Tuesday, February 26, 2013

8 things more enjoyable than sex

8 things more enjoyable than sex. Talking about sex is an endless stream. Sex is always exciting to be a topic of conversation, especially for them, the cult of sex. However, at this time we do not review will discuss more about sex. Instead, we disclose other things that could be more interesting than sex.
Hmm, what other things are more interesting than sex ? Interesting is not it ? Check out the following pages to find the answer.

1. Nets Houses

A survey in the United Kingdom in 2006 concluded that 30% of women are more satisfied than when successful cleaning house to get satisfaction from sex. National Housework Survey conducted this survey certainly makes men upset because their effort was not satisfying your partner better than greatness vacuum cleaner and his friends.

2. Diet Success

According to a survey conducted by the World AOL Heath, 26% of women are more satisfied when they successfully lose weight up to 5 pounds than sexual gratification. Hmm including you?

3. Sport

Why exercise is called better than sex ? Okay, call it a sport is soccer. In football, people will play with a duration longer than average to have sex, which is 90 minutes or maybe even more. What is more, in football we can also score from the head or foot. One of the more important, size is no longer important :D

4. Asleep Sleep

According to the World sleep Well, a study conducted by Stanford University mentioned that a deep sleep on the value favors sexual gratification. The research was reinforced by reports The Daily Independent saying that 80% of the UK population prefers good night's sleep than have sex.

Meanwhile, the Edinburgh Sleep Center also released a similar statement. 79.2% of people prefer to sleep soundly when compared to sex. Do you think ?

5. Internet

Period growing, so does the technology that increasingly pamper men. line with these developments, emerged a 'opium' delight called the internet. The sophistication of the Internet is considered as one of the more than sexual pleasure.

Why ? According to the Wi-fiplanet.com, internet surfing can be done to still be hanging out with family and friends. Besides efficiency shopping in cyberspace is also regarded as a better value.

6. Expression of Love

Another thing that is considered more beautiful when compared to sex is the moment when the couples say the words 'I Love You' for the first time. Considered to be the most memorable moment when compared to sex. Do you agree ?

7. Massage

Massage from an expert is one that is considered more enjoyable than sex. Agency fitter without having to spend energy. Not to mention if the package plus a spa, sauna and others.

8. Hug

Hugs from loved ones when we need it is considered much more beneficial when compared to sex. Because hugs can give a feeling of serenity and peace and protected.

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