Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Aglaonema - Beauty Bearer Sustenance

[Aglaonema] Illustration aglaonema
Aglaonema - Beauty Bearer Sustenance. Overview aglaonema like ordinary plants that grow in the area of housing. However, the longer the color that varies with the shape of the leaves makes a lot of lovers of lush plants maintain even grown. Maintaining crop is arguably enough attention you even prone. The attention you give to plants known as Sri fortune will bring tremendous advantages. Buying aglaonema means creating investment fields. The price of a medium-sized pot can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars. No wonder so many people are not lovers of ornamental plants even want to cultivate.

Cultivation Aglaonema

No one can live in damp places and should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Some are only able to live in a dry place and should be exposed to the sun every day. No wonder this plant is often categorized plants 'fleas'. There are approximately 30 species spread across several regions around the world. If you want to plant, consider the air temperature, humidity, light and location of growth. Aglaonema can grow above the height of 300-400 meters above sea level. Some species was grown on the lowlands.

Aglaonema both grow in a shady location and not too often exposed to the sun light with an intensity of 10 to 30%. The air temperature around the site ranged from 28-300 Celsius during the day and 20-220 Celsius at night. In terms of moisture, this plant can receive between 50-70%. If the humidity in cropping media more than it usually appears fungus or fungi that can interfere with growth. He serves as an ornamental plant, the plant is widely kept in the room to fill aesthetics in it.

Prepared planting medium should be free of bacteria or germs, has ph 7, strong and not easily broken. Moisture is a neutral ph that should be the manner in which certain plants because they contain abundant nutrients.

Unlike other plants, which have a ph aglaonema 6 or 6.5 is considered ideal ph. In addition, the media cropping should have the ability to remove excess water or porosity. Porosity is strongly influenced by the environment such as humidity and altitude growing media. High porosity is required in areas with high rainfall intensity and located in the highlands. Meanwhile, in a place that has low rainfall and are on high ground, planting medium must be maintained to prevent dryness.

Although the plant is classified as a plant that is strong enough durability, but he was not spared from pests and diseases. Pests that attack these plants include grasshoppers, white lice, lice shield, caterpillars, mites scales and root mealy bugs.

Diseases that often strike aglaonema include :


Be aware of your aglaonema turned into curly leaves and creamy. These changes occur due to viruses that attack and destroy other tissues chlorophyll in the leaves. Difficult to treat virus aglaonema already but you can prevent it by doing tissue culture, planting seeds, cuttings, seedlings and grafts separation.

    Fusarium wilt

Ph aglaonema in this condition tend to be low because of the media using the earnings to be very wet. Symptoms occur in the bone leaves turned pale.

Growing Media Aglonema

As mentioned just above, this plant can use a planting medium that varies depending on the type of plant. There are several types of growing media that can be used, among other things:


Fern roots have a strong resistance, not easily fragile, and very good at absorbing and storing water. In addition, drainage or plumbing is good, easy to grow, and have aeration or optimal airflow.


Tree whose leaves are similar to the plant is easily embarrassed daughter moist so often covered by swarms of parasitic fungi. In addition, it is also fragile and easily the longest is only about 6 months. Therefore, kaliandra very suitable for use as growing media in a slightly inclined rainfall and hot and dry.

    Sand Malang

Poor sand to absorb water well and nearly matching fern. That way, he is more often used as a growing media in a lot of water and tend to be wet.


Growing media is processed coconut fiber. Cocopeat brown and while still in the form of blocks obtained resemble brick mold. Cocopeat is best used in a dry and hot that Aglonema growing media to be a little more moist. Although it can hold water in relatively large quantities, cocopeat turns easily fragile.

    Husk Fuel

Growing media is widely used because it has a sterile properties with durability up to 12 months. Even so, the absorbance of the water is actually not good. Therefore, it must be combined with other agents that are able to absorb water. Airflow in the husk fuel is quite good.

How to use the media to get the right plant, you also need to know the right combination and comparison between the fifth. This is so your plants quite long lasting and not susceptible to pests and diseases. The combination can be positioned as follows:
  • 3: 2: 1 for ferns, poor sand, and kaliandra.
  • 1: 1: 1: 1 for ferns, husk fuel, poor sand and humus.
  • 2: 1: 1: 1 for ferns, husk fuel, poor sand and cocopeat.
  • 2: 1: 1: 1 for Palis, poor sand, husk fuel and cocopeat.
  • 5: 3: 2 for cocopeat, husk fuel and organic compost.
Treatment Aglaonema
After a suitable planting medium and the planting is done, do not forget to take care of plants from their natural habitat is tropical rain forest. Phases of treatment plants can be done in the following way:


In this phase, as well as other plants, Aglaonema get enough nutrition. You can buy special fertilizers for this crop. If not you can also use inorganic fertilizers and compound fertilizers with brand varies. Listen carefully in order to guide the use of fertilizers and nutritional composition suitable enough. It would be wise if you give a low but frequent doses than high doses given only occasionally.


In this phase you need to look at a place to stay aglaonema cultivated. Basically these plants need water in considerable amounts. See also the media cropping conditions can be adjusted so that the dose watering. Flush this plant as often as possible but do not let it stagnate and eventually make it obsolete.

    Replacement Growing Media

As with other plants that need a new change of atmosphere, aglaonema too. Replace the media cropping every 6 to 12 months to maintain the health of your plants this.

    Identify Pests and Diseases

Identify pests and diseases that can attack plants that are not cambium this. This is done so that you can quickly anticipate if there are signs of contracting.

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