Sunday, February 3, 2013

Apartment For Housing Options

Apartment For Housing Options. Such as apartment buildings or in English is called the apartment, lately more and more alone. Not only in Jakarta, in other cities too, the apartment was a lot of standing, for example, in Bandung. For people in urban, apartment can be used as an alternative housing option than houses. Well, this article will review more about the apartment. Here's his review.

Why Choose Apartment ?

Why more people are choosing apartment as a place to live ? Before discussing it, let the language surrounding the notion of the apartment. Apartment is a building in which consists of spaces and marketed by way of strata-tittle or leased. Actually, the apartment is a very appropriate place for young people because they are highly productive and high mobility. People like these automatic spending more time outside the home so that the home is only considered as a place to rest. In addition, they also do not have much time to take care of the house, spend leisure time at home, and run his hobby. Therefore, the most suitable place for that kind of person is a shelter that does not require much practical as well as the involvement of the residents to take care of him. Well, a residence with such characteristics is apartment.

Another advantage of the apartment is a very strategic location, which is in the city center. With a strategic location, a young couple living in the apartment will be easier to devote time to her son who was still require more attention from their parents.

Differences Apartment and Condominium

Do you know the difference between apartment and condo? Many people are actually still confused by the use of terms and condominium apartment. Condominium or often called the home is a term derived from English, the condominium. The word condominium is a combination of the Latin word con whose meaning 'together or join'. Meanwhile, the Condominium means 'possession or control'. When viewed from the origin said, condos are more likely to refer to the meaning of ownership, not referring to the type of dwelling. There is also an opinion that the condo is another form of housing tenure. As we know, in Indonesia there is the so-called right to build the flats. Then, what about the apartment ? Apartment dwelling or residence is a model shaped flats. Thus, the difference between the two is the emphasis, which is associated with the right condo, apartment, while referring to the physical building.

Actually, living in the condo lifestyle is not new because it has been done since Roman times, the sixth century BC. Residential condominium named does not have a ground, roof, and the road itself as the home in general. However, this condominium unit owners have the right to conduct any activity on the unit, for example, sell or rent to others. Among business man properties, apartment and word meaning distinctions are often associated with the condominium form of ownership. Apartment is used to refer to high rise or vertical residential condos for rent and the term refers to the apartment being sold for the purpose held by the buyer or owned by each resident. However, now there are a lot of apartment the status of a right of ownership. In addition, there is a term known as apartment rental and apartment services. Serviced apartment is for rent apartment complete with daily maid service (daily service) such as in a hotel, while apartment rents (non-servis) is the apartment for rent without the daily service, either fully furnish or non-furnish.

Apartment in Indonesia

In some developed countries, in Japan, for example, nearly 60 percent of his working life to live in apartments in the city center so that the center becomes solid. By Karen, the Japanese government issued incentives, namely the tax breaks, regulations, interest subsidies, and more. Meanwhile, residents and old-established given the freedom to live. Anyone living in the apartment and there are also living in the suburbs (away from the city center and the population is less). What about the apartment in Indonesia ? The reverse situation is happening in Indonesia. People who are still productive age, mobility is very high, and had no time to take care of the house, instead preferring to stay in the suburbs so it becomes inefficient. When in fact, their income may be increased.

Meanwhile, the well-established and have a large income prefer to stay in the city. The government did not provide policies or incentives to change the situation. This is evident from the attitude of the government just handed development of apartments to market mechanisms. What are the consequences ? Apartment which is marketed by the developer only for the upper class and luxury apartment can only be bought by the well-established. In Indonesia, this building is synonymous with exclusive residence for the upper classes and functions to regulate the distribution of the population, reduce congestion, effective mobility, controlling energy waste, and others.

That weakness residential development in Indonesia, which has no urban concept. Furthermore, the absence of ministers associated with this and there is only the minister of housing development. In recent years, there have been many developers are trying to market to middle-class apartment for the price of 600 million young people in the city. On the other hand, many developers are offering simple flats or rusun property at a price much cheaper. In fact, coupled with tax relief and mortgage interest subsidy from the government. This is an opportunity that should be utilized by young people as an alternative to choose residence apartment. At least, the apartment used for temporary shelter for them. Once the earnings start to grow, children grow up and have families living needs can no longer be accommodated in the apartment, moved into their new house in the suburbs.

Apartment they used to live then be rented to younger couples. So, the conclusion is the apartment is considered a temporary placing. Admittedly, for some people, the best place to establish a home and raise the baby was in a regular house or a landed house.

Living in Apartment

Staying in the apartment is different from living in a regular house. Here, the required attitude is simple, efficient, rational, practical, and independent. Mutual respect must also be higher because our neighbors not only in the left and right, but also above and below. Inviting guest or guests can no longer accept free at will as if staying at home. Besides disturbing the neighbors, the capacity of each apartment unit is very limited. If going to invite a lot of people and gathered in apartment, one can utilize the space in the apartment meeting room. At the residence, all the inhabitants were not able to do gardening activities or maintain trees at will. Collecting items should also be considered carefully because the room in apartment is very limited so if too much, it may not be included all of them into the room.

So, living in a communal apartment is modern culture, which respects diversity rationale. In this culture system tolerance are contained in the written rules and sanctions. This rule was drafted and approved by all the inhabitants passing Flats Residents Association (PPRS).

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