Saturday, August 11, 2012

Tapir - Know The Habitat and Population

Maybe some people familiar with this one animal, a Tapir. Tapir is a native of Sumatra and the animals can be found in Thailand, Malaysia. Besides in asia, animals can also be found in South America and Central America. The existence of this animal population is estimated to have decreased. In Asia, most of these animals compared tapir in Central and South America. These animals reach 1 meter high with a weight 500kg. The animal of asia is very much their habitat, from forests to mountains. Males usually larger than females.

The main food of these animals is grass, shoots, and fruits of plants in the habitat. This is very animal survival time is approximately 25-30 years. Newborn tapir is usually the color is very different from the adult. skin color who just gave birth a little reddish-brown color with texture are reds white round object on the body.
Sumatran tapir. Animals Sumatran tapir is a loner. Animals are always a great track to explore the territory. Animals from Sumatra are usually looking for food such as tubers and grasses. In addition, the animal is moving very slowly but also when the animal feels threatened by other animals can also run fast despite the large body. These animals can defend themselves with sharp teeth and powerful jaws when biting.

Endangered because their habitat has been lost and most of it, then it is their habitat to plantations in Sumatra. This is herbifora animals. These animals are eating the grass and foliage in the woods. The characteristics of these animals are a little long nose like an elephant's trunk. Each run must always sticks his nose in the ground. Sumatra is a typical animal body is black and white. Depat body parts are black, while the rear body is white. Maybe if it be for real, this is very unique animals.

In addition, the toes of these animals also have a characteristic. On the front legs have four toes and three hind legs and fingers. The soles of his feet are almost similar to the foot of Sumatran rhinoceros. Footprints adult length of approximately 220 mm and 240 mm width and hind limbs nearly 127-220 mm with a length of about 113-180 mm. With a shorter front legs and a great body, this animal can run fast and can swim long enough.

In recent years, the population was greatly reduced. These animals are endangered because of illegal logging by humans, so the deforestation resulting in flooding. Animal habitats in the forest was too much to die. Animal populations is commonly called the tapir can be reduced by deforestation caused by irresponsible so many animal populations are extinct in Indonesia. Therefore, we must preserve these forests so that forest looks beautiful with the animals in the forest, and the growth of forests around the animals is greatly increased.

Wildlife designated as an important area for the endangered unique cover. Not only famous animals are protected as elephants, rhinos and tigers, but also one of the tapir species of animals are protected because of extinction. These animals grow up to 1.8 to 2.4 m long and 8 feet, with a height of 90 to 107 cm, weighing
250 to 320 kg, even their weight can reach 500 kg. Female Sumatran tapir is usually larger than males. As with other types, short fat tail and a long and flexible proboscis. On each front foot and there are four nails on each hind legs there are three nails. Sense of sight is rather poor animal, but a sharp sense of hearing and smell.

Asian tapir

Four species that exist in this world is one of four tapir that exist in the world. The body of this animal is very large. This animal is a protected animal. Animals can also be found in Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia, and Thailand. The scientific name of this animal is "Tapirus indicus" and in Sumatra called tapir, tapir, horse Ayer, gindol, cipan, and many more called. Foreign language is also called the Malayan tapir, tapir Indian, asian tapir, and the Malay tapir.

Unique facts of this animal are as follows.
  1. Black and white color patterns in animals is believed to be useful for camouflage. Other animals might expect it and not fall prey to a big rock while tapir was lying down or sleeping.
  2. Newborn tapir looks very different than adults. Reddish-brown skin color interspersed with stripes and white dots can be a good camouflage from predators.
  3. These animals are excellent swimmers and can stay in water for a couple of minutes to avoid predators.
  4. These animals are capable to steep cliffs with a agility.
  5. This animal marking its territory with urine.
  6. If you view the form of a long snout, the animal may be considered closely related to pigs, whereas animals family with horses and rhinos.

Tapir - Endangered Animals

For these animals, something that most major threats in their habitat is the forest logging and forest fires that make the habitat less habitat is reduced because of land for oil palm plantations. This animal was finally given protection by the government and protected by Indonesia. In addition to unique animal, tapir species also are not so easily found in other countries because only four states that have this animal habitat. Therefore, we must preserve the animals for the preservation of this endangered animal populations grow and multiply.

Wildlife Dolok Surungan designated a conservation area and as one of the important areas of animal protection is the Decree of the Minister of Forestry. 43/Kpts/Um/1974. Although it is not 'as famous as' the Sumatran tiger, introspective, rhinoceros, or elephant, but this animals remains one of the pride of Indonesia as a protected species.

With status in the IUCN 2008 Red List as Endangered animal category (the same as the Sumatran tiger), is actually a very good reason for us all to take a more serious concern for the protection of tapir. With the protection of the Ministry of Forestry, the animals are expected to exist in Indonesia is protected and kept in mind. The wildlife in Indonesia is very diverse and very much, and too bad if the animals in Indonesia is less attention. With protecting animals in Indonesia, we can make Indonesia as a tourist attraction that has a wide range of animals.

In addition to a wide range of animals that exist in Indonesia, any tourist visitors will admire the beauty of animals that exist in Indonesia. Therefore, consider the survival of animals in the forest. Maintain good forest that is not exposed to erosion and damage the environment the animals in the forest. Never was the indiscriminate felling of forests so as not to cause flooding. Hopefully by reading this article about the tapir, who like wildlife animals Indonesia can protect animals threatened with extinction that animal conservation in Indonesia is growing rapidly.

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