Saturday, October 27, 2012

Know the styles and Benefits Pool - Miscellaneous Style Pool

Know the styles and Benefits Pool - Articles pool is very useful for those who want to learn swimming. Pool water sports are not foreign to you. Starting from kindergarten you've introduced to this sport. For that reason, this article pools created to help you learn more about the swim. Maybe for those of you who used to live in a village or settlement more often swim in the river because in addition to swim well while washing clothes. But over time, the pool is also now widely available even in small towns. The benefits gained by the body very much this swimming activity.

Based on the observations made in this article pools, apparently swimming can help the growth of the child well, from stamina or strength, and regular respiratory system, and many other benefits to be had. Swimming in urban areas and not be just another ordinary sports, but has become a way of life. Parents also carried this lifestyle by incorporating their children into the school swimming pool to swim well. So, parents used to order the child's familiar with swimm activity that later as adults are experts in swimming.

Swimming is a water sport that has many benefits for the body. In addition, this exercise did not use gravity as sports activities is done in the water. So, the risk is very minimal accidents happen. However, you should also keep safety while in the pool. Water sports swimming is perfect for those who have excess body weight (obesity), women who are pregnant, and people with joint problems or arthritis of the spine. The benefits of this will swim you can feel when it is done regularly and with the proper technique as well.

For those who want to know the ins and outs of swimming, you have to read this one article.

Miscellaneous Style Pool - You surely know that swim around in various styles and each style has it's own technique.

1. Breast stroke

Pool using breaststroke when viewed in terms of speed. This style is the easiest technique to pool our understanding and our practice. This style is also called frog style because it tends to be slower than other styles such as the pool freestyle and backstroke. For that, you have to know first about the techniques used in swimming the breaststroke.

a. Leg Movement

The article also discusses the pool in the breaststroke leg movements, is as follows.
  1. First you bend your legs and bend your knees and elbow.
  2. Then straighten your legs open position (the distance between the foot and the other leg should be considered properly).
  3. This time the sealed leg but still in a straight leg position (hold your legs until your feet are both touching each other).
  4. You continue to repeat the above steps sequentially.
  5. In conclusion, the existing footwork in swimming the breaststroke leg is bent, feet extended, and then sealed back foot.

b. Hand Movement

  1. For the initial stage, put both hands on top of head (try the palm of the left and right hands were stuck together with each other).
  2. Then pull the hand to the right side and then to the left. Pull you do not have enough width too wide shoulders.
  3. Hand your back straight.
  4. You continue to repeat the steps above in order.
  5. The conclusion of the hand movement techniques that exist in the breast stroke, the arm aligned over your head, then move your hand to the right and to the left alternately.
c. Combination Movement Hand, Foot, and Breath Taking

Performed hand movements performed with the feet alternately. When your hand moves to the right and to the left is a time for taking a breath. Then head up to the top to catch my breath. So, you should be able to combine the movement and how to capture breath while swimming. Style pool with breaststroke consists of two types, the first is distance-swimming breaststroke and a second breast stroke to sprint. Style chest distance swimming pools accentuate speed in swimming, while the sprint breast stroke further highlight the energy savings they have.

In between these two types of stroke is currently exploring the chest during sliding, precisely when the body is in a state streamlined. Both left leg straight with a tight range, hand motions tightly stretched straight forward, and the position of the head in the water, with a view toward the bottom.

When the activity pool with sprint breaststroke, glide are things that are not necessary in this style. However for swimming the breaststroke performed on distance-swimming, you really feel happies glide. That way, you will get a tremendous thrill. It can also relax you avoid fatigue because it saves energy.

2. Style Squad

When was practicing swimming with the backstroke, while swimming is the position of the body, namely her back to the surface of the water. To make it easier to catch your breath, position your face in the water. Swim backstroke but can not see the future, but can only look up. If there is a race, a swimmer makes a count of movement in order to determine the end of the pool.

Hand movements and footwork in the backstroke is similar to freestyle. It's just the backstroke, the position of our body is lying on the surface of the water. The movement of both hands at the waist like a man who was rowing it is from hand movements performed by turns. For taking breath, you can use the mouth or nose due to mouth and nose position is outside.

During a race, the start is different from the attitude of freestyle swimmer, breaststroke, and butterfly, all done on the block start, the swimmer doing the backstroke start of the pond. Swimmers facing pool wall with both hands holding an iron grip. Both knees bent between both arms, while both feet resting on the wall of the pool.

3. Butterfly style

Swimming with the technique chest position facing towards the water surface is the pool using the butterfly style. Both right and left arm pressed into the bottom simultaneously and outward movement will momentarily swung towards the front. Pool butterfly drain enough time to get the hang of it, starting with the hands and feet movement techniques that will be combined into one mix. Beginners think butterfly is the most difficult style to learn.

Benefits of swimming

The following will be presented about the benefits of sports pool.

1. Forming Muscle

The muscles in the body will move all the while you're swimming. This has spurred the formation of muscles. Because in the water, the movement of heavy make energy you expend too strong.

2. Adding Height

Indeed, many say that the swim would be quick high. This can happen if you do a good swimming technique and correct according to the rules. The most important thing, the increase in height only applies to those of you who are still in its infancy.

3. Practicing Breathing

Swimming is recommended for those who have problems to asthma because it will expedite the cardiovascular system.

Hopefully this article pools can help you learn the sports pool.

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