Monday, January 28, 2013

Various Links in the World Wide Web

Various Links in the World Wide Web. Link is a term that refers to the hypertext document into another document or other source that usually also called hyperlinks. Link can also mean a series of words or phrases or images in a web page links to web-yan another, be it from the web page itself or from other web pages. In other words, the link is an excerpt a quote or literature obtained from other literature, but the concept of the web on the Internet. Textual relationship is combined with a data network access in accordance with the protocol so that a computer will be required to obtain the referenced source. In the Indonesian language itself, a link or hyperlink is a link or text and images which when clicked, it will go to a page as determined by the creator of the hyperlink.

The use of a hyperlink in the blog and the site is useful to create a navigation required in making a description of an object of study. Each hyperlink always has a source and direction that determines a page of text or images associated with the object. Sources in the hyperlink is a hyperlink itself, either in the form of text pages or in the form of text or images (or so-called anchor text).  For a while, toward the goal of a hyperlink (anchor text) that can be linked from the web page itself or from third party web pages. The purpose of creating hyperlinks is usually to facilitate the search of digital information in the web to get detailed information and other information associated with the object sought. For example, in a web page found the keyword "making of paper," and then in the page there is an overview of the types of papers. Then, when clicked "types of writing" it, will see a page of text or graphics on the types of papers.

Page that appears is usually still in the web. However, it is possible if the page that appears when a hyperlink is clicked, the page will appear from another website. In other words, the hyperlink is useful to get more detailed information from multiple web pages suggested by the readable web users.

How to Make Text Links

As already mentioned above, an hyperlink text likewise called anchor text, which is the main web page in the search with saved several hyperlinks as links related to the text itself. To create a hyperlink text in website or blog, it takes no complicated steps. You just go to the blog post or web menu, then highlight or blocks of words or phrases that will be used as a hyperlink. After that, click the link at the bottom or top of the chart paper, and enter the URL address of the link that will be addressed or link.

Code base that is usually used in making hyperlink is combined with the attribute tag which refers to the pages in the blog itself or from another party website pages. In general, the HTML code of the link is as follows. href = "url"> anchor text Href = "url" in this code for to show the web address that will be addressed, while the anchor text is a word, phrase, or image that will appear as a hyperlink object. For example, the following code which contains the anchor text:

Knowing how to Making Link Text in Web Pages

The code will take you to the article entitled "How To Know Making Link Text in Web Pages".

How to Make a Picture Link

In making a hyperlink to an image, you need two hyperlink url address, the destination url with the url of the image itself. To get the image url, you do not have to do things because by default if you do upload an image on an image hosting site, then the outside or on the bloggers themselves will automatically contain a link. Hyperlink is what leads to images that diungah earlier. For example, you can mouse over the picture and at the bottom of your browser, you'll see the hyperlink of the image.

The code examples contained in the link following link. (image code)

Then, insert it into your web page. That way, it will display the hyperlink leads to a blog page that has been contained in it.

Miscellaneous Links on the Web

In the world of social networking sites and you can find out various things about the meaning and how to create a hyperlink. One that you can know more about these kinds of hyperlinks are commonly found on the internet site. Here are the kinds of hyperlinks in question :

1. Open Link Automatic

Open Link can automatically open without the need to click. Same is the case with hyperlinks in general, form and function of a hyperlink automatically opens it just the same. Only, its use will be immediately open without needing clicked. Enough is directed only on the hyperlink, you can instantly get detailed information from keywords in hyperlinks mounted her. To make a hyperlink open automatically, you need to make the code as the code hyperlink below.

Blog Dodolipret Demo

It will appear Dodolipret Blog Demo. However, this has the disadvantage that hyperlink if you've added a command character target = "_blank" hyperlink will still be open on this page.

2. Link Blinking

Hyperlink is a link that can blink. However, the flicker has no meaning or function of the web. To create a hyperlink like this, you just add the code that is then covered with a code on the use of the Firefox browser because the code can not be executed by the user's browser Chrome. Here is a sample code of a hyperlink to flash.

Open Link in New Tab to-As a result, you can go to the "Links to Open New Tab".

3. Open Link in New Tab to

This hyperlink may allow you to go directly into a new tab so it does not need to open a new tab to be able to go to another page. Simply click on the hyperlink, you will go straight into a new tab containing information on matters relevant to the page you were looking objects.

4. Open Link URL to Many

To be able to go directly to some URL address in just one click, you can use this hyperlink to the code like the one below.

anchor text

Address URL 1 is filled with the address first. URL address 2 and so added to get to the other url address. Anchor text is the text or phrase that appears as a link.

May be useful !

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