Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Knowing More With Gedong Gincu Mango

Knowing More With Gedong Gincu Mango. Fruits, including mango gedong gincu, is a commodity which is pretty important for the improvement of the economy of farmers, the local economy, and the state. The continued development of farming of tropical fruits such as mango gedong gincu on a scale agribusiness plantations patterned expected to meet market demand and abroad. Development opportunities tropical fruit plantation has been initiated among others by Thailand and Malaysia.

Thailand has successfully developed a fruit plantation to become the country's largest fruit exporter in Asia. The Thai government initiative in preparing a piece of land to the various groups such as farmers, teachers, shop owners, doctors, lawyers, businessmen or other office, provided they can provide 2-3 hours after office hours to take care of the orchard. Meanwhile, Malaysia has developed fruit plantations supported by the "Malaysian Agricultural Research and Developmant Institute (MARDI)" to conduct research on post-harvest technology to the cultivation of crops and the "Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (FAMA)" who handles marketing research agriculture.

Indonesia has an equal chance with Thailand and Malaysia as a country exporting tropical fruits. One kind of tropical fruit that has a good prospect is mango gedong
gincu. State of the world's largest mango producer is India, Indonesia, and Thailand. Nonetheless, Thailand has never account for Indonesia and India in the name of competition on the world mango trade.

In Southeast Asia, which accounted for Thai farmers with mango smile it precisely Philippines. At the world level, so take into account farmers Thailand mangoes from Australia, Mexico, and Egypt. The reason Indonesia is considered Thailand is based on two factors. First, Indonesia mango season which falls in July (West Java) and October (East Java) does not coincide with the mango season in Thailand who falls in March-May. Second, Indonesia with a population of about 195 million people is a very big market for mango products nationwide. That is, almost all mango production Indonesia exhausted absorbed by the local market.

Mango Production in Indonesia Gedong

Indonesia has the opportunity to reach a large share in the world mango market through optimized utilization of the advantages; potential ecological suitability, availability of land, human resources, and genetic diversity of mango. Mango gedong liked by the people of Indonesia and abroad as consumers demand in the Middle East, Japan, China, Saudi Arabia, and Western Europe.

Center gedong mango production is still concentrated in Majalengka, Indramayu and Cirebon. This mango plantations in the three counties was pioneered through the Integrated Horticulture Develompment in Upland Areas (IHDUA) financial assistance from the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JIBIC Loan IP-477) in an area of ​​2500 hectares, comprising 500 hectares in Majalengka and each each of 1000 hectares in the district of Indramayu and Cirebon. In general, mango gedong has a separate market segments as identified by the mango is consumed by people gedongan so in Majalengka, gedong mango mango is known as "seraton ', meaning' mango taste kedaton queen '. Gedong mango tree stem is available in Majalengka, also found in Cirebon and Indramayu.

Introduction to Plant Mango Gedong

The introduction of mango plant will add insight into the genetic potential commodity wisely, particularly in mango development prospects to uncover this. In this commentary, the author discusses the origin and spread of mango plants, taxonomy, morphology, and a description of the varieties of mango gedong. How the discussion ? Here's the full description.

A. Regional Origin and Spread

Plant a mango originated in India and Indo-Malaya. Indo-Malayan region covering Indo-China, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia. Mango crop development centers are concentrated in Southeast Asia. Total access mango germplasm in Southeast Asia is estimated to reach 1163 access, which consists of 305 access in Thailand, the Philippines 148 access, 370 access in Malaysia, and 340 access in Indonesia. In subsequent developments, mango varieties growing in Asia about 650 varieties and more than 500 varieties of which are in Southeast Asia. In Indonesia, at present, there are about 242 varieties of mangoes that were collected at the Center for Agricultural Technology (BPTP) Ploso Karang Malang (East Java) and also grown in various regions. The area at the center of the spread of mango including East Java, West Java, Central Java, South Sulawesi, East Nusa southeast, West Kalimantan, West Nusa southeastern, and northern Sumatra.
B. Taxonomy, Morphology and Description of Varieties

Position gedong mango crop in the systematics (taxonomy) plants were classified as follows.
  • Kingdom: Plantae (plants)
  • Division: Spermatophyta (seed plants)
  • Subdivision: Angiospermae (seeds enclosed)
  • Class: Dicotyledonae (Seed dashed two)
  • Order: Sapindales
  • Family: Anacardiaceae
  • Genus: Mangifera
  • Species: Mangifera indica L. cv gedong gincu
Close relative of the mango is a mango gedong gedong regular lipstick. Characteristics common ancestral morphology mango plant or tree trunk height is more than 9 meters, round the tree canopy around 9 cm in diameter, branching medium, and leafy. Shaped leaves are narrow and pointy leaf folded. Location of flat leaves, leaf surface choppy and spiky leaf base. Leaf blade 19cm long and 6cm wide. Flowers arranged in panicles. Flower panicle size 38x29, 3cm and pyramidal taper. Flowers are yellow, while the stem panicle red orange brown.

Common ancestral fruiting mango plants rare and regular, but little fruit loss. Fruit is round, the location of the stalk in the center, sloping slightly curved base of the fruit, the fruit buds a little break, and not beaked. Fruit size 9.4 x 7.4 x 6.1 cm and weighs around 600 grams. Rind thick, smooth waxy, mottled rather rare, and the young stage greenish white. Red ripe fruit orange at the base, while the top of the red fruit yellowish. Pulp thick, chewy, fibrous subtle, a lot of juice, aora hard, and it was sweet. Production of fruit ranged from 23.27 to 29.70 kg / tree per year. The physical characteristics of mango cultivars regular gedong: length 9.4 cm width 7.4 cm 6.1 cm thick, weighing 230-300gr intact, and the proportion reached 59% fruit pulp. Many fibrous fruit, orange pulp and juice content subtle. The chemical content of common ancestral mango consists of water 82.9% - 83.3%, total dissolved (TPT) -17.5 16.0 degrees brix, acidity 0.12% - 0.30%, vitamin C between 7 , 21 to 47.6 mg / 100 g, and the ratio of sugar or acid at 144.7. Seeds large, measuring 7.9 x 4.5 x 2.1 cm, and some short fibrous seed.

gincu mango is almost the same as regular gedong, just different base of the fruit. Common ancestral mango ripe, bright yellow skin and yellow flesh. Skin color on the base of mango gedong lipstick, namely colored reddish or purplish, fragrant aroma and sweet taste. Characteristics of the red color on the base of mango lipstick gedong caused by environmental influences resulting in a natural mutation. Mango is a common ancestral cultivars or varieties. Gedong mango varieties is declared by decree No. agriculture minister. 28/Kpts/TP. 240/I/95.

Well, that's a glimpse of the introduction of the mango crop gedong
gincu author can convey. Hopefully nothing contained in this article could be useful for readers, especially those who have a desire to start the cultivation of this crop.

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