Thursday, December 27, 2012

The beauty of Lake Toba Origins

The beauty of Lake Toba Origins. A volcanic lake, the Lake Toba has an area of about 1707 sq. km. The area of this lake is about 1,000 square miles greater when compared to the size of Singapore. The eruption of an active volcano that occurred about 70,000 ago that led to the lake was formed. The origin of Lake Toba Beginning of the story of the origin of Lake Toba (Lake Toba) A long time ago, in a village located in North Sumatra Province, there was a farmer who lived there, named Toba. Farmers live alone in a secluded valley at dawn and ramps. Land that he though everyday is a profession that he chose to live his daily life. Not only wrestle in the land just become a farmer, but he also used to go fishing on his farm after the activity is complete. He was very lucky in fishing and eating fish with ease him get. This happens because the river water is still very clear, other than that the amount of fish that is very abundant. The results he got from the river was taken home to be eaten as a side dish.

But there are strange things happening, one day precisely afternoon he went again to the river for fishing. Over time, none of the fish caught in the hook successful when dark day. This seemed odd because it was the first time he failed in that river fishing. Because of the time it gets dark it is not possible to provoke the resentment that churned in his heart he took the decision to return home without bringing any one fish tail. However, when Toba will pull the bait out of the river, fishing was suddenly struck by the fish. Therefore, the fishing that Toba was interested powerful hold up to the middle of the river. Toba was desperate and felt annoyed now he changed so cheerful and happy again. Toba happiness and joy that is experienced as a grabbing hook of fishing rod is fish that has a large size.

Toba hold fishing attracted to and fro incessantly until finally, he conquered rod can fish from a very strong force, shown a fish with a rather large size and floundered at the end of the rope pole. The fish was quickly Toba pull ashore so that the fish can not be separated again. Smiling happily, her eyes off his line from the mouth of the fish. When toba will try to take your eyes off his line, there is a very full sense of the fish eye. Toba directly save the fish in a safe place so as not to come off and there will be no one can steal it fishing rod results. After that, Toba cleanse the body into the river.

Told in the origin of Lake Toba, Toba very excited because this was the first time he was able to get the bait fish that size is fairly large. Toba never cease smiling imagine very delicious fish this big if though in a way he had baked. Because not wait to eat the fish he decided to return to her home because the day seems to have darkened. Toba Arriving at his home, he immediately took it to the kitchen fishing rod proceeds to directly process the size of the big fish. However, when toba want to light a fire for him to wear bake fishing rod result, inventory turns firewood at home have been exhausted. Without waiting time again he immediately established his pace firewood that surround his home.

After toba managed to get a few pieces of firewood Toba directly install a thousand steps to get in the kitchen quickly. But upon arrival Toba in his kitchen, he was very surprised catch fish in the river had not lost somewhere. Toba find that even gold pieces are spread widely in places that had he used to put the big fish earlier. Toba was very surprised by it, Toba rushed left the kitchen and headed to her room to calm herself. However, when toba open the door to get into his room, his blood suddenly felt drained because there was a woman who was standing with long hair, which hung in the corner of her room. She was in front of the mirror hanging in his room Toba, smoothing down the long hair.

However, Toba re shocked when she reversed her body asdalah a very beautiful woman who ever met. Beauty is owned by a woman who has made Toba was so stunned stunned silence. Beautiful that comes radiates from within her naturally without any makeup on her face. The time was nearly nightfall enveloped by darkness came she asked toba to turn on the lights to illuminate her home. When the lamp is turned on by Toba, Toba women asked to accompany him to the kitchen to cook rice for their dinner together. When Toba and women awaiting their cuisine immature, she tells the loss of large fish that had toba get on the river, it was a big fish it is the incarnation of this beautiful woman. If many gold pieces in the kitchen that is scales from the fish incarnation was that none other than the woman.

Over time they've been able to get to know each other very well. Thus arises the seeds of love in the hearts of both. Toba was applying for her to want to be a life for himself as dead. She takes weeks to answer the proposal. In the end, she was willing to accept the proposal on condition Toba never discuss again about his incarnate presence of a big fish from the river. Toba was willing to accept the conditions given her. Finally they both hold a marriage and a married couple as lively as dead. A year later, they were blessed with a son whom they named Samosir. He was very spoiled her child resulting in poorly tempered and lazy. Once big enough, the boy told his mother drove rice every day for his father who worked in the fields. However, he often refused to do the job so his mother had to deliver rice to the fields.

One day, the boy told his mother again deliver rice to the fields for his father. At first he refused. However, due to continued forced his mother, he went angrily to deliver rice. On the way, most of the rice and side he eats. Upon arrival in the fields, the rest of the rice that only a few he gave to his father. When received, the father was feeling very hungry as rice delivered too late. Therefore, it is the father became very angry when he saw the rice given to him are the remains. Growing anger when his son confessed that he who takes up most of the rice was. Patience is the father so gone and she beat her son, saying "insolent child. Not ungrateful. Are you really the offspring of women who come from the fish! "

Sobbing, the boy ran home to his mother in the house. To his mother, he complained that he was beaten father. All the words uttered insults his father told him anyway. Hearing her story, the mother was so sad, especially since her husband has violated his oath to slur words he spoke to his son. The mother told her to immediately go up the hill which is located not so far from their homes and climb the tallest tree located at the top of the hill. Without asking again, the child's mother immediately orders. He ran toward the hill and climb it. When looked after by the mother of his children was almost to the top of the climb the trees on the hill, he ran to the river, which is not so far away from their homes. When he arrived at the river bank was lightning, thunder blaring.

A moment later, he jumped into the river and suddenly turn into a big fish. At the same time, the river was flooding and down anyway rains. Some time later, the river was already overflowing everywhere and valley where the river goes. Mr. Toba could not save himself, he was drowned by the inundation of water. Over time, it is getting wider puddle and turned into a huge lake that later called the Lake Toba (Lake Toba). Meanwhile, a small island in the middle called Samosir Island. That's the origin of Lake Toba (Lake Toba). But really, the truth of the story that is not certain. Various stories emerged about Lake Toba. The most important thing we as people of Indonesia should be proud of the lake Toba (Lake Toba) as one of the recreational choices of domestic tourists also foreign tourists.

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