Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Wall Street Back Opened Today - Fundamental Forex News of Today

Wall Street Back Opened Today. U.S. stocks are expected to be re-opened today (31/10) after a two-day closed for security reasons after the storm Sandy. The worst storm in recorded U.S. history in nearly 75 years. NYSE Euronext (NYX.N) said the New York Stock Exchange will resume operation as normal despite the possibility of trade will be diverted to electronic commerce if needed. Nasdaq OMX's Nasdaq Stock Market will also be in operation today as well as BATS and Direct Edge Exchanges. "We've got the green light," according to NYSE Euronext chief operating officer Larry Leibowitz.

The entire floor of the U.S. carriers have been taking part in trials conducted yesterday (30/10) using the backup system NYSE. The test is done using a backup system due to interference caused by the storm. At least 30 people were killed and thousands of others fled to avoid the storm that hit the east coast of America yesterday. The storm made the most activity discontinued business in Manhattan and caused massive flooding in the subway network is expected to be closed for several days.

Scheduled U.S. stock exchanges remain open on Monday (29/10) but the multitude of pressures from companies worried about the safety of its employees makes the stock finally closed. This is the first time in 27 years the stock market was closed due to bad weather. Banks, brokers and other parties had been negotiating the possibility yesterday to continue trading. Losses caused by the storm is expected to reach tens of millions of dollars of lost income and bank stock, explains the analyst. After a two-day shut down in the middle of the corporate earnings season and the end of the financial year, the trade seems to be running volatile.

"At least this condition would occur in early trade due to excessive market reaction. Market trading volume is expected to surge at least in the first hour," said Art Hogan, managing director of Lazard Capital Markets in New York. NYSE, which handles about a quarter of the volume of the U.S. stock market transactions, has been testing electronic trading through the platform, obviously Leibowitz. Under normal conditions, the NYSE handles about half of the volume of transactions Wall Street trading floor, in which traders and specialists buy and sell shares directly.

Many companies, including 25 members of the NYSE's top companies, who make up more than 90% of the volume of transactions in the stock market took part in the trial, obviously Leibowitz. "Today is not expected to encounter many obstacles and is expected to market in good shape," he said. On Sunday (28/10) issued a statement NYSE trading floor will close and divert trade on electronic markets. It is ultimately undone after the onset of pressure from traders and other interested parties are concerned about the safety of employees during a storm. Testing of electronic transactions was done on March 31, but was never used again.

A trial was made early morning where the Nasdaq and BATS, which is the No. equities exchanges. 3 in the U.S. has been testing himself. There are a few issues while testing done, mostly related to the difficulty of the staff entered Manhattan due to flooding and transportation problems but all problems can be fixed by late morning, said Chris Isaacson, COO of BATS. "The majority of members could be reached today," he explained. The trials will also be possible to avoid the volatility of the transaction is not fair transaction in any securities, including the securities in the NYSE, he added. "Trading is expected to be back to normal," said Isaacson.

The bond market closed Tuesday. Financial industry trade group, said it has recommended SIFMA market will reopen today. September 2001 was the last time the stock exchange was closed. New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq closed on Tuesday, September 11 following the terrorist attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center. Stock reopened six days later on Monday, September 17th. "Never before markets closed for three days due to bad weather and a superb condition for the market," said Mike Shea, of Direct Access Partners LLC in New York. "This is very different from an emergency while the September 11 attacks occurred."

Kenneth Polcari, a trader who has long been in the NYSE, said he was still waiting when the stock market will back to normal and can do transaction buy and sell directly on the trading floor. Leibowitz said it intends to close trading on the NYSE trading floor. "It depends on individual judgment. By using existing technology does not mean it is the best."

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