Sunday, December 30, 2012

HOT NEWS OF THIS YEAR - Global Warming

HOT NEWS OF THIS YEAR. Global warming is hot news this year, literally. Perhaps the story of the climate in 2012 was inevitable warm temperatures that hit most of the United States and the world throughout the year. Heat waves cause "spring occurred in March" for some countries, and record the highest temperature in several places. This, inevitably, lead to discussions about global warming and the extent of the impact of this phenomenon on the symptoms of extreme weather, in this heat wave.

In fact, a leading climate researchers, James Hansen, of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, and his colleagues published a study that said the heat wave that occurred recently "is the result of global warming, due to heat waves usually occur if global warming worse . "

But some other climate researchers disagree about the extent of heat waves can be attributed to climate change. Natural disasters, such as hurricanes Sandy (actually a storm mix) this year, just like other hurricanes last year, sparking discussion about the relationship between climate change and increased risk for some extreme weather events. The majority of Americans also seem braces between extreme weather and climate change, as revealed in a survey conducted by the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication.

In fact, connecting every single weather event to global warming are complex, although some researchers say that the planet's rising temperatures may also contributed to Sandy. "The effect of this kind of climate is what we call the 'new conditions that are considered normal' now, environmental changes affect this storm," said Kevin Trenberth, who heads the climate analysis section of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, told LiveScience in late October.

For example, warmer sea surface - which is the cause of the storm - can increase the risk of more intense storms, says Trenberth. In addition, rising sea levels exacerbate the risk of flooding, the cause of much devastation caused Sandy. In addition, global climate talks with little progress, as in recent years, in order to warn all countries must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases continue to rise or will face dramatic consequences.

This year was also a historic year. Sea ice that covers the Arctic moves to a record low in September. As the heating temperature of the unusual, a record melting sea ice does not occur suddenly. In recent years, sea ice covering the surface down to below the average rate in 1979 to 2000, and also, the first decade of this century was the hottest decade ever recorded in all continents of the world, according to the World Meteorological Organization. Researchers who study sea ice blamed a combination of increased melting of ice due to natural fluctuations and human-caused warming to the melting of the ice, though some of them disagree about how much human contribution, said Claire Parkinson, a senior scientist who studies climate NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, in September.

Earlier this year, the United States (contributor to greenhouse gas emissions the largest), managed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from energy use to the lowest level since 1992. Decline, as expressed Department of Energy, is associated with a mild winter, a shift from the use of coal to natural gas and a slow economy. In 2011, the United States contributed to 16 percent of global emissions from fossil fuel use. Meanwhile, China is the world's largest emissions accounted for 28 percent, as reported by the Global Carbon Project.

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