Thursday, January 31, 2013

Knowing Technique Basketball Game Policy

Knowing Technique Basketball Game Policy. To be able to become a good basketball player, maybe we should learn and master fundamental or technical basis basketball game in advance. With the guidance and learn more about on the basis of technical game basketball happens in the international community, it will be much better and continues to improve the quality and the quality of games that we serve. Game policy basketball technique comprised of multiple parts. As for the parts covers how to hold the ball, how to throw the ball, catch the ball way, way-ricochet reflect the ball, and how to shoot or put the ball. The following authors will describe each policy techniques make it more clear.

1. Ways to Hold Ball

How to hold the ball should by using palms of his hands on the entire surface of the ball. Put your hands on the ball pretty well back with open fingers, thumb facing in and between the thumb and fingers of the other is about a palm. At the time of receiving operand, the ball should be celebrated denga both hands and immediately pulled towards the direction of the chest.

2. Ways to throw the ball (passing)

Ways to throw the ball can be done using one hand or two hands. But, that is often performed by basketball players is to use kedau hand from the front chest. This method is useful for short distances because of a top speed, precision, and accuracy of your friends who are given the ball. In general, the operands by using two hands can do with some of the following ways.

a. Initial attitude
  • Hold the ball in accordance with the technique of holding the basketball.
  • Nudge cocked to the side until the ball close to the chest.
  • Attitude can be carried out in line or walk horses with shoulder width distance.
  • Knees, body leaning forward, and keep a balance.
b. Attitude drives the ball
  • Push the ball forward with both hands and straighten arms ending with wrist lash up palm facing out.
  • For a beginner, this training can be helped propel the ball with stepped backwards e dank future.
  • Target or the operands are breast friends to be a ball.
c. Attitude end

In accordance with the rhythm release the ball from the hands, then move to the next weight. Offense that may occur in practice throw the ball with two hands is as follows.
  • Rigid body attitude.
  • Holding the ball too forward or backwards.
  • Not the hands on the ball.
  • Do lash wrist.
  • Less arm straight.
Once you learn how to throw the ball or passing policy, here are a few kinds of operands using two hands.

a. The two hand chest pass (Operate tall chest / chest push)

Throw or toss operands is very much done in play. This throw is very useful for short distance operands for the calculation speed and accuracy to friends who are not recipients ball guarded opponent. Throw distance is between 6-7 meters.

b. The hand over the pass (operand on the head)

This operand is usually done by tall players to move the ball on the opponent until beyond the bags. Operand is also very useful for fast pass, when the previous pengoper received the ball on the head.

c. The bounce pass (
Operate reflection)

This operand is executed when keeper stood quite distant from the launcher, used to pass groundbreaking to pivot player and skilled shooter with a step backward.

d. The under hand pass (Operant swing below)

Throw or pass this very well done to pass close range, especially if your opponent one on one care.

Besides we know operands two hands with a variety of ways, and therefore to be a professional player we should also find a hand operands can generally be done in the following way.

a. Initial attitude
  • Hold the ball with one hand such that the ball is in the back of the head as well as about as high as the ears.
  • One of the forward leg (leg opposite the hand that will be used to throw the ball).
  • Body somewhat tilted back and not throw hands stretched forward to maintain balance.
b. Attitude bowl
  • Toss the ball forward with the end prod movement wrist and fingers until the palm of the hand facing forward.
  • The ball chest-high pass receiver.
c. Attitude end

After hurling ball, body weight is in the front and sleeves that throws the ball straight ahead.

Several kinds of operands using a hand technique, in which the side arm (operands as well), the barrel pass (pass side), the back pass (pass Gaetan), and the jump hand pass (operands jump). In doing operands by using one hand, some players can also make mistakes. Some offenses, among them the following.
  • Once the ball is on the one hand can not be mastered.
  • After the last ball of the hands, arms not parallel to the ground until the ball will soar above or dive down.
  • Front foot location is not direct to the recipient, consequently the ball fall to the right or left.
3. Ways to Catch Ball

Catch the ball can be done with one hand or with two hands. Ways to catch a ball can do well in a stop or in a run.

4. Way-rebound bouncing ball (dribling)

Dribble done when players want to be closer to the opponent's basket or made to wait for friends to be in the right position to receive the pass. Dribbling or bouncing-ball
rebound can be done with an attitude stop, walk, or run. Implementation can be done with the right hand or the left hand. In the game of basketball, dribble very useful to look for the attack, infiltrate rival defenders, and can also be used to slow the tempo of the game. So, how do good dribbling? Here are some ways to do dribbling.
  • One leg forward (the opposite hand to do dribbling), knee.
  • Body somewhat tilted forward, the weight is between the two legs.
  • Balls bounce, not. Then, on the ball over, not stiff wrist and elbow motion is the wick.
  • The view to the future, but for beginners can also while watching football.
  • Can be done in place, back and forth as he walked.
  • After training with the extended controlled dribble while running forward.
In men-dribbling the ball could be in error. Some errors that may occur when dribble is as follows.
  • Situation tense muscles of the arm and hand.
  • Wick movement not on hanky, but in the shoulder joints.
  • Hit the ball because the ball does not stick to the palm of the hand.
  • Reflection is too high.
Entering way or Shooting Ball (Shooting)

When seen on his position on the board, then the shoot can be divided into several, which overlooks the board (facing shoot), turned board (back-up shoot), and facing the board to stop attitude. Well, that was the basis of the discussion about some techniques of basketball games. Techniques such policies will not be controlled easily, even without a leading fast periodic training process. For that matter, so you dominate the whole of the techniques, absolute routine training process is done. Safe practice.

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