Sunday, January 27, 2013

Tantalum alias Ta, Corrosion Resistant Chemical Elements

Tantalum alias Ta, Corrosion Resistant Chemical Elements. In the periodic table, you will find a chemical element symbol Ta. Chemical element with atomic number 73 it is Tantalum, or formerly known as tantalium. Chemical elements is a transition metal corrosion found in the mineral tantalite. Tantalum is currently widely used as materials for surgical tools and components of electronic devices such as cell phones, DVD players, and computers.

History of Element Discovery Chemistry Ta

Tantalum is found in Sweden in 1802 by Anders Ekeberg. A year earlier, the chemical element columbium discovered by Charles Hatchett. This led to the emergence of the idea to compare Tantalum with columbium. Was an English chemist named William Hyde Wollaston in comparing the levels of columbium and tantalum oxide. The results showed columbium density gram/cm3 5918 while Tantalum 7.935 gram/cm3. Through a series of studies, it was concluded that both are chemical elements that are identical. Tantalum is more often used when the creation of the emerging light bulb. Filament for the light bulb is often made of tantalum, until its function replaced by tungsten. Tantalum name itself is taken from Greek mythology, Tantalus. Tantalus was the father of Niobe.

In mythology, told Tantalus was condemned to continue kneeling knees immerse in water with fruits emerge from the top of his head. If he drank the water below, the water would recede so he can not drink anymore, and if he ate the fruit on it, will branch away so could not be reached anymore.

Ekeberg, the discoverer who Tantalum chemical element is named so. Name of the chemical element Tantalum likens inability to absorb acids that shelter, and he immersed in the acid. This is depicted in mythology chert, as Tantalus who can not 'absorb' or enjoy the water underneath and fruits on it. Over the decades, the technology to separate from the Tantalum Niobium attached to it include the crystallization fraction of Potassium Heptafluorotantalate oxypentafluoroniobate monohydrate. Crystallization process was first carried out by Jean Charles de Marignac Galissard in 1866. Separation method of Niobium Tantalum has now been replaced by the extraction process Tantalum containing fluoride with liquid solvent.

Elements of Chemical Characteristics Ta

Tantalum is a metal black (sometimes blue-gray) is dense, very hard, can be formed, easily created, and able to deliver heat and electricity. Tantalum is famous for its corrosion resistance due to acid. Furthermore, at temperatures below 150 ° C Tantalum is completely immune to attacks known aggressive aqua regia. Tantalum can be dissolved in a liquid containing hydrofluoric acid and sulfur trioxide fluride ions in solution and potassium hydroxide. Boiling point of tantalum is at 3017 ° C. These metals exist in two crystalline forms, namely alpha and beta. Alfanya shape more soft and malleable, with a cubic structure centered on the physical. Meanwhile beta form of metal is more hard and brittle, crystalline form of symmetry is tetragonal.

The beta form can be converted into alpha through a heating process at a temperature of 750-775 ° C. Tantalum big usually shaped alpha, while beta form usually appears in the form of thin layers. Tantalum forms oxides in the oxidation state +5 (Ta2O5) and +4 (TaO2). The most stable oxidation state is +5, called Tantalum pentoxide. Tantalum pentoxide is the basic ingredient other tantalum compound formation. The compounds are created by dissolving the pentoxide in basic hydroxide liquid or a melt in other metal oxides. Examples of such compounds are lithium tantalite tantalite and lanthanum.

Where chemical element Ta Be Found ?

There are different kinds of minerals Tantalum, often used as a raw material of industrial activities. Types of Tantalum minerals include Tantalite, Euxenite, Niobium, Wodginite, Microlite, and Polycrase. Australia is the continent most Tantalum producer. Biggest companies that produce them are Global Advanced Metals, formerly known as Talison Minerals. The company has two mines in Western Australia. Meanwhile, the world's largest producer Niobium is Brazil and Canada. The two countries also produce Tantalum, even in small amounts. Some other countries such as Ethiopia, China, and Mozambique also contain Tantalum. Other countries are Malaysia and Thailand, which produce Tantalum. Tantalum in the two countries is a byproduct of the mining of tin.

From various studies, it was concluded that the supply of Tantalum in the future can be found in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, China, Mozambique, Canada, Australia, United States, Finland, and Brazil. Combined mineral called Coltan Tantalite and columbite. Coltan is found in Central Africa, especially the Republic of Congo. Coltan Mining in there cause a lot of controversy in the field of nature conservation and economics, as to cause discord in the region.

Benefits and Use of Chemical Elements Ta

Corrosion-resistant tantalum is very much beneficial for human life. Through various studies, Tantalum raw material can be processed into useful objects. The following are the benefits of Tantalum in some aspects of the industry ;

1. Electronic

Benefits Tantalum metal is in the form of powder as a raw material in the production of electronic components. Tantalum is normally used to create high-powered capacitor and resistor. Electronic capacitors exploit the tendency of tantalum to form Tantalum oxide surface layer that is protecting. The Tantalum powder is pressed to form a pill that is used as a "plate" capacitor. Due to a very thin dielectric layer, high capacitance can be achieved in a small volume. That's the advantage of Tantalum dielectric layer. Small in size and light weight, so it is widely used as a component in mobile phones, computers (PCs), and so on.

2. Raw Materials Metals Mixed

Tantalum is also used to produce various types of solid alloy and has a high melting point. When mixed with other metals, tantalum can be used in making carbide tools for metal production equipment and production of superalloys are used as jet engine components. Also, it can also be produced nuclear reactor components, chemical process equipment and missile components. Due to high elasticity, Tantalum can be converted into wires or filaments of high quality that can be used for evaporating metals such as aluminum. Tantalum ability to counteract the damage by body fluids and not irritate the stomach, Tantalum is used to make surgical instruments and implants. For example, a layer that easily absorbs Tantalum is used in the construction of orthopedic implants due Tantalum ability to bond directly with body tissues.

Tantalum is known inert against various acids, except for sulfuric acid and acid hidrofluorika. Meanwhile, hot lye can corrode Tantalum. These characteristics make it ideal as a manufacturer of metal pipes and vessels for liquid chemical reactions that can cause corrosion. Another alloy made of tantalum heat exchanger coil is used in heating systems of hydrochloric acid vapor. Tantalum is also used in the production of electron tubes with very high frequency radio transmitter. Tantalum does have the ability to capture oxygen and nitrogen by forming nitrides and oxides, so it is useful to support the needs of high-vacuum electron tubes.

3. Other Usage

High melting point and resistance to oxidation caused Tantalum is widely used as raw material for part of the vacuum furnace. Tantalum is very inert, so it can be formed into a variety of objects, corrosion resistance, such as thermowells, valve parts, and lock on a variety of objects.

Thus, information about the chemical elements known as Ta Tantalum. May be useful!

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