Thursday, August 9, 2012

Nobel Peace Prize for People Love Peace

What a wonderful world if there is no hostility, war and each other down. Everything goes hand in hand in peace and tranquility. Peace can be defined by the peace of silence, the tension. The main purpose of human beings is actually looking for a peace. Could it be peace in the world is real or just a desire that will never materialize. To create peace, it is very difficult, when one person wants to feel calm there is one person who created the problem. When one tries to one patient who will not budge. How peace will happen if the people are not concerned with the peace of just want to feel alone with no care for others. In another sense, meaning the desire to have peace and an agreement to end the war and no weapons to fight the enemy fights.

The ultimate peace is the peace within yourself. If the peace that we have had to myself, how beautiful this world. Whatever problems that occur within us and around we will face it wisely without any violence and to combat feelings of a person or the environment. Appreciation for the people who contributed in the field of peace is the Nobel Peace Prize. Nobel Peace Prize rather given to the people who founded the peace movement, tried and tried to stop and abolish war as well for people who often do rajn or the nature of international relations. There's Nobel Prize laureate, Physics, Medical, Chemistry, Literature, and Nobel Peace Prize awarded in each of the different state. For his own Nobel Peace Prize, awarded annually in Oslo, Norway.

Appreciation for the peace movement actors can be given to the people or an organization or in the process of still trying to solve a problem not just for people or organizations that have successfully resolved the issue. For all the awards the Nobel Peace Prize is no exception to what date is not specified, but are usually given on a Friday in mid-October. Initially, the announcement and submission of Nobel peace laureate was conducted at the Institute, but then where implementation is transferred to the Oslo City Hall.

This is the names of people who received the Nobel Peace Prize for trying to make peace movement from 1901 to 2011.
  1. 1901 - Jean Henri Dunant who play a role in founding the International Red Cross and he is known is known as the Father of the International Red Cross.
  2. 1901 - Frédéric Passy he founded the Inter Parliamentary Union is also the organizer of the Congress of Universal Peace.
  3. 1902 - An honorary secretary of the International Bureau of Peace Games Charles Albert Gobat dam the same position as Elie Ducommun.
  4. 1903 - Sir William Randal Cremer member of British Parliament.
  5.  1904 - Institut de droit international in Belgium as an official body to make and formulate the principle in international law.
  6. 1906 - Theodore Roosevelt succeeded to mediate to end the war between Russia and Japan.
  7. 1907 - Ernesto Teodoro Moneta ornag or workers who are most prominent in the peace of Italy.
  8. 1908 - Klas Pontus Arnoldson Founder of peace. Paul Henri Benjamin Constant de Balluet d'Estournelles Founder of National Interests Defence Committee also International Peace.
  9. 1913 - Henri-Marie La Fontaine a President of the Permanent International Peace Bureau.
  10. 1919 - Thomas Woodrow Wilson, a founder of the League of Nations.
  11. 1927 - Ludwig Quidde a participant in many Peace Conference.
  12. 1930 - Lars Olof Nathan Soderblom Leader of the Ecumenical movement.
  13. 1931 - Laura Jane Addams help peace and freedom of women and he was the President at the International Women's League.
  14. 1933 - Sir Ralph Norman Angell of the National Peace Council.
  15. 1934 - Arthur Henderson, President of the Conference on Disarmament.
  16. 1936 - Carlos Saavedra Lamas Mediator conflict of Paraguay and Bolivia.
  17. 1937 - Edgar Algernon Robert Cecil Gayscone-President of the International Peace Campaign.
  18. 1950 - Ralph Johnson Bunche a Director of the UN Trusteeship.
  19. 1951 - Léon Jouhaux a vice president of the International Confederation of Free Trade Union in this case.
  20. 1957 - Lester Bowles Pearson has a role in resolving the conflict and end the Suez and the Middle East problem.
  21. 1958 - Dominique Pire Leader aid organization for refugees.
  22. 1959 - Philip John Noel-Baker is so determined to bring about peace and cooperation Internsaional.
  23. 1964 - Martin Luther King Jr. The campaign for civil rights.
  24. 1965 - awarded to the UN organization, UNICEF.
  25. 1968 - President René Cassin European Court of Human Rights.
  26. 1969 - To be given the International Labour Organization or ILO (International Labour Organitation).
  27. 1975 - Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov was given to the Soviet Union's efforts to fight for human rights is also to establish cooperation and disarmament of all nations.
  28. 1976 - Betty Williams, a founder of the Northern Ireland Peace Movement.
  29. 1977 - Amnesty International thanks to his services to protect human rights.
  30. 1978 - Mohamed Anwar al-Sadatdari Egypt to Camp David Agreement in an agreement to bring a negotiated peace between Israel and Egypt.
  31. 1980 - Adolfo Pérez Esquivel of Argentina as the man who founded the human rights organization against the military junta that ruled the country.
  32. 1982 - Alva Reimer Myrdal they work really well in the disarmament negotiations of the United Nations until they win international recognition.
  33. 1983 - Poland Lech Walesadari a founder of Solidarnosc and activists in human rights terms.
  34. 1984 - Desmond Tutu of South Africa Mpilo a former Secretary General of the Council of Churches in South Africa.
  35. 1987 - Óscar Rafael de Jesús Arias Sánchez of Costa Rica as a tribute to his work for peace in Central America and have been trying so peace agreement was signed in Guatemala on August 7, 1987.
  36. 1988 - United Nations Peacekeeping Forces thanks to their efforts that have made a very important contribution in the realization.
  37. 1989 - The XIV Dalai Lama of Tibet, an award for his struggle in the liberation of Tibet consistently opposed the use of violence.
  38. 1991 - Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar influential figures on non-violent struggle for democracy and human rights in Myanmar.
  39. 1992 - Rigoberta Menchú Tum To in Guatemala for social justice and ethno cultural reconciliation based on respect for the rights of indigenous peoples.
  40. 1993 - Nelson Mandela President of South Africa for their work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime and to lay the groundwork for a new democratic South Africa.
  41. 1994 - Yasser Arafat to the Palestinians because of his respect for the calls for political action and courage that has opened up opportunities for new development towards fraternity in the Middle East.
  42. 1995 - Joseph Rotblat from Poland to have given up his efforts to reduce the role played by nuclear arms in international politics and in the long run.
  43. 1996 - Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo for granted for their work towards a just and peaceful settlement is also an attempt to conflict in East Timor.
  44. 1998 - John Hume for his efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Northern Ireland.
  45. 1999 - Doctors Without Borders for the recognition as a pioneering humanitarian organization working in several continents.
  46. 2002 - to Jimmy Carter of the United States over the relentless struggle for decades in order to find a peaceful solution to international conflict and its efforts to advance democracy and human rights.
  47. 2006 - Grameen Bank of Bangladesh because of his efforts to promote economic and social opportunities for the poor and especially women.
  48. 2009 - Barack Obama for President of the United States has ever come to Indonesia for her outstanding efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between nations.
  49. 2011 - And the last delivery of the Nobel Peace in 2011 for Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia for their struggle for women's safety and rights of women to participate fully in peace building work.

That's some people who worked and contributed to bring a message of peace in the world. Today a lot of wars and unrest there are still many people who love peace. Peace is beautiful, let's create peace.

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