Friday, September 14, 2012

Types of Computer Networks - Networking

Before the kind of tissue in the computer information systems must better understand what is the definition of a computer network, which is a system that connects multiple computers to each other through a variety of media liaison. That way, each computer can communicate with each other, both for data sharing, security and sharing together computer equipment such as printers, scanners , other peripheral and many of others. The type or specification between computers that are used not to be the same or similar to be interconnected. Most importantly each computer has a connection device such as a LAN card, Bluetooth, Wireless Card, or other and use the rules of the protocol or the same communication rules, or also called TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol).

Computer Network Based Function

Various computer network when viewed from the function can be divided into two :

1. Network Peer-to-peer

Type this network, each computer is connected directly to the other using a single line. Its use without additional communication devices or servers as well. This network can only connect two computers. Type of first popularized the file sharing applications such as KaZaA or Napster. The idea of ​​this concept was born around the end of the 1980s when computers became a mandatory inventory every small company or large companies. The advantages of peer-to-peer systems is the search and removal of data quickly. The process is faster than to move a data into flash and then save it to another computer.

2. Client Server Network

In this network it takes one unit of the computer that will be used as a personal communication tool or a server. The point is to connect between one computer to another computer. Thus, the computer can be connected to more than one unit with more line. Excess on this network that all the data can be stored in a single place (server). Thus, placement and processing of the data to be more organized. But this could be a weakness teryata also because if the server is experiencing interference with the network, all the computers can not access the data. That's all kinds of computer networks based on function that turned out to have different functions from each other.

Computer Network Topology

In Topology various computer networks can be divided into four types :

1. Bus Topology

Each computer connected to the network path of the primary data path or back bone by using a cable. More generally these networks are connected in parallel. These networks are often used on networks with fiber optic base. Network installation is very simple, optimal, inexpensive, and quite optimal. Maximum that computer in the network is between 5 to 7 units. Difficulties often happens that the data collisions due to the mechanism of the bus topology is very simple. The drawback is that if interference occurs along the cable server, all networks are disrupted.

2. Ring

In this network using the principle of the circle, in the sense that technically each computer to connect the two computers together. So it is with the other until no end or a computer that is disconnected. More generally these networks are connected in series. Weakness of this type of network that is if there is one computer that is having problems with the system network, the entire network of others computers be disrupted. But with the FFDI network can be used to anticipate these shortages. With data transfer clockwise or anti-clockwise simultaneously. The advantages of this network is to have a maximum speed compared to other types of networks. The network is able to use features that require real time services such as video and audio. The weakness of these networks is the difficulty in detecting damage. Especially if there is damage, it could be the cause of the collision or the terms of the merger of the two groups of data.

3. Mesh Topology

Similarly, the type of peer to peer networks, but using more than two computers. That's why network system model is not efficient because too many computers in it. While each computer must be connected directly. Finally making the system complex in organized network systems. This is caused by each of the two computers that need to have a separate line. The advantages of this network place in the assurance of data that can be directly sent to the destination computer without having to pass through other computers so Premises, yag data transfer speed will be used to be more optimal. In the event of interference on one computer, the other connections will not be disrupted.

4. Star Topology

This type of network can be a solution of this type of mesh networking. The reason is because each computer using only one line. One line is what will be connected to a communication tool. The relationship is what we are familiar with the hub or switch. With this tool, the arrangement of the network system will be more efficient. If one computer to crash, does not interfere with other computer network systems. The advantages of this network for the data traffic that is the stability when the network is busy. That's all kinds of networks if we see based on the topology. Each network topologies of various networks has its own advantages and disadvantages of each. Its use can be tailored to your needs.

Computer Networks by Area

Whereas if you look at a variety of networks based on the area, the network can be divided into three :
1. Local Area Network (LAN)

This type of network is just connecting computers together locally to exchange data or information. These networks are often used on small networks in some rooms or institutions connected with the main network hub or gateway called. Most LAN-based technology that uses the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet switch device. Wi-Fi or 802.11b technology is also often used to create a LAN network, or often called a hotspot. LAN Network has a data transfer speed of the highest among other types.

2. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

Network MAN is the development of methods of larger LAN network by using more than one gateway. Further connected through one main server. This type of network is often applied to the network in the campus area, urban or office because network coverage is very broad. Could include between 10 to 50 KM. This type of network is often also referred to as an intranet. Some of the technology used in a WAN is the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), SMDS, and FDDI.

3. Netwok Wide Area (WAN)

This network has a very wide scope for using more than one main server, which then each server will be connected via its own network in order to connect. This network covers an area of ​​inter-state or a world that is now known as the Internet. In the day-to-day application, to connect the WAN to a LAN network will be needed tool to manage its gateway called routers and public communications channels.

Various kinds of network characteristics and ways of working are different from each other, including differences in the extent of coverage. Therefore the choice is in your hands, which you will use from the various networks.

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