Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Business Operations Spinach For The Future

Business Operations Spinach For The Future. Prolonged monetary crisis, make men of genius to think fast. Probably including you, how to cultivate money to breed and give a plus to life. From most people will probably make a list when starting a business, whether the capital cost will be inversely proportional to income when it will start a business. Or conversely, not profit even stump.

When having a mediocre capital, must have in mind is to make an easy business but big income. Perhaps one solution is processing spinach chips. Besides the cheap, raw spinach is very easy to obtain, the spinach was not familiar with the weather conditions, the spinach can be grown at any time.

Therefore, why not inexhaustible spinach sold in the market. Spinach also contains excellent nutrition, high in fiber, rich in vitamins, beta carotene, minerals, iron, also has a very high protein.
Fat Free Spinach Leaves

Spinach has no fat at all, so it is free to consume people suffering from cholesterol. In spinach contains vitamin A which is good for the eyes, in addition to vitamin C and E for those who want to soften the skin.

So how to cultivate vegetables spinach so they can make more revenue for the future ?

Your capital amount : US$2
  • Price 4 bunch of spinach: US$0.2
  • Starch: USD $0.2
  • Small cooking oil: US$0.6
  • Herbs and spices (garlic, coriander, nutmeg, turmeric, and seasoning):US$0.3
  • A small plastic for wrapping: US$0.5 (fill 100)
With a capital of US$2 and total purchases: $1.8, you can still save US$0.2

Now let's calculate the fee :

If the bundle of spinach you can make 3 packs of spinach that are included in the pack spinach leaves 10 valued US$0.3

So for 4 bunch of spinach you can make 12 packs of spinach, then you get turnover is US$3.6, US$1.6 you will make a profit of US$0.2 plus your savings. Thus, the total gain of: US$1.8 of 4 bunch of spinach that cost US$0.2

With a capital tie 4 new spinach. That is green spinach, red spinach how to have a higher efficacy? Of course, the price you can customize the production costs are made.

Spinach chips to market
For marketing, you can leave him in the neighboring stalls, or if you are confident with flavor crisps are made and sure many who bought it, you should leave him in your nearest supermarket. Here's how to make a delicious crispy spinach and tempting.

Ingredients :
  • 4 bunch green or red spinach
  • 200 grams of rice flour
  • Sufficient water
  • Cooking oil
Spices :
  • 4 cloves of garlic and cut into rough
  • 1 teaspoon coriander
  • 3 eggs pecans, finely chopped
  • 1 segment turmeric, chopped coarse
  • Seasonings
 How to make it :
  • Rinse spinach leaves one at a time, open the sheet and dry.
  • Washed and spice ingredients until finely ground.
  • Provide a shallow dish and mix the flour, spices and dissolve with water.
  • Stir until it forms a dough, if you can not be too thin. Then heat the pan to medium heat cooking oil after previously given.
  • Wait until the hot oil
  • With tongs spinach dip one by one into the batter and fry until brown and dry,
  • Winds, spinach ready to put in the plastic.
  • Spinach can also add a variety of seasonings to taste, and you can buy it in the market. Co: cheese flavor, Barbeque, salty, sweet, etc.
Good luck and entrepreneurship. Do not give up and broken.

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