Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Strange Mysteries of the World's Untold

From time to time, people have experienced changes in civilization and in it found traces of strange sometimes cause strange mystery to the scientific world history. Historians, archaeologists, and other scientists who are competent in this field were until now still searching, digging, learn, and concluded the strange mystery that is expected to clarify and probably learned a lot of people. On the other hand, sometimes an event in the history important still a strange mystery that can not be expressed, described, and can not be solved. Well, in this article discussed the mysteries that make us all wonder and curiosity.

Weird Mysteries in the World

There are many undiscovered mistei world. What are these mysteries ? Following the discussion about the mysteries unfolding in the world.


Rongorongo a written language of the Easter Island population in the region are very difficult to read. Although many people who know about the existence of Moai on Easter Island, but not many people know about the other strange mysteries in that place. Rongorongo considered strange and mysterious because no neighbors Oceania nations that use written language. The written language is expected to be known first time rill in the 1700s. But unfortunately, the written language is extinct after the invaders-occupiers of Europe banned the use of this language as something to do with the pagan roots of the indigenous populations in the area.

Helike (Lost City)

Helike is one of the many miteri lost city is still a puzzle. At the end of the 2nd century AD, the Greek writer Pausanias wrote a story benama the contents of the destruction caused by a powerful earthquake Helike City at night. In addition, it also told a tsunami which destroyed all the buildings in large cities Helike, an advanced city at the time. Helike city, the capital of Achaean League, was the center of worship of ancient worshipers of the god Poseidon, god of the sea. Not a single trace of the existence of society Helike contained in the writings of Ancient Greece. Until finally in 1861, archaeologists had found the money expected from Helike. This money bronze coin with the head of Poseidon.

In 2001, two archaeologists doing research and trying to find the ruins of civilization Helike under gravel and mud on the coast. Until now, archaeologists are doing research about the comeback and collapse of a place that is considered as Atlantis 'real'.

Muddy corpses

Strange mystery is pretty terrible and has made the curious investigators from CSI and other investigators. In parts of Northern Europe, precisely around the moor and wetlands, found hundreds of ancient corpses muddy. Some of these muddy bodies on his leaving signs of torture and "pleasure" other medieval. Researchers who investigate strange mysteries conclude that these corpses were victims of ritual sacrifice in the past.

The collapse of Minoan

The Minoan became popular because of the legend of Theseus and the Minotaur. But the fact is the legacy of civilization Minoan people ever bigger and more interesting also investigated. Although most historians focus more on the fall of the Roman Empire, but the collapse of the Minoan Crete Island is also a bizarre mystery that is as important as the collapse of the Roman Empire. There is a story that tells that the island of Crete had been crippled due to a huge volcanic explosion on the island side, the island of Thera. The archaeologists managed to find the record books show that the Minoan still survive for more than 50 years after the explosion before they finally completely disappeared.

Theories about the things that make the Minoan disappeared already uncovered. Some say if it was because of the loss of the Minoan volcanic ash covering the island and destroy the entire crop. In addition, they estimated the loss due expelled by the Greeks.

Carnac stones

During this time, the existence of Stonehenge was already known a lot of people. As with the stone carnac that is not too much known to the public. This stone is composed of 3000-shaped megalithic stone rows along the 12 kilometers on the coast of Brittany, North West France. Mythology associated with this carnac stone that is the belief that every stone is a Roman soldier who converted to stone by a sorcerer, Merlin. However, based on scientific research, these stones is estimated sebasgai complex seismic detection devices. Meanwhile, the people who made the Neolithic stone carnac unidentified.

Robin Hood

The author believes that everyone must be familiar with Robin Hood figure. Because of its popularity, the story of Robin Hood to be made in a movie. But, it turns out the truth about this handsome archer character is still a mystery. Search the history of a legendary robber is already generating some with similar names, among them Robert Hod, fugitive Yorkshire which is also known as Hobbehod or Robert Hood of Wakefield. Search Robin Hood figure increasingly complicated as the name Robin Hood used as a generic term for people who are outside the protection of the law.

When literature began to bring new characters in fairy tales such as Robin Hood Richard the Lionhearth and Prince John, Robin Hood trail where more unclear. Until now, no one knows who also true character of this criminal.

Lost Roman army

After the Parthian army soldiers managed to win over the Roman general Crassus, was told that a number of prisoners of war to escape through the desert which 17 years later was eventually captured by the Han army. Ban Gu, a historian of the first century, wrote a tale about a group of army confrontation odd numbered one hundred soldiers who fight using fish-scale formation unique to Roman forces. Other historians from Oxford compared ancient records and concluded that the lost Roman soldiers managed to find a small town nearby Gobi desert. The city is named Ligian and known in Chinese as the Romans.

DNA tests were conducted to ensure truth and are expected to be able to unravel the mystery surrounding the strange army blond, green-eyed, and scrappy fight the bull.

Manuscript Voynic

Codex can indeed be used as evidence to unravel the events that tarjadi in the past. But, what happens if the manuscript is written using images, codes, and hints are very puzzled scientists ? Voynich Manuscript is one of the mysterious manuscript which is quite famous. Voynich Manuscript is forecast written in the 15th century or the 16th century and up to now the author is unknown. Codex is widely used as a mysterious object of intense study by professionals and amateurs cryptographers. However, all of these experts fail to describe all the parts in the script.

Some say that the codex is just a hoax. But, there are also those who say that this paper discusses the themes of medieval treatment or early modern centuries. Codex is also equipped with an illustration that shows that this paper has six sections, namely herbal, biological, pharmaceutical, cosmology, recipes, and astronomical. That story about the strange mysteries that have not been revealed until now.

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