Sunday, February 10, 2013

Basic Points and Tips to Become a Successful Architect

Basic Points and Tips to Become a Successful Architect. You aspire to or even become an architect ? Yes. The architect is seen as a great professional and elite. No wonder so many students who aspire to become an architect. However, the architect is certainly not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. A lot of the basic things that should be considered and ruled to be a great architect.

Architect Definition

In the world of architecture or world-build-up, a term known architect. Then, what and who exactly architect ? Architect means a person who is an expert in the field of architecture, design expert or specialist built environment. However, the term architect is often narrowly defined as a building designer.

Designers of the building in this case is the person involved in the planning, designing, and overseeing construction. A designer of the building serves as a guide decisions that affect aspects of the building in terms of cultural, social, and most importantly, is a matter of aesthetics.

However, the meaning of 'building designer' is seen as less appropriate to define an architect. Actually, an architect has a very broad scope of work, including the scope of interior space, the scope of the building, the scope of the complex of buildings, to urban and regional scope.

Therefore, architects better rendered as a skilled or have expertise in the realm of the science of architecture, the design expert or the built environment. More broadly, the architect can be defined as a plan or scheme designer.

The term Architect

In fact, the term comes from the Latin architects, namely architectus. Apart from Latin, the term stems from the Greek architect, Architekton, meaning 'master' development with broken syllables archi 'chairman' and tekton 'builder or carpenter'.

In practice, the profession, the architect has an important role as a coach or representative of the owner of the building as the assignor. An architect must constantly monitor and ensure the implementation of projects in the field in accordance with bestek and agreements that have been agreed.

On larger projects, the role of the architect to be so important, that the board of directors so that he has the right to check the work of the contractor. If the irregularities encountered project, architects have the full right to stop the construction and contracting rules to improve, even dismantle, the part that is not according to the agreement.

Basic Points Become an Architect

Once again, the architect is not easy and can not be done with the mess as an architect requires confidence and integrity determination to devote himself to his profession. Therefore, there are some basic points that must be held to be an architect.

1. Aligning Intention Solely for Worship

To become an architect, you should certainly have the righteous intentions and make the profession as a field of worship. Straight intentions will certainly produce positive outcomes and satisfying and worth in the eyes of God's worship.

2. Be Courteous

Being polite is important apparently also owned by an architect. Polite in this case includes mannered looking, polite behavior and polite speech. As an educated and devout religion, the attitude is an absolute must be embedded in everyone because it is the key to success in this world and the Hereafter.

3. Able to Communicate Well

Not only an architect, any profession seems to demand the ability to communicate well. As it relates to the art of design, the architect would be able to communicate well-made designs to prospective clients.

Submission of a good communication is very important because no matter how great works made will only reap a failure if his ideas were not delivered well. Just look at the world's great architects. Besides proficient in their work, they have a very good diplomatic skills.

4. Mingle Easy and Friendly

An architect must be flexible in terms of human interaction regardless based on grade and position. Keep establish relationship with anyone that you do not feel awkward while in certain environments. You can use technology to the Internet as a medium to propagate relationships. Through the internet, you can introduce and promote yourself.

5. Able Understanding Psychological State Clients

Saying that the customer is king. Therefore, get to know the personality and character well. Understanding the client's psychological condition is very important because the science of architecture is a technique that relies on logic and art that is more about intuition.

Therefore, you should never impose your personal will on the client. Placed yourself as a partner, not as people who are more skilled, so that clients feel more comfortable. Convenience is what will make them feel valued as a complaint and desires.

After that, then you give input and to force solutions which are not so that the client will provide full confidence to complete the project.

6. Always Up to Date

As an architect, you are required to keep up with developments in the world of technology and information. Many sources can be selected for updating information, such as internet, magazines, newspapers, and various media and other technologies.

For smooth career, basic yourself with capable multimedia capabilities. Thus, you're more likely to suggest some design ideas in 3-dimensional or 3D visualization to prospective clients. With 3D visualization, clients will be more aware of the plan, piece, look, site plan, block plan, and other terms, which previously might sound familiar.

7. Professional

Each worker is required to be professional in carrying out its work, including an architect. Therefore, you should be professional when working on projects that have been awarded. Besides professionalism, your commitment of time as well as the agreed appointment must be upheld.

Tips on Becoming a Successful Architect

Besides having some basic points, you need the following tips in order to become a successful architect.
  1. In the early stages, you should consult with the school (particularly the guidance counselor). Seek advice from the teacher of the course most suited to support and prepare for your interest in majoring in architecture. Because the architecture is very close to the mathematical sciences, we recommend you take a course this arithmetic.
  2. Find information several universities that excel in the field of architecture. Then, find out early college admissions requirements are.
  3. Immediately you enroll into college you have selected. Make sure also that you have met the requirements. Do not forget to complete and submit all required documents the university.
  4. Muster all your skills to pass more quickly. More proud if it was able to graduate cum laude.
  5. Frequently architectural design competition since the college would be beneficial because when you graduate. Besides being able to exercise your creativity, liveliness you follow the various competitions will ease the way to get a job as an architect.
  6. Working part-time in college was important to support the success of your career forward. But of course you should choose a company engaged in the field of architecture as an internship. This method is very important to sharpen performance and increase the hours you fly about the world of design.
  7. Learn and controlled several application programs related to the design world or Computer Aided Design (CAD) as soon as possible. For example, AutoCAD, 3D Max, and Sketchup.
  8. After graduating from college, join the Association of Indonesian Architects (IAI). This is one of the key terms and the existence of a very necessary if you intend to open a credible design firm. IAI Besides, you can involve yourself to become a member of the Architectural community Muda Indonesia (AMI). Together with AMI, your expertise in managing modern contemporary designs will be more refined.
Those are some basic points and the key to success to be held and taken to be an architect.

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