Monday, February 11, 2013

Capturing Business Opportunities Around Us

Capturing Business Opportunities Around Us. Entrepreneurship or being a businessman is not always synonymous with large capital. We can start from small things. If we are observant, in fact many business opportunities around us. The point is, use what you have or what is available around you to start a business. Here are some examples :
  • Typing services. If by chance you have a computer or laptop at home. You can try this one chance. You can create an ad on the Internet or make a small brochure and share it with your friends.
  • Rental books and comics. You are a nerd and comic lover ? And you have a lot of books at home ? Too bad if you just make a private collection. You can borrow it on friends. In addition to earn money, you can also share your knowledge.
  • Being a realtor. Of course you have many friends who have private businesses. No need to hesitate or shy, you can offer to be their realtor. Rest assured, your friend would be very happy to assist you.
  • Sell paper and pen. Especially if you're a student. You can try this business. One day there may be your friend pen lost or ink runs out. You can offer the pen you carry.
  • Sell pulse. More and more people take advantage of this business opportunity is more and more alone. Maybe you want to try it too ?
Meticulously Viewing Opportunities

In addition to the above, there are many more other business ideas that you can develop from small things around you. Let's say that a lot of your friends in college who took photocopies but lazy to go to the copier. You can offer services by coordinating the friends you want to copy.

Of course the rewards you get are not much, but if the message was a lot of copy to you ? Anyway it will be for your own learning to become a businessman. Begin trying to capture business opportunities around you. Starting from a small, ranging from a simple, yet profitable. You can also start your hobbies and interests. If you love to teach, for example, you can be tutored the children of the rich. And so on.

Take advantage of the Business Opportunity Now

When you want to be rich? Now, later or not at all. Many opportunities to become a billionaire like Bill Gates (Microsoft boss) or oil tycoon Arifin Paniogoro classmates and many other examples. Could you like them? Everything is certainly possible. What is needed now is the courage and the foresight to see the room and a business opportunity no matter how small it is.

Indonesia, which has a population of hundreds of millions is a promising market for entrepreneurs or even to start a business. If you are still confused as to what should be traded, we can gain knowledge to entrepreneurs who first foray into that world. Not necessarily people who are already rich, but people who have experience in handling it. Suppose there is a friend of ours who had long selling clothes or food, frequently consulted with them.


Food is one of the lucrative business opportunities. Imagine, every day almost everyone needs food. If we could see the market and strategic place, then make the semi stalls or restaurants could be an option.

Moreover, at tourist attractions such as beaches, shopping, and other attractions, business opportunities from
Food so large that almost everywhere there are selling food. You live to see any strategic place and fit to sell. Better if our food business or food is an innovation that has not sold many people.


Interested in the clothing business was not hurt. While not every day people buy clothes, but the business has become a lucrative one. Look just like in the big cities at the center of fashion as Jakarta or Bandung. Every day more people are taking the time off to just shopping. Moreover, if we look at the markets or malls, places selling clothes a destination for shoppers.

For a minimal capital, we can take advantage of this opportunity because the velocity of money in this business pretty quickly. Moreover, an advantage of this stuff is not to be sold quickly because unlike the case with no term stale food. Probably just a matter of fashion are a problem in the apparel business.

Business Ideas for Students

Students have access to the hundreds of people who make their marketing work easier. In fact, the entire university can be seen as a potential market, as long as someone is prepared to work hard to reach as many people as possible.

There are however, some things that need to be assessed prior to starting any business on campus. First of all, you should check whether the university's policy allows for any business activity. Also, you should not make your roommate ballistic go ballistic just because you are churning out profits from this business.

Finally, the most important thing - job research study should not be ignored. Since you are a student, your first priority should be studied seriously. Business should not affect your academic performance. Well, here in the ideas business.
  1. Tutoring: This is the perfect business for students who want to earn money just as much as needed to cover monthly expenses. In order to start lessons, you should consider teaching subjects such as Mathematics, Science and English. This business does not require any kind of investment and it is possible to earn enough to pay a monthly boarding fee.
  2. Jobs Data Entry: This is the kind of work that can be done even by a layman because it does not require much skill except for typing fast. It is a good resource for students to earn money in their spare time.
  3. Basic knowledge of computers and their treatment is enough to do the data entry work. Data entry work is considered among the popular online business for students.
  4. Setting Website: People who are good at working with the website and overall computer can try this activity. You can get more than enough to cost a month through this effort. However, setting up a website requires a deep knowledge of programming languages and computer functions.
  5. Entertainment: If someone likes to play instruments such as piano, guitar, etc. He / she should try to earn money by performing in a wedding reception, party or other events it.
  6. Internet: Indonesia is one of countries most of internet users after the U.S. and China. So this could be a good business opportunity. Markets are even broader and more general and can reach all walks of life.
If you are interested in internet business, there is one internet marketing school that can teach you the ways of internet business until you understand. If you are interested in internet business, you can learn at smallbusiness - life is beautiful which is a leading internet marketing schools in Indonesia.

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