Monday, January 28, 2013

Shortcut Virus - Virus Bullies on Windows

Shortcut Virus - Virus Bullies on Windows. Virus is one of the bullies on the operating system of a computer. As a widely used operating system, Windows performance is often compromised by a virus. One virus that pretty much annoy the users computer is virus Shortcut. Although considered harmless (at some level), the virus is still disturbing to hide data and make copies in the form of false shortcut. Let's look at information about this virus.

Shortcut Virus

This virus is a virus that works by creating a shortcut and the junction of a particular folder, and hide the original folder so that it was just a dummy shortcut. Several variants of this virus even comes with Recycled or Recycler folder. It works exploiting Windows system by inserting Trojan and worms, especially on cmd.exe and explorer.exe. Initially there is only one shortcut virus variant, the Recycler folder on the storage media (can be flash, memory card, etc.). Then came the Ramnit virus that has Recycled folder. The most recent was Autoit.anaj virus. The characteristics of this virus is that it makes Recycler folder is compressed into recycler.exe. Virus variants have in common, which makes junction or a shortcut to trick computer users open a file containing a virus.

Among the variants mentioned above, Ramnit virus is the most common infecting computers. Variant virus was first detected in 2010, when he was 'stuck' in the USB drive and the data files. "Exe". At first Ramnit is simply a type of worm that has no significant hazards for not having the ability to really harm. However, in 2011, detected Ramnit capable of capturing data from web session, which facilitates the online hacker crime. Ramnit Virus is itself a virus Trojan / backdoor. That is, he will be active when its host computer connects to the Internet. It will automatically download other viruses from the virtual world, with the names and sizes of the different viruses that are difficult to trace. This is what causes the virus Ramnit difficult to be detected and cleaned by antivirus.

"Contagion" is a virus from one computer to another computer through portable media, such as flash, CDs, memory cards, and so on. The virus can also be spread by an infected file on a network file system that are shared with other computers. More chillingly, the virus is able to replicate itself whenever it finds a new computer that has not been infected.

Characteristics and Shortcut Virus Infection Symptoms

In general, computers are infected with this virus has the following characteristics.
  1. There are files named "Copy of Shortcut to (1). Lnk", Copy of Shortcut to (2). Lnk ", Copy of Shortcut to (3). Lnk", Copy of Shortcut to (4). Lnk "in flash or other portable media. The files are a form of duplication (doubling yourself) virus when executed by the computer user.
  2. Virus into action by making internet browser aka browser to 'awesome'. Special video games, commercials, to pornographic images are automatically displayed in large quantities and continuously, during which a computer is connected to the internet.
  3. Coat flash or other portable media infected transformed from a form of removable media folder. If it is so, it is usually inaccessible flash and a warning will pop up saying "Access is denied". Message will also appear reads "Compressed (zipped) folder" when users try to access its flash it.
  4. Once infected computer, the virus will be rampant and difficult to eradicate. Even when the user right-clicks on the computer, indirectly, the virus becomes active.
  5. Furthermore, these viruses often displays an alert "Virtual Memory Minimum Too Low".
Parent virus is present in the directory [% USB Flash%: RECYCLER% name_acak%. Exe]. Shortcut virus infects files with the extension ". Exe", and the infected file was a large increase in size (107 KB larger) than the original file size. Furthermore, the file will be duplicated in the same folder. Pretty gruesome and disturbing, is not it ? The virus is not immediately show symptoms of infection significantly. To check whether your computer is infected with this virus, there are easy ways :
  1. Enable browser or Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.).
  2. Turn off the browser and then open the Task Manager by pressing CTRL, ALT, and DEL on your keyboard simultaneously.
  3. Go to the Processes tab and see if there's information that runs a browser (when using Internet Explorer means there iexplorer.exe, when using Firefox means there firefox.exe, etc.).
  4. If anything, it means your computer is infected with a virus Shortcut positively disturbing.
Combating Shortcut Virus on flash

Basically, this virus will not necessarily infect computers via flash if you're not a haphazard open and execute files on the infected flash. Therefore, please check your flash before you open the files in it. If there is an autorun.inf file, or Recycler folder and all the files turned into shortcut form, do not open the file.

Flash (or other portable media) that carry this virus could be cleaned easily. How ?

  1. Plug the stick into your computer, but do not open it (let alone).
  2. Click the Start Menu and select "Run".
  3. Type 'cmd' (omit the quotes) in the field provided and click OK.
  4. Let's assume that your computer is flash Drive (F :). Enter this command: attrib-h-r-s / s / d f: *. *
  5. Replace the letter 'f' on the line with flash drives used by you. Then press Enter.
  6. Out of the windows that are currently open and pull the flash. Plug the flash back and check whether the virus has been eradicated.
Shortcut to Eradicate Computer Virus

Meanwhile, if the virus is already infecting your computer, you can eliminate them in accordance with your computer's operating system. The first step that must be done is to disable the System Restore, updating antivirus program to use, and perform deep scanning process on the system. Furthermore, if you are using Windows XP, do the following :

1. Insert the Windows XP CD into the CD-ROM drive of your computer and then restart the computer.
2. At the screen "Welcome to Setup", press "R" to start the Recovery Console process.
3. Select the Windows installation option requires the use of a password for the administrator.
4. Use the command "fixmbr" to restore the Master Boot Record.
5. Follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on the screen.
6. Perform reset and eject the CD from the CD-ROM drive.

Meanwhile if you are using Windows Vista operating system or Windows 7, Shortcut virus eradication procedures below can help:

1. Insert the Windows CD into the CD-ROM drive and restart the computer.
2. Click the "Repair Your Computer".
3. When the System Recovery option appears, choose the Command Prompt.
4. There, enter the command bootrec / fixmbr to restore the Master Boot Record.
5. Follow the step-by-step instructions that appear on the screen.
6. Perform reset and eject the CD from the CD-ROM drive.

After the above steps completed, try to turn on the computer and do check whether the virus is still there or not. Testing can be done by doing a complete scan of the computer or by checking the presence of infection symptoms mentioned above. Thus, information about the virus and how to eliminated this Shortcut. May be useful !

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