Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Plants recognize - Sunflower Seed

Speaking of sunflowers, of course, people will immediately think about sunflower seeds. Yes, the sunflower plant is known as a producer of sunflower seed that has many benefits. Well, for those who want to know more about the plants and sunflower seeds and its utilization, the authors will present it to you.

Know Your Plants Sunflowers

Sunflower crop is more known as a sun flower. In Indonesia, the relationship of the sun was originally only known as one of the plants used to beautify the yard. But this time, its function is not merely to decorate the yard, but has expanded into other industries.  However, before knowing what the industry could be "touched" by the sunflower, we should first get acquainted with this plant.

1. Local name Sun Flower

Based on the nomenclature or the nomenclature, sunflower has the Latin name Helianthus annuus. Heli, means sun and Anthus, meaning flower. While annuus, meaning one season annual or short-lived. Thus, Helianthus annuus or sunflower sunflower diartiken as the short-lived.  Yes, short-lived because of early planting to harvest, sunflower usually only between 4-5 months old. In fact, in one of the Eastern European countries, namely Russia, has been found or produced only the relationship of the sun which has planted over 75 days of age.

Sunflower plant has a different name in each region. In Indonesia alone, sunflowers are grown in the region of Aceh has Bungong mataharuoi designation. In Minangkabau, called penta matoari sunflower. In Java, the title of flowers sunflower Srengenge, in Bali; sungenge, and in Madura, known as kembhang eyes are. On the international level, the Netherlands recognize Zonnebloem, Germany; Sonnenblume, and English; sunflower, as the name for the connection of the sun.

2. Region of Origin and Spread

Sunflower plants originated from Peru and Mexico. Since the early 1700s many of these plants have spread to many countries around the world. In fact, in the 18th century, countries such as Germany, France, Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, the United States, Argentina, and several countries in Africa have started to cultivate these plants. Till today, parks sunflowers are the most widespread in Ukraine.

What about in Indonesia? Sunflower crops in Indonesia began to be known around the 19th century after being introduced by the Dutch agricultural experts in 1907. Initially in Indonesia plants this solar connection functioned as an ornamental plant, but along with the increase in grain demand relationship of the sun, it loses its function as an ornamental plant with new functions, namely as a cultivated plant.

Most areas of sunflower cultivation is Central Java and East Java. Followed by northern Sulawesi, especially in the Turkey. In fact, in Turkey, the solar plant relationship has been studied since 1970. At that time, sunflower seeds once produced crops at 2.1 tonnes per hectare, although the quality was not yet meet the standards for further processing.

3. Morphological structure of Sunflowers

Morphological structure consisting of sunflower roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and seeds. That each morphologic structure that has the following characteristics.

a. Root

Sunflower plants have this type of transmission that it will reach 3 meters. Fine roots, thick, and flat. Highly efficient system of its own roots with dense root spreads.

b. Stem

Flowering plant, the sun has a straight trunk as high as 0.3 -5 meters. Form a straight trunk with a fluffy texture and rough skin. These rods have a single trunk or branched structure. If the stem is cut, at the top of the stem were going to produce another two or more branches.

c. Leaf

Leaves long-stemmed plant with the relationship of the sun position, face to face and criss-cross. Leaves the lower lying face upwards and over again arranged in spiral position.

d. Interest

Sunflower formed at the end of the rod. Sun flower shaped like a disc with a diameter of 10-40 cm. in each disc there are two distinct types, namely flower ribbon, which is on the edge as well as flower vessels located in the middle. These vessels will be flowers grow become sunflower seeds.

e. Seed

Sunflower-shaped elongated flat white and gray to black. Seeds skin a little hard, but easily solved. Shaped seeds are often referred to as a rather large kwaci and used for consumption. These sunflower seeds are a favorite food consumed in the majority of countries in the world.

Sunflower Crop Prospects

At present, the drive to return the old circumstances or back to nature increasingly permeate society. Undeniably, this drive also seems to have penetrated into the world of the cosmetics industry, food, and health. And did you know that the potential of natural resources that are needed by the industry had come third sunflower? Yes, the levels contained in the vegetable oil sunflower seeds ranged between 32% - 45%. This oil is widely used for various purposes, such as cooking oil, margarine, cosmetics raw materials, and medicines. Therefore, it is not surprising that almost every country much as the cultivation of sunflowers.

Today, the cosmetics industry in the country, call it Mustika Ratu must import of vegetable oil sunflower-producing countries such as America and Australia. This occurs because the ground water supply of vegetable oils are not enough market demand. In addition, Indonesia is still importing sunflower from various states as much as 15,000 tons / year to meet industry demand kwaci. Thus, sunflower cultivation has a very bright business prospects for the major project. If the domestic vegetable oil supply adequate, it seems Indonesia will no longer import the material. Thus, there is nothing wrong if people in the country began to smell a business opportunity and began to develop agribusiness sunflower.

Sunflower Seed and Benefits

As known, the main product of the cultivation of sunflower crop is seeded. Sunflower seed has many benefits, including as a food and vegetable oil. As a food ingredient, of course, sunflower seeds will be made kwaci for consumption. As for the cosmetic industry ingredients, the beans will be processed first to produce vegetable oil. The following authors will present the steps to produce vegetable oil from sunflower seeds. However, the manufacture of vegetable oil to be presented is a process in industrial home scale do stairs.
  1. Clean the seeds of dirt, then dry by drying in the sun.
  2. Separate the seeds from the shells had pounded way. This meant that the oil produced will be clear later.
  3. After the seeds separated from the shell, you can heat the beans in advance through the process of steaming or directly process it without steaming it first.
  4. Wrap the seeds that had been pounded with a sack, then seal the package last longer with leather gloves.
  5. Place the parcel had been on the wooden parts of the felts. Later wedge clamp amplifier was beaten repeatedly with a certain distance.
  6. The compressed capacity of the oil was in the cans or other containers.
  7. Residues from the first crush can be squeezed any more, but previously had to be steamed first (second oil will usually be a bit more murky).
  8. Forging the first oil could be used as cooking oil and the forging of both can be used for the manufacture of soap or other.
  9. Well, that's a glance overview of the crop and sunflower seeds along with the business outlook and its utilization. Hopefully everything is presented could be useful for readers.

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