Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Let Practicing Gymnastics Association

Let Practicing Gymnastics Association. Basic gymnastics is a form of physical exercise in a systematic, organized, and planned to perform specific movements to get to and benefits for the body. Floor exercises are generally performed during warming up or warming up to face the next activity. The form is very simple exercises, which include flexibility exercises, balance and strength.

Flexibility exercises

In flexibility training or flexibility, there are some parts that have to be trained so that when we did not conduct further injury. As for the parts that need to be trained, which is as follows.

1. Exercise 
Flexibility Neck Joints

Movement of the neck joint flexibility exercises can be done by following the following ways.

Initial attitude :
  • Stand up straight,
  • Feet shoulder width apart,
  • Hands on hips.
Gestures :
  • Tilt the head to the left and to the right,
  • Just nod your head up and down,
  • Playback head to the left and to the right alternately with open eyes.
Each movement done as much as 8 times.

2. Togok Flexibility Exercises and Shoulder Joints

Movement in togok and flexibility exercises of the shoulder joint can be done by following the steps below.

Initial attitude :
  • Feet shoulder width apart,
  • The humpback,
  • Second hand holding a wall or a single bolt.
The movements are performed while doing flexibility exercises is to deprive the body down repeatedly. Usually the movement is performed 8 times. In addition to earlier movements, and flexibility exercises togok shoulder joint can also be done in other ways, namely as follows.

Initial attitude :
  • Place one foot in front,
  • The hands holding the wall,
  • The upright.
Meanwhile, the movement done by the body to tear off the front a few times.

3. Flexibility Exercises Shoulder Joints

The movement of the shoulder joint flexibility exercises can be done by following the following ways.

Early Attitudes :
  • Feet shoulder width apart,
  • Hand-held or linked, between your fingers are behind the body,
  • The upright.
Gestures :
  • Encourage hand or arm back up,
  • Mutual attraction between the two hands,
  • Perform repeated with alternate positions.
4. Waist Flexibility Exercises

Movement waist flexibility exercises can be done by following the steps below.

Initial attitude :
  • Feet shoulder width apart,
  • Body upright,
  • The second hand on the elbow on the head.
Own movement is done by tilting the body to the left and to the right.

5. Flexibility Exercises Joints Neck, Waist, Bottom and Legs

Movement joint flexibility exercises neck, waist, and lower limb can be done by following the steps below.

Initial attitude :
  • Sitting with her legs open wide,
  • The upright, arms outstretched.
Gestures :
  • Agency and head tilted to the left,
  • The right hand touching the left foot, left hand between two legs,
  • Perform repetitive and changing direction.
In addition to the above motion, joint flexibility exercises neck, hips, and lower limbs can also be done by following the steps below.

Initial attitude :
  • Sit on the floor with his left hand,
  • Left leg crossed, foot beside the right leg,
  • The right arm is placed on the upper leg / knee, right leg straight.
Gestures :
  • Face head to the left rear, turning left towards the body,
  • Right elbow presses the upper leg / knee toward the right,
  • Perform repetitive and changing direction.
In addition to the five movements that have been described above, there are seven basic gymnastics movements that have to be done. Thus, total flexibility exercises all in floor exercises consist of 12 exercises. The seventh movement of other exercises that may include the following exercises.
  1. Flexibility exercises of the hip joint,
  2. Flexibility exercises waist,
  3. Flexibility exercises knee and ankle joints,
  4. Wrist flexibility exercises,
  5. Flexibility exercises of the wrist joint and arm muscles,
  6. Flexibility exercises back muscles and the back leg
  7. Flexibility exercises of the hip joint and leg muscles.
All of these exercises should be done systematically and regularly. In addition to reducing the risk of injury during subsequent movements, basic training is also believed to provide positive benefits though do not to deal with other activities. In other words, the basic gymnastic exercises can be done at any time without having to proceed with other activities.

Balance Exercises

In addition to flexibility exercises, the basic gymnastics there are also other types of exercise that should be done in a systematic and integrated way. Exercise in question is balance training. The following authors will describe the steps that must be done when they wanted to do balance exercises.

Initial attitude :
  • Stand with feet together,
  • Both hands outstretched to the side.
Gestures :
  • Raise your right leg back, alternating with the left leg (makes gesture aircraft),
  • Lift the right leg to the side, alternating with the left leg (ankle held by hand).
This balance training also appeared to be done by doing other exercise movements, as described below.

Initial attitude :
  • Sleep on your back with legs straight and close together,
  • Both arms at his sides.
Gestures :
  • Pull both legs up in the state meeting,
  • The hands holding her hips to help make the body and legs straight up,
  • Rests on the shoulders.
Meanwhile, to improve balance and strength of the abdominal muscles, these exercises can be done by following the steps below.

Initial attitude :
  • Sitting,
  • Limbs meetings,
  • Both hands on the thighs.
Gestures :
  • Lift leg with his legs straight,
  • Arms straight, hands touch the raised leg,
  • Perform repetitive.
After completion of the movement balance exercises, you can continue by doing strength training movements. How to movements in strength training should be done ? Here's the explanation.

Strength Training

Strength training exercises include several movements, ie leg muscle strength training; muscle strength training arms, shoulders, and chest; abdominal muscle strength training; exercises back muscle strength, and the latter is a hand muscle strength exercises. The following will explain about each of the exercises that have been mentioned earlier.

1. Exercise Leg Muscle Strength

To perform leg muscle strength training can be done by following the steps below.

Initial attitude :
  • Squatting, standing committed repeatedly,
  • Up and down the bench is done repeatedly.
2. Strength Training Arm, Shoulder, and Chest

Movement strength training arms, shoulders, and chest can be done by following the steps below.

a. Push up

This movement can be done in the following way.

Initial attitude :
  • The stomach straight,
  • Foot meetings,
  • Hand in addition to chest, elbows bent and hands placed on the floor.
Gestures :
  • Push the body upward by straightening the arms, then lower the body by bending your elbows.
  • Repeat this body up and down repeatedly.
b. Walking with Hand

Motion exercises should be done in pairs cause will have no one who holds our feet. Here are the steps to do when they want to do this exercise.
  • Initial attitude :
  • The straight face down as if to do a push up,
  • The ankle is held by our partner,
  • Arm straight.
After the initial attitude is done, continue with the walking motion using the hand, where the attitude of the hand should be straight and your palms on the floor. For another exercise, the abdominal muscle strength training can be done by doing sit ups. As for the back muscle strength training can be done with the back lift. Then, to exercise the power of the hand can be done by lifting the body. Well, so discussion of some ways that can be done while doing the floor exercises. In order to obtain maximum results, each of these movements should be done systematically, patterned, and of course periodically.

Hopefully useful.

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