Saturday, September 29, 2012

Scholastic Talent Test, Benchmark Your Ability

The test can be done as a measure to know the ability and talent in matters relating to science is scholastic aptitude tests. Intellectual level of intelligence or IQ can also be measured by this test. The SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test), which was adopted by the TBS is a test for the U.S. or even the world. This test is a standard requirement in continuing school to college. For example, just to get a civil servant (Candidate for Civil Servants) in our country Indonesia. Besides scholastic tests are also used in a test for the selection of the screening process in a variety of screening. 

Scholastic Talent Test

Academic potential test (TPA) is another name that is known in addition to Scholastic Talent Technique (TBS). Although TBS and TPA tests are the same, but the term landfill in agencies that exist in the field a lot more to use in the test compared to TBS term. There are four types of tests that have a relation to the landfill and TBS. The content is a test picture or also called spatial tests, language tests or test herbs, test number, also known as numeric and the last test is a test related to logic.

The test is used as a measure of your language-related field or field language tests. Test the word is in the language of the various tests on the test opposite (antonym), test synonym (synonym), test the grouping of words and test of matching the existing relationship with words. Furthermore, there is also a test that is used as a measure of the ability that you are associated with numbers that serve to solve problems in a logical mathematical numbers, and can think in good order is the test number. The tests contained in this figure is a series of tests with test point, the test figures in the story, or a test count of arithmetic, logic test numbers and test serial numbers.

Then the third test is a test that is used as a measure of the ability you are related to problem solving are also acceptable reasoning makes sense logically or called. The test is a test of logic. The test is in the logic of the various tests on test logic in the diagram, test analysis in a statement, story logic test to test syllogisms or the conclusion. If the last test is a test that is used as a measure of the ability that you are associated with the
power of imagination or logic test is a special test image or name. The test is in special test or test this is a test image associated with the test series in the picture, the picture identification test, test-related matching between images, shadow test in the form of images and image grouping tests.

Go to college through the filters or selection does bring up a variety of reactions in the form of criticism. Criticism appeared motivated mostly due curiculum given at school with questions that test when TBS or TPA were often contradictory. Almost everything is new material for those who want to go to college. Not surprisingly, injustice (unfairness) appears in this issue. For those of you who used to be a school with a good curriculum is not all that difficult if than another case with children who are in the village or even in the corners. Surely they can differ greatly from about TBS and TPA. The government should also take note of this because it will have a big impact.

Role TBS

It is as a tool for screening in the selection through ability tests as a measurement tool in your academic potential in order to receive prospective students with an objective, selective, and most importantly a fair, sportsmanlike. In the USA, use or Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), which is also used as a benchmark standard in screening prospective students who will enter college as a test of academic potential. It essentially tests conducted in academic benchmarks you have nothing to do with the level of curriculum that you can in school, was used as a standard requirement in continuing to pursue the higher colleges.

TBS is a test carried out in collaboration with experts from various universities with good curiculum among UGM, Padjadjaran University, and also from the UI (University of Indonesia). Item Response Theory is used as testers about the kinds of approaches in terms of quality through modern test theory using. Questions will be calibrated and shaped within the bank about the matter when it came to the test phase is completed.

By doing a test that uses modern theory, each person have same potential in solving these problems, the difference is because the device, but in fact even so could be getting the same value. Time 160 minutes used in the administration of any of these tests, which are used in the time to explain was 10 minutes, and time spent in completing the computer answer sheet about 20 minutes, and the rest of the time the other is used to work on the problems that exist in the test is approximately 130 minutes.

OMR Scanner is one of the computerized system is used as a tool to check the results of the tests have been completed.

Test Success Tips TBS

Maybe some of you have an opinion on scholastic aptitude tests were very confusing and very difficult to impress than other existing tests. But there are steps or measures can be done to conquer the questions from the test. That is by following the various tips that are listed below.

First tip is within one month before you start trying to practice the questions TBS as possible. And comply with the rules regarding time limits in the existing work on TBS. It's very important to familiarize yourself so that you can work quickly to solve the problems of these tests. If you do not comply with the time limits correctly, the result you will get used to working on this test with ease and in a long time. If this happens, when you are working on the actual TBS, you will have difficulty in setting time.

Exercise questions TBS with as much that will make you more familiar with the different types and models of test. Analysis of doing your test questions will also be increased along with the number of times the intensity of the exercise you are doing. In Scholastic Talent Test, test figures given in general are numbers that can be done without having to use a wide range of specific mathematical formulas are complicated and certainly need a great memory to memorize many formulas.

Therefore, you need not memorize the various mathematical formulas are complicated to deal with TBS test, because it will only burden. What is needed is a structured logical thinking. With the amount of time the intensity exercises logical thinking you will be helped to become more structured so allow you to do a variety of similar questions quickly and correctly. When you work on the problems Scholastic Talent Test, make sure the conditions in the state of concentration. But relax. Not tense. Do not panic. Tense will only make your brain energy quickly drained. Panic will make you do the test questions are careless and in a hurry. So you will be easily fooled by the fleeting correct answer.

Do not indulge your curiosity to one particular piece of test. It would be very dangerous. Curiosity arising against a particular matter (which usually occurs on the questions that are numeric or numbers) to make time to work on the problems you drained it. Not to mention your energy were also significantly reduced. Plus emotion will also rise, if it is then you fail to find the answer, keep in mind that each grain Scholastic Talent Test questions have equal marks. So do not waste time to simply follow your curiosity is.

Hopefully these tips useful for you!

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