary. Examples of this type of dictionary is the Oxford Fajar bilingual dictionary (English-Malay; Malay-English).

3. Dictionary

Dictionary is a dictionary in which there are all contained in a single lexical language. Every word contained in it are described in detail. Dictionaries are typically bulky and thick, like the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI).

Types of Special Dictionary

In addition to the above two types of dictionaries, there are also special types of dictionaries that have special functions. These types of special dictionaries, among others, are as follows:
  1. Dictionary of terms, the dictionary in which there are a variety of terms in a specific field of scientific functions and usability. For example, the Dictionary of Terms Fiqh.
  2. Etymology Dictionary, the dictionary in which there are various explanations word is etymologically the original intent.
  3. Thesaurus dictionary, a dictionary which explains the words mean something by giving synonyms and antonyms of a given word meanings. Dictionary is usually used by the authors to diversify the use of diction.
  4. Dictionary of proverbs, the dictionary in which there are a variety of lighting purposes of a maxim as a reference and is usually read for the purpose of beauty.
  5. Dictionary of words peculiar name, the dictionary in which there are a variety of words unique name, such as place names, characters, and also institutions with the aim of providing a reference for these names.
  6. Translation dictionary, the dictionary in which there are a variety of foreign language synonym for the target language. This dictionary create in order to help the translators in translating one language to another.
  7. Collocation Dictionary, the dictionary in which there are various equivalent word as a synonym for 'comprised' combined with the word 'the' to 'made up'.
Preparation Method Dictionary

In compiling the dictionary, necessary steps for the group stage of known words in a reference book. Therefore, there are several steps that must be done in order to create a dictionary, namely :

1. Designing

At this stage, the lexicographer must consider the purpose of the preparation of dictionaries and dictionary approach that created the work in accordance with the primary objective is the creation of a reference book. After that, creator dictionary would begin collecting the necessary data such as the drafting team, capital, and equipment manufacturing dictionary.

2. Development of corpus data

The words included in the dictionary is usually a word that is often used by the community. Therefore, lexicographer teams usually have to read a number of works to get a quote that will be included as data entry book. The word those words will be recorded and put into the cards, with one card one word. The cards are organized alphabetically.

3. Charging and Data Pengabjadan

This stage is an important thing to be done in compiling a dictionary. Every word has been noted to be prepared in accordance with the alphabet so this will make it easier for someone to find a word foo. Manually, this can be done by recording the words quoted in the card so that the preparation of a word in the dictionary can be done easily.

4. Data processing

The next step after the words shorten are collected and analyzed the data. At this stage, the dictionary should classify diverse editor unnecessary words, new words, new words that are rarely used, and the words that changed meaning. After that, the compiler should throw words unnecessary, documenting other words, and put them together.

5. Giving Meaning

The final step in making the dictionary is primarily to give meaning to the words that have been prepared. This can be done by using the science of semantics and pragmatics. Reference material that can be used is other existing dictionary, dictionary of terms, and other references relating to the fulfillment of diction.

Various Download Dictionary

In ancient times, a person must read one at a dictionary to find the exact meaning of the word searched. However, nowadays, you can type a word in the search field digital dictionary to get the meaning of the word easily and quickly. Stormy digital dictionary can be obtained by purchasing it on the internet digital market, or download it for free on the internet. Some of the dictionaries that can be downloaded for free include Indonesian dictionary and English Dictionary. To download English and Indonesian dictionary, you just type "Dictionary Digital PDF" in the google search. After emerging the various pages, you just choose which page dictionary that match the criteria you want. After that, follow the instructions that were told to get the english dictionary download in various formats, including PDF format which is widely used in digital products.

A few articles about the dictionary, from the types of dictionaries, how to prepare a dictionary to how to download english dictionary. May be useful for readers.

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