Monday, January 28, 2013

Learning About Microsoft Power Point

Learning About Microsoft Power Point. What is Microsoft Power Point ? Microsoft Power Point is a computer program developed by Microsoft in the office application package for presentation purposes, along with other Microsoft programs, such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Access. At first, Microsoft Power Point is run on a computer operating system based Xenix. However, the program was then developed to run on a computer operating system based on Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh operating system Apple Mac OS.

This application is typically used by various groups, from the office, businesses, educators, students, and trainers who started with an early version of Microsoft Office System 2003. At first, Microsoft was named Microsoft Power Point course, but was changed to Microsoft Office Power Point with the latest version of version 12 (Microsoft Office Power Point 2007) that goes into the package Microsoft Office System 2007.

The first time the application was developed by Bob Gaskins and Dennis Austin as the presenter of a company called Forethought Inc. which is then converted into PowerPoint. In 1987, Power Point version 1.0 was released with support for Apple Macintosh computers, the use of black and white that can make a page of text and graphics for transparency OHP (Overhead Projector). Then in 1988, Power Point new version appears to support Macintosh color after entry into the digital market. Microsoft later admitted the Forethought Inc. with Power Point software (at a price of 14 million U.S. dollars).

Later in 1990, Microsoft Windows from Power Point version 2.0 comes as part of the standard package of office applications Microsoft Office System (except Basic Edition).

Latest version of Microsoft Power Point

The latest version of Microsoft Power Point 14 was released in 2010 in the month of June. The latest version of Power Point is a leap far enough in terms of user interface and improved graphics capabilities. In addition, previous data which is the existence of binary data -. Ppt, does not offer XML data formats as offered using the latest version of existence -. Pptx. As with any other presentation software processing, Power Point also reposition objects, text, graphics, video, sound, and other objects in some of the individual pages called slides. The term itself has analaogi slide similar to the ordinary projector slides. Each slide is displayed can also be printed out and navigate through the orders of the content presenter. This slide can also be used to form the basic webcast or broadcast on the WWW (World Wide Web).

Movement and Data Formats Microsoft Power Point

Two types of property movement offered by Microsoft Power Point is Costum Animations and Transition. Emphasis movement Property, Entrance and Exit objects in a slide can be arranged by Costum Animation movement, while the movement of the slide that the slide towards the other governed by the Transition movement. Each presentation can be animated using many ways. The overall design of the entire presentation can be set by using the Slide Master, while the overall structure of the presentation can be edited using Outliner Primitive (outline).

Meanwhile, Microsoft Power Point can also menyimpat in some form of data presentation formats, are as follows:
  1. -. Ppt (Power Point Presentation), which is a binary data format and is available in all versions of Power Point;
  2. -. Pps (Power Point Show), which is a binary data format and is available in all versions of Power Point;
  3. -. Pot (Power Point Templates), which is a binary data format and is available in all versions of Power Point;
  4. -. Pptx (Power Point Presentation), yani format is the data with XML form and is only available in Power Point 12.
Application Support Microsoft Power Point

Microsoft Power Point is a very popular program among workers and academic circles. Therefore, a lot of applications that support data structures of Microsoft Power Point, as well as, Impress and Apple Keynote. All programs can be used as an alternative to Power Point so you can open Power Point format and applications with a variety of features that are not owned by Power Point. However, because the Power Point has the features to include content from other applications that support OLE (Object Linking and Embedding), there is also a presentation that relies heavily on the Windows platform. This means that other applications, even Power Point with Macintosh systems will be difficult to open the presentation.

This resulted in the emergence of the tendency of the user's application to use an open format with data structures, such as PDF and OpenDocument OASIS used by At first, Microsoft also has made a similar development while releasing a presentation format in XML, but until now the Power Point application users still using Microsoft Power Point 2003 (version 11) is based on binary data and can be opened in any version of Power Point. Even so, there are advantages that can be relied upon from Microsoft Power Point 2007, the creation of presentations easier because the features provided with the use of shaped icon that just click. While this would make users who are accustomed to using the Power Point version of the earlier difficulties in operating it.

Features in Microsoft Power Point version :

Here are some features that need to be understood before you create a page presentations using Microsoft Power Point :

1. Ribbon

Ribbon is designed menu so that users can easily specify the application features and commands a category that is not difficult, as well as a collection of groups that are related to each other. In addition, the use of this feature will also be greatly saves users time when creating a presentation page with the latest facilities that allow you to instantly see the change point or object on the features you want to use before actually using it. The new menu is used to replace the old menu is very easy for the user to make a presentation in which there are groups of related commands, namely :
  • Tabs are designed based on the stage of preparation of the presentation;
  • Groups within each tab menu that contains the common commands, and
  • Command button in each group containing details of other commands or options.

2. Power Point 2007 Picture Style

Power Point 2007 Picture Style, which features a new function that will be encountered if you want to insert the picture in your presentation page.

3. Power Point 2007 SmartArt

SmartArt Power Point 2007, the remelting Diagrams and Organization Chart menu and some new features using the Insert tab, select Group Illustrations, and SmartArt command button.

4. The format of the existence of a new Power Point 2007

The format of the existence of a new Power Point 2007, which ends in x format that allows files in the office working with XML data formats. Format include pptx format (ppt regular file 2007), pptm (ppt + macros), PPSX (Power Point 2007 file show), ppsm (PPSX + macros), potx (2007 ppt template), potm (potx + macros) and MISP (ppt add-in).

5. Text Effects Power Point 2007

Text Effects Power Point 2007, which features you will find in a variety of new effects (shaddow, Reflections, Glow, 3D Rotation, and Transform) headed by the Format tab >> WordArt Styles group >> Text Effects.

Well, it's easy not to learn Microsoft Power Points. All about Microsoft Power Point has been discussed in this article. Starting from the definition, format to existing features in Microsoft Power Point.

A few articles to learn about Microsoft Power Point. May be useful to the readers.

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