Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Knowing the Wide Area Network (WAN) - Computer Network

Knowing the Wide Area Network (WAN). In this era of technological advancement, information, and communication, more and more new terms are sophisticated. The term LAN (Local-Area Networks) is one of the most popular among the laity. LAN is a computer network that are local, aka not extensive. On top there is a LAN network that is called Wide Area Network (WAN). Not many people understand what a Wide Area Network. To expand your horizons, let's refer to the discussion of Wide Area Network below.

What is a WAN ?

Wide Area Network if taken literally is a 'wide area network'. In terminology, Wide Area Network is a computer network that houses a wide area, even to the whole world. Often times the Wide Area Network is used to connect multiple LAN fruit, in order to form a unity larger networks. That is, a Wide Area Network could overshadow many LAN. Therefore, the position of Wide Area Network higher than the LAN. As already known, talked about the LAN means talking about computers, peripherals, and various other equipment in the local operating area. This is in contrast to Wide Area Network that relate to the larger, ie, activity data transmission over long distances. In linking each location under, Wide Area Network using a carrier or service provider.

Examples of the use of Wide Area Network is an online network that connects international bank branches in various countries in a heartbeat. For example, a bank branch in Jakarta can be directly connected with its headquarters in Hong Kong. So far, the Wide Area Network is the world's largest internet network which covers the area around the world.

Here are some special characteristics of the network Wide Area Networkv :
  1. Using carrier services (eg internet cable, telephone companies, and satellite systems) as well as network providers or network service provider;
  2. The network equipment that connects geographically separated from each other in a wide range, and
  3. Using a series of type serial connection that can deliver wide bandwidth access in the area.
  4. Used Equipment WAN
In building a wider network, Wide Area Network using some kind of special equipment. Some examples of specialized equipment is modem, CSU / DSU, access servers, WAN switches, routers and core routers. These are discussed below one by one:


Modem used in the analog modulated carrier signal to turn into a digital information as well as the activities of demodulation (which is the opposite function of the modulation). Each modem has broadband frequencies differ, depending on the speed. High-speed modem (eg DSL modems and cable modem) to transmit data received at a high frequency broadband.


CSU Channel Service Unit is and DSU is a Data Service Unit. Both are needed in the digital path (eg spur T3 or T1). In use, the two service units are often packaged in a device called a CSU / DSU. This tool serves to block the digital signal and maintain unity connection using error correction and line monitoring.

    Access server

Access server is a server that concentration on communication activities dial in dial-out user's Wide Area Network. Access server is able to serve a lot of customers (up to hundreds) at a time. An access server may have an interface in the form of analog or digital.

    Wide Area Network Switch

Wide Area Network Switch is a network device that is equipped with many ports. This tool is used to change the network provider (switch) traffic (such as ATM, frame relay, or X.25). This tool operates at the data link layer of the OSI model.


The router is connecting several pieces of different networks. Examples of its use, the interface on the router interface used towards the switch while the other is used toward the Internet. The interface may be a serial connection or a Wide Area Network.

    Core Router

Core router is a core router located in the center of the Wide Area Network. In order to function, core routers need to support several different communication interfaces at the core of Wide Area Network and is able to send data packets at full speed.

Connecting Components LAN to WAN

Wide Area Network is a network of more complicated complex. In bringing together and connecting a LAN to the Wide Area Network (especially in the Internet which is a global communications network) needed some connecting components. These special components that serves to connect the LAN to the Wide Area Network.


Repeater is the simplest component in activities linking Local-Area Network and Wide Area Network. Its main function is to receive a signal from a LAN cable segment is then transmitted back to the same power to another LAN cable. Repeaters are used in the OSI network model, namely the physical layer. The number of repeaters required depends on the implementation of its LAN. If the repeater is used among many segments of the LAN cable, the same physical layer protocol must be used between the segments. Examples of its use, repeaters can be used to connect two Ethernet 10BASE2 cable segment.


Bridge has the same basic function with repeaters, but more intelligent and flexible. Bridge is used to connect segments of a LAN in the OSI model at the data link layer. Some kind of bridge is capable of understanding the link address device connected to it. Bridge is also able to manage the flow of frames with reference to the address of the link. Video link each device must be unique. LANs connected by bridges are considered a single subnetwork. LAN with a bridge commonly known as the Extended LAN. Bridge capable of connecting networks with transmission methods or different medium access control. For example, Ethernet baseband and broadband Ethernet can be connected by a bridge. Furthermore, the bridge can connect the LAN token ring and Ethernet LAN. However, to perform these functions bridge must be able to handle the difference of data packet format of existing link.

The ability of the other bridge was partially separating traffic frame filtering to the implementation of the mechanism. This mechanism is commonly known as store and forward. Because the frames are saved (stores) within a certain period in the bridge and then forwarded (forward) to another LAN.


Converter is a component that allows an active application on a system connected to the application on another system, even if the two systems use different network architectures. Converter is also known as the gateway. Obviously, it is a distinct component of the bridge and repeater. Conversion to function in the application layer in the OSI model layer. Its main task is to treat the packets between networks with different protocols. Thus, the difference in the package will not look at the application layer. The main function of this converter can be replaced by tunneling. In a package deal (wrap the package and protocol), the protocol converter adds header. The package is then passed to other protocols. Such a method is a form of active network architecture is above the other network architectures.

Thus information about the Wide Area Network, from understanding to components. Wide Area Network is a major advancement in the field of communication technology. With it, local networks (LAN) can communicate with each other in a relatively short time. Exchanging information becomes easier though different cities, even different countries. Wide Area Network or WAN is too obvious to bring a great change in human life, from the ease of communication to trigger globalization where information is to be transparent and readily available. Hopefully the information presented this article can add your knowledge !

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