Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Know Jump transmissible Sports

Know Jump transmissible Sports. As one of the sports included in the athletics branch jump, jumping exercise transmissible name is not as famous as the long jump or pole vault. However, this does not mean the sport is not recognized by the international community. Yes, these were included in athletics that is often included in various events or international championships, including the Olympics. Well, for readers more familiar with the sport of athletics branch jump on this one. On this occasion, the author will be presenting language to you. In this article, the discussion will begin with a jump transmissible glance recognition of this sport, followed by information about the equipment and clothing and basic techniques used in this sport. How the discussion? Consider the following description.

Regarding transmissible Jump Sports

The term jump transmissible form of two basic words, the jump and transmissible. As discussed in the article ever long jump, the term "jump" means the motion to lift the leg forward and quickly dropped back, while the term transmissible, meaning to move. Thus, means a form transmissible jump jumping movement which is a sequence of motion on tiptoe, step, and jump in an effort to achieve a leap forward as far as possible. Simply put, a transmissible jump leap repulsion begins with several times before finally doing a jump.

Jump transmissible Equipment

As one branch of athletics that is often contested, of course, this sport has already had a rule in practice. One that belongs to the rule, of which about what equipment is needed to perform this exercise. Here are some of the equipment must be in place before implementation begins.
  • Field with a sandbox as a place to land,
  • Meter to measure the distance jumps performed, and
  • Flag to signal or signals the landing point or for warning signs and others.
In addition to the various tools that have been mentioned above, this exercise also has other requirements that must be met, the requirements about the type of clothing used. What kind of clothes are good for this exercise ? Here's the explanation.

Clothes in Sports Jump transmissible

In general, suitable clothing is used to perform a variety of athletic apparel jump is a special branch of the sport. Just like in sports wear long jump, in this sport, clothing should not be used when in a state of invisibility sweat. In addition, the clothing used must be clean, size is not too tight, not too loose. Clothes that are too tight or too loose will surely hamper the athletes when they wanted or were made the leap. In addition to clothing, the subject of sport footwear must get attention. The athletes who do this sport are not allowed to use footwear for him to feel comfortable. However, to avoid the risk of injury to the foot, use footwear is recommended. Yes, however, the injury is the most frightening specter for athletes due to injury could have ended gait
athletics someone.

Jump transmissible Basic Techniques

Everyone would never make a leap. How ? How to do it very easily, right ? At first glance, the name sounds similar leap. But what happens on the field fact not. Some types of jump turns out to have a technique that must be learned and mastered, especially jumps belonging to the branch of athletics jump. As a jumping sport we are talking about, for example. In this sport, there are at least five jumping technique that must be learned and mastered in order to jump that do get a perfect score. What are the five techniques ? These authors will describe each of these techniques, ranging from the prefix, repulsion or pedestal, jump rhythm, posture in the air, and landing techniques.

1. Prefix

Techniques of the sport prefix is ​​not much different from the implementation of the prefix in the long jump, the distance required to perform prefix approximately 30 to 40 meters. The goal is the same, namely to obtain the greatest momentum when it will make the leap. In addition, the speed of the prefix must be maintained, that is, the steps taken must be fixed and focused mind should always be on how do we make the leap the highest. Attitude run should be done in this sport with attitude running in sprints, but the final step should be slightly shortened in order to resist upward perfectly.

2. Repulsion or pedestal

Unlike the technique of repulsion or pedestal long jump, jumping exercise technique divides transmissible repulsion or pedestal into three different sections. The third section covers techniques at tiptoe repulsion, repulsion at the time step, and repulsion when jumping. Here is an explanation of the three techniques mentioned repulsion.

a. When repulsion tiptoe.

To do this repulsion, the athletes can do it in the following way.
  • In the final step in making the prefix, the jumper must repulsion with one foot on the board up front repulsion and landing on the same foot. After that, the technique of hanging or lifting your left leg over the back ready to do.
  • After a tiptoe landing legs, feet are get to get ready to take another step forward. Hands should be moved to compensate for the movement of the body and helps the body move forward.
b. Repulsion When Moving

At left foot doing repulsion and landing on the ground is the right foot, then left foot should be swinging from back to front over or stepped, along with the right foot push up front.

c. Repulsion While Jumping

At left foot jump, right leg and had to depend somewhat calm back with knees slightly bent, ready to pull up front. At left foot landed, immediately swung his right foot from the back to the front almost simultaneously with the left foot again push amain up. The goal is to bring the point up front weight as far as possible.

3. Rhythm Leap

What is meant by rhythm jump is at tiptoe movement, step, and jump the rhythm should remain. The change of rhythm at the time of Jump transmissible , step, and jump will reduce the distance jumps performed so that the results are less than the maximum or will not jump far distances.

4. Attitude Agency in the Air

Posture or body movement in the air in this sport tend to be similar to the techniques contained in the long jump. Posture in this sport depends on the style used jump athlete.

5. Attitude Landed

At the time of going to land, carried or lifted both legs straight ahead, body bent forward, and both hands of the brought forward. After that, the landing is done by both feet together and landing by bending your knees. In order not to fall into the back of the body, then the weight should be moved forward in a way her head and threw up his arms in front. Well, that's a glimpse of the introduction of transmissible jumping sports. Hopefully the information contained in this article is able to contribute knowledge to the reader as well, and can be useful for everyday reader.

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