Friday, September 7, 2012

As Handwashing Here's How Good and True !

Maintaining health is always touted by the various parties. Because the fact is better to prevent than cure. By maintaining a healthy, expect the disease is not easy to come. One effort to maintain good health is to know how to wash hands properly. Movement of hand washing in an effort to maintain the health of not less often touted by the related parties, ie those who deal with health issues. This effort is even transmitted to the mother-housewife. Those who know the importance of washing hands, the busy always warned their children to always wash your hands after activity.

Most diseases come indeed from germs, or bacteria. And the entry of germs or bacteria into the human body one of which is through the hands. Hands dirty vulnerable populated by a variety of bacteria and germs, if hands are not cleaned, desease and bacteria are likely to be large enough to enter the body. The hand is an organ of the human body that are prone to "communicate" with "outsiders". The limbs on this one serves to hold, touch and "good", not all things are held or touched it free of bacteria or germs. Thus, it is natural that this should also be members of the body most frequently cleaned. How to wash hands properly becomes a science that must be owned by anyone.

Health is the most precious thing possessed by humans. Keep doing the little things it's very feasible when compared with the benefits gained, the body remains in a healthy condition. By doing the little things like washing your hands, you can prevent a disease in the body. So far, it looks like hand-washing ritual is not a thing that get more attention. If cared for, its only temporary, while passing. Not properly addressed. Unlike the info-info about how to maintain the health of others.

In fact, things that seem trivial it has an important role, you know. Who would have thought if abdominal pain can result from the entry of the bacteria into the abdomen through dirty hands. Who also would have thought that eye infections can result from dirty hands to rub too hard. All were caused by germs or bacteria that attach to the hand and not cleaned.

How to Apply Handwashing Good and True Early

Children are "parties" are vulnerable to all forms of germs. Their immune system is not fully formed properly. No wonder the flu, cough, fever more often attack them. You may be confused with a routine to go to the doctor every month for coughs and colds suffered by children. You have to do something about it. One simple effort is to teach the child how to wash hands properly. As simple as that ? Indeed. Because basically, all forms of diseases like flu, cough, and abdominal pain can be prevented by maintaining cleanliness. Good personal hygiene and the environment.

If sanitation is difficult to be kept well, last shield is to maintain personal hygiene. And handwashing is one of the most precise way than a bath twice a day. When it was turned into a routine, at least, your child's health a little more awake than those who still do not care. Applying handwashing habits in children is tricky. On the other hand they are easy to teach, once or twice a given instance, they can do it themselves. But, on the other hand, children tend to be inconsistent. A week goes well, not necessarily next week they still apply it.

What is needed in this case then is your patience as a parent. Hand washing should also be considered at the time. First, of course, before eating. Wash hands with soap. Second, after the bathroom, small or large bowel. Third, after the children playing dirty, or soil. Because at that moment, a lot of germs and bacteria stick to the surfaces of the hands. You will recall, that parents always use "tricks" to scare that if you do not wash your hands before eating, the stomach will be sore. Then, why not try to use the same tactics? Then explain how the relationship between not washing hands with abdominal pain. The children must be better understood and if it is entered into the logic, it will consciously begin to apply it to himself.

Educating children on how to wash hands properly early on, will indirectly help you to maintain the health of children. You so do not bother bringing the child to the doctor every month. In addition, you can also reduce your intake of chemicals contained in drugs in the child's body. Who would have thought that something so simple is cause enough in life, especially health. This is one stock that you can give to children. Began to implement a healthy lifestyle from an early age, will be a valuable lesson of his life. It will gradually become a way of life.

The Importance of Knowing How To Wash Hands of Good and Right to Medical Experts

In addition to the prevention of a disease into the body, wash your hands also act as a disease transmission chain breaker. How to wash hands properly is not only mandatory mastered by children, even adults alike. Especially those who tied an activity. For example, a doctor or nurse. The health professionals such as doctors and nurses must know how to wash hands technique that can completely eliminate germs or bacteria from the surface of the hand. It deals with their responsibilities. Because, of course, highly ironic if the doctor who in fact know how to avoid illnesses, it dismissed an effort to maintain health.

They are also responsible for the safety and recovery of the patient, so things like this a priority. Do not let silly things happen due to the doctor forgot to wash my hands. For example, cross-transmission occurs between the patients with other patients or those referred nosokimial infection. Two patients treated the same doctor would risk of developing these infections if the doctor is concerned underestimate how to wash hands properly. Medical experts, is responsible for the health of his patients have specific standards on how to wash hands properly. In some cases, they are even required to wash their hands up to the elbows. Especially just before surgery and after surgery. The standards should not be violated.

In addition to the standard implementation, hand washing by medical workers also aim to "save his health", because if they do not do hand-washing standards that have been established, the risk of contracting the disease or the entry of bacteria and germs from the patient into him pretty high.

What Kind of Hand Washing How Good and True ?

Having learned the importance of washing hands, there is a question, "and then how to wash hands properly is like?" That question will be answered through the following explanation:
  1. Wet your hands with running water. Running water is recommended, because later, germs or bacteria will immediately wasted, drifting. If not, you can use a bucket, but the water still flowed as much as possible.
  2. Use the hand washing soap, liquid soap try. The soap will help facilitate the release of bacteria and germs that stick to the surface of the hand. So that germs and bacteria are more easily lost.
  3. Rub soap into all parts of the hand, from the palm, between fingers, and back of hands. Do not forget to rub the thumb. Then fingertips, by rubbing the left fingertips to the palm of the right hand, and vice versa. If by chance your nails long, clean between nails. Rub well the wrist. In the hand rub, do not be too hard, because it could hurt the surface of the hand.
  4. When finished, rinse with water flowing. When going to turn off the tap, use a tissue to turn the tap or flush the first round of tap water use. After that, turn it off.
  5. Wipe hands with a towel or paper towels to dry.

How to wash hands properly is already an international health issue. WHO as an institution that consistently deal with health problems of the world and even has set the steps how to wash hands properly. This is evidence that hand washing is a serious effort to maintain health.

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