Thursday, December 27, 2012

GM-Toyota World wide scramble Largest Manufacturer Status

GM-Toyota World wide scramble Largest Manufacturer Status. General Motors should be prepared to relinquish its status as the largest car manufacturer Worldwide to Japanese companies. General Motors (GM) won the title of world's biggest automaker in 2011 from the hands of Toyota. But the achievements were not caused by operational performance and impressive sales of corporate America, but rather the destruction of the Toyota production performance aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami in March 2011. Now the Japanese giant has again and again ready to seize his reputation in the global automotive industry.

Although still experiencing issues product recall and consumer boycotts in the United States and China, Toyota yesterday claimed that its global sales will rise 22% this year to 9.7 million units. Figures 8.68 through the sale of units if the total does not account for sales of products made by such subsidiaries Daihatsu and Hino. Rebound sales came from the purchase of products Lexus and Camry in the United States. Toyota's dominance in global industries increasingly felt after total production rose 26% to 9.9 million vehicles in 2012.

While total sales of General Motors (GM) in the last three quarters of 2012 through the 6.95 million unit or when aggregated for the full year was 9.3 million units. Thus, if the financial statements in accordance with the statement of the Toyota's board of directors, the status of GM as the largest manufacturer Toyota will be taken back by that claim to be able to sell 9.7 million units this year. In the third rank will still be occupied by the VW Group, including Audi, which is also predicted to sell cars over 9 million units.

Toyota and GM has long fistfight in product marketing efforts around the world. Toyota was able to beat his rival in 2008, when the climate of recession and oil price spikes disrupt auto sales, especially in America. But in 2011, GM's sales soared so 9 million units just when Toyota by the earthquake and tsunami. GM's stock price closed at $ 27.62, down 0.14% on the last trading session.

Japanese Government Wants Ceiling Increase Spending

Not long ago took power, the government of Japan's Liberal Democratic Party leaders had planned to do a review of expenditure. Shinzo Abe and colleagues look at state spending ceiling designed by the previous government was not enough to fuel economic growth. Therefore, the government intends to review the limits on spending before the legislative elections held last summer to come.

This was stated by Finance Minister Taro Aso told a news conference. However, the government is also committed to comply with the mandate of the reduction of the budget deficit in the medium term. The Government is concerned to boost economic performance as promised LDP leader, Shinzo Abe, in a previous campaign. However, on the other hand the government also must maintain the confidence of foreign investors on the stability of the state budget. Japan's current budget performance is claimed to be the worst among industrialized countries is important because the amount of debt the world two-fold greater than its economic value. "All the bonds are released to finance fiscal stimulus and spending next year should be controlled as possible," said Aso told media crews.

Aso did not mention the amount of stimulus that will be released by the government in 2013. Similarly, nominal bonds are ready to be released to investors as a means of raising new funds. He stated that the new government will focus on three areas related to the stimulus and the new budget items, namely, the development of post-earthquake in the northeastern region, promote new industries and reduce the economic burden of the people.

Blue Chips Take Performance Hang Seng

Hong Kong shares tracked at the highest level is still strong today, which is at the level of 22.655 (0.4%). Hang Seng was close to the level of the highest daily spot in the last 17 months at 22,718.83 this morning. HSI performance in line with the equity market performance of China. Top tier shares led the gains China the main index, the Shanghai Composite index, which has now gone up 2.8% on Tuesday and Wednesday. Strengthening obtained by the Shanghai Stock Exchange of Hong Kong achieved when closed. KGI financial institution said that although U.S. fiscal issues still exist, prima donna Hong Kong shares are still solid. This is supported by strong inflows into the domestic financial market. According to KGI, no trend change signal in the near future "Investors should not be bearish too soon," commentator KGI. Most blue chips rose, but just be moderate, only HSBC (0005.HK), which rose significantly, while Hang Lung Properties (0101.HK) broke the 52-week highs. Volume Market.

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