Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Angora cat breed - Get Some Opportunity In Business

Angora cat breed - Get Some Opportunity In Business. Currently, the cat can be a lucrative hobby business. In addition to bringing pleasure, keep the cat turned out beneficial because it can be used as a "printing press" money.

Business Outlook Angora Cats
People interested in cat breeding and selling kitties. Prospects bright and open to anyone interested in starting a business that. For breeding cattery cats or the term is quite easy. Cattery building could begin by using one of the rooms, such as rooms. Or turn a garage into a cattery. Bottom line, you do not have to spend huge capital to start this business. Besides the room, you need to provide for the care of the kitten cage. Also other means, such as the feeding and drinking.

Capital is the greatest mother cat. Parent pair can cost thousands of dollars, it depends on the scale of the business and targets to be targeted. You can start buying puppies, and care for her until old enough to be married. It could also simply buy a pair of the parent, even more. About the quality, you should already have an idea of ??the market, the quality of the contest or pet.

Business Developments Angora Cats
In Indonesia, in the 1990s, many people who are interested in Angora cats. Until now, too, is quite popular breed of cat than the type persian cats. This cat type preferred by a charming figure, thick fur, long, and thick, making it seem more glamorous.

Breeding cats approach is not easy to imagine. Many things must be considered when the plunge as a breeder. Armed with the mother cat is not enough. You should have a basic knowledge of maintenance cat.

Knowledge in question is the right age when a cat is ready married, marriage procedures, and how to care the kitties. A variety of books about cats can be studied or learned on the experienced breeder. It takes patience, perseverance, and compassion in cats. It's not dead cat business, and is always interested people who want pets in the house. That's because a variety of reasons people love cats, like the figure of funny, charming feather, and a fun playmate.

However, it all depends on consumer preferences regarding the quality of the cat wants. As a breeder should be able to predict the needs of hobbyists, both cats for a contest or just a pet.

It was of course related to the price. In the market, the price of a cat can reach US$1000 quality contest, and more. While the range of quality pet US$100 - US$300.000. It also depends on the quality and age. Another quality cat breeds that are marketed at a price of around US$300 - US$600.

So, in this case the goal as breeders must be clear, not print quality cat contest or just a pet cat alone. Everything must be planned carefully, start holding elections, the location of breeding, maintenance costs, and so forth. Success or failure also depends on the extent to which breeders can get enough knowledge to breed cats stock.

Tips on Caring for Cats Angora
Cat species in the world there are so many kinds. Each type has its own peculiarities different from the others. The process developed by crossbreeding humans also cause a cat that is the result of fusion. Type cat classified bias of the short length of its fur. Cats with long fur Angora is very popular in Indonesia. Its popularity in terms of costliness and beauty of feathers attached to the skin.

Small children and the women like Angora cats types, cats generally being cute and adorable animals when treated well. For those of you who have and are planning to woo kind Angora cats here are tips on buying and maintaining it with ease:

1. Prepare pets to live healthier and better adaptable

Prepare a proper enclosure and adequate equipment in the home. With a clean and free of distractions, Angora cats can live without the stress. Angora were stressed or not healthy can not be seen from the agile movement and feathers everywhere.

2. Buying Angora type cat

Having Angora cats must be the correct path, go to the sales center Angora cat with an official certificate. Without the certificate may be a cat that has been treated with either raided by government officials. Although more expensive than non-certified, the certificate will also determine how expensive the later offspring produced.

3. Lineage Angora cat

Not only humans who have to have a pedigree or lineage is clear. Angora cats that have a good pedigree will produce a good kid too. Ask any pedigree Angora clearly sold on the site, if there is a best option to drop the cat.

4. Angora cat kind of healthy

If buying a cat Angora type of course healthy and free from various animal diseases. The animal signs for this one is straight up and it will alert if the tail is held while sleeping. Although cats generally have time to sleep as much as 2/3 of the time daily.

Angora type cat healthy and free from various diseases have thick fur. He does not fester because of an ulcer on the body, especially the skin a cat is sick animal shows. Angora thick fur also show does not have fleas when healthy. If the cat suffered a tick, that means they are experiencing pain.

As with other animals, cats kind of Angora also remove the dirt. When he is healthy, this cat excreting solid. Conversely, if ill, liquid or watery stools.

5. Grooming

This type of Angora cats should have a different treatment than other ordinary cat. Its fur is cleaned by combed every day in a way the opposite of the direction of the hair growth. The benefit is to shed the feathers off so it does not snag on the feathers follow and still alive and giving massages to make the blood circulation running smoothly.

The fur on the cat's death is not wasted and can result in matted fur so matted. There is also the result of other causes hairball. The term is a term for clot hairball fur in the digestive tract as possible participate swallowed when she licked his fur.

6. Combing hair in the opposite direction

Combing hair should be opposite to the direction Angora fur growth. Comb from neck forward slowly. Strive Angora cats enjoy strokes given to him. Comb used is made of a metal comb with teeth that are not too loose.

7. Lap Angora before combed

Lap is a lab used with a soft cloth such as washlap and Kanebo. It aims to remove the dirt on the cat hair before combing. This activity allows the cat well maintained.

8. Angora bathe once in 2 weeks

Buy a shampoo that is destined for similar Angora cat. Bathing cats too often is not good for health, because the skin moist cat will be vulnerable overgrown by fungal damage. Angora Wash in clear weather and the sun started to look after morning.

To produce quality offspring Angora treat at home as possible. Hopefully Angora cat your business booming.

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