Thursday, December 27, 2012

Understanding Air Pollution and Effects on Health

Understanding Air Pollution and Effects on Health. Do you know what it terms of air pollution? The presence of one or more substances, whether chemical, biological or physical contained an excessive amount in the atmosphere will make the danger. The danger here might have an impact on aesthetic beauty, make the damaged property and can affect health of living things that exist. It is the understanding of air pollution.

However, there is also an opinion that the definition of air pollution is the entry process or the mixture of elements that are a danger to the atmosphere that can cause health problems in humans and environmental quality that are around. Thus, a variety of disorders of damage will occur to the environment.

A classification for air pollution include the following.
  •     Air pollution directly through the primary sources, ie including primary air pollution.
Air pollution is due to the primary reactions that develop in the atmosphere, which is included in the secondary air pollution. For example, sulfur monoxide, water vapor that would cause sulfuric acid, and sulfur dioxide.

The types of contaminants or pollutants that exist include:
  1.     Nitrogen dioxide (N02)
  2.     CFC-Carbon dioxide (CO2)
  3.     Lead (Pb)
  4.     Ozone (03)
  5.     Hydrocarbon (HC
  6.     Carbon monoxide (CO)
  7.     Sulfur Dioxide (S02)
  8.     Objects Particulate (PM)

Understanding Due to Air Pollution and Global Warming

Lately, many of which are concerned with the effects that would arise from the emission of air pollutants in the global context and its relation to the existence of global warming. This issue raises a lot of other things, including the following.

1. Human Activity

Activities performed by humans would affect the severity of air pollution, among other activities carried out in the industry, milling operations that produce harmful gases are CFCs, means of transportation that emit exhaust fumes, and power plants. In addition, a variety of activities such as burning stove, furnace, incinerator, fireplace, and various types of other existing fuels.

2. Natural Resources

Natural sources that could affect the quality of the environment among other events occur in volcanoes, fires that continue to occur in the forest, biological denitrification and biological nitrification and marshes.

3. Other Resources

Understanding Air Pollution - Pollution Impacts on Body Health

Several biological mechanisms may explain the pollutants in the air can cause the symptoms of the disease are as follows.
  • There will be inflammation or inflammation in the lungs can be at result of ozone and PM.
  • Will form a free radical or oxidative stress, for example, are PAHs (polyaromatic hydrocarbons).
  • Where will be a covalent modifications that affect critical protein in the intracellular, among other enzymes that work in your body.
  • Biological components that induce either inflammation or also known as inflammatory as well as a variety of health problems due to being weak immunity, such as endotoxin and glucan group.
  • Stimulation in the autonomic nervous system that regulates nosioreseptor with runability respiratory and cardiac performance.
  • Adjuvant effect or can not directly perform the function of the immune system that is present in the body, for example, is available on the group lpgam transition sertadiesel particulate exhaust or DEP.
  • Procoagulant effects which will consequently interfere in the smooth circulation of blood so that pollutants can easily spread to all parts of the body. Examples of ultrafinePM.
  • The defense system is in one in the body will decrease the function of the body than in normal circumstances. For example, by putting pressures on the lung in alveolar macrophages.

The effect of air pollution on health in accordance with the understanding of air pollution.

1. Short-Term Impact

The treatment is done in the hospital is to visit the emergency room or tests routinely consult the doctor who deals with diseases of the cardiovascular and breathing (respiration). Daily activities also can not do as usual so many things you did not do. This is because the pain arises. Because the illness causes the body's energy decreases so that the time spent with the rest. This allows much your absence, whether they are in the process of learning as well as for those who are supposed to work in the office. Symptoms are often visible from air pollution include the start of a continuous cough, an infection of the respiratory tract, as well as tightness. Physiological changes will also be felt in the lung organ function and blood pressure.

2. Long-Term Impact

As a result of that is the greatest risk of death. Many cases arising from air pollution due to cardiovascular and respiratory disease or respiration. Inseden and the prevalence increased with the presence of chronic lung disease in nature, such as the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma. For those of you who are pregnant, this will lead to delays in the development and growth of existing in the fetus. Pollution can also cause disease notorious.

Understanding Air Pollution - Air Pollution Impacts on Crops

The impact of pollution or air pollution can also affect the crop. On air pollution would disrupt life that exist in aquatic ecosystems that can easily make the existing network in the damaged plants. This is because the nutrients in the leaves are removed and can hinder the process of making nitrogen compounds that growth will be impaired. Trees will die due to lack of fertility in the soil and the influence of pollution or air pollution can give depth to soluble potassium, calcium, and other nutrients available in the soil. Marine food chain will also have influence because phytoplankton numbers decline but as producers. The effect is there from pollution or air pollution, among others, the crops will be reduced (ie food produced soybeans, corn, and rice). Moreover, it also makes the plants become damaged.

Changes will also occur in the biological diversity present and the outcome of the harvest on the farm will be a decrease. Changes will occur in biodiversity is caused by the existing capabilities of each plant was adapted to its type. Genetic mutations or changes will also occur in organisms that exist in nature. In the sea also shall be extinction, namely algae and plants may be stunted due to this air pollution. Pollution can be caused by several sources, including sources of natural phenomena include emissions resulting from industrial activities, such as exhaust gas from the engine produces exhaust smoke which interfere with the surrounding environment, including the air. Ph in the water will decline due to acid rain. The land on which there is a precipitate of acid will result in a variety of plants were damaged.

Handling Method Based Definition of Air Pollution

Various types of programs have been made by the government which is useful as a control for contamination, preferably the pollution or air pollution. Plans were made include the following.
  1. Starting in August 1996, the program launched by the blue sky. This program is beneficial to improve the air becomes good again after contamination. An example is implementing a program for motor vehicles, the emissions test.
  2. The factory is also required to provide a chimney so the smoke gases generated from industrial activities do not interfere with the quality of the air around it.
  3. Conducted various seminars that the contents of fossil fuels such as coal and oil have reduced their use and seek other alternatives that can be used to replace the fossil fuels.
  4. Combustion engine and the car must be limited in operating activities that are not feasible to be used again and include old.
  5. CFCs are also forbidden to use because it will aggravate the environmental conditions.

Hopefully this article about understanding these air pollutants can increase your insight.

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