Thursday, January 31, 2013

Free Website That Was Informative

Free Website That Was Informative. What kind of free websites that informative ? Website or the website, including the free web, a number of web pages that have a link with the topic pages with pictures, videos, and other file types. A website is usually placed on a web server that can be accessed through the Internet or a local area network to include internet addresses that are recognized as the URL. This web site can be used by the public with a variety of provisions that apply in the internet world. One application that is widely used by Internet users is a free web gives freedom to people to exchange information freely.

In the world of the web site, www or the technical term is "World Web Wide" which is a combination of a site that is publicly accessible through the Internet. However, despite the general nature, not all websites can provide freedom for the public to access. There are also websites that require visitors to register as a member of the site and ask some fees as payment to become a member and access the contents of that website. Sites that typically require the user to make a payment is pornographic sites, sites news service, email service or email, and so forth. This is done with the purpose of security, respect for privacy, and certain commercial purposes.

A web page is a file that was written as a plain text file, in which there is an HTML-based instruction set, and combined with a bit of scripting language inserted. The file will be interpreted by a web browser and displayed on the monitor page. The web page can be accessed by users through a network communications protocol called HTTP. To improve the safety of using the website, then there are many websites that implement access via HTTPS.

History of a Free Web Site

Web site was first discovered by Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners Lee, with a network-connected web site was created in 1991. It is created with the aim to facilitate the exchange of information and reform. Then on the 30th of April 1993, CERN which is where the team worked to announce that the www can be used for free by the public. A website is a page that can be produced individually or in groups by showing ownership of an organization or company. The discussion contained in the site usually refer to the topics addressed specifically to certain interests. For example, some use the web site for business, trade, or just provide information about the science or knowledge of daily life. As well as information about the range of knowledge that can be accessed for free via a specific URL address.

Web Site may contain links that connect to other web sites that make the difference between a website created by individuals or groups. To access it, you just write the URL address in the fields tab. However, to create a website, you need to register first.

Free Web Site Static

Free Web assortment and even you are able to access them easily on the internet. You just go to the web page for free like blogspot, DJ, and many other links that give you the freedom to be able to have a free Web site account with a lot of information in it. Meanwhile, static website is a site that has content that is not done with the update of periodically because of regulations and updating the content of the site is done manually. Three types of software that is usually used in a set of static pages of the website are as follows.
  1. Text editor, which is a software utility that is used to edit files such as web pages Notepad or TextEdit.
  2. WYSIWYG editor, the web editor software utility that comes with a graphical interface to design and design. This web page files are not edited directly by the user, but the software that will create and manage pages automatically with the use of the work previously set by the user.
  3. Template-based editor, which some software such as Rapidweaver which can easily be used by the user to create a website without having to know HTML. Users just edit web pages like a regular page. Users can also edit the files created and making web pages automatically.
Free Dynamic Web Site

This website is a site that is specifically designed so that its contents can be updated regularly in an easy way. The content contained in this web page will change after passing a certain period. This site usually use a number of cost to the user can get it. The sites were classified as dynamic websites is normally used by companies or agencies that have specific important publicly. For example, news sites, commerce sites, and other sites that have the potential to provide information periodically. Implementation of a dynamic website in general gives the existence of a complex infrastructure compared to a static website. It is caused by a new dynamic web site will be created after the user access. As with the static website that has established a number of pages accessed by the user before.

To facilitate web server to create web pages, the web server is equipped with a machine translator scripts, and software relational database management system. The structure of the file a dynamic website is different from the static web site for the files for dynamic website is a collection of files that make up the web application software that will be executed by the web server machine translation.

Free Web Site for Beginners

For novice users of the site, the first thing to be searched is a free website. Here are some websites that offer free websites to create and use such sites.
  • / community
To get in, you just go to the URL address above and register by typing "list" or "Registration" on the account offers listed on the first page of the URL address. However, before you need to have an email address first. On the registration page, you will be asked to share information on your personal data. From the start of the biodata to all sorts of things related to the free Web site. If you enter into a web site that is engaged in the business, will usually appear a variety of questions related to the business that you are running at the moment. When finished entering data, you will instantly be able to access the web site with the address you created and ready to enter the data that you want to present on the web page.

Various things and of course information can be obtained by accessing the website. Therefore, you should provide a variety of information that is interesting and useful for the internet users so that the data and information that you provided are not only read by yourself, but also by others with regard to the relative interests.

That's the reviews around the web for free. May be useful !

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