Thursday, August 16, 2012

New definitions in the Earth's Water Cycle

Hydrologic cycle or water cycle is called a circulation of water that never stops beginning of the earth's atmosphere and back into the atmosphere by way of condensation, precipitation, transpiration, and evaporation. The key of this water cycle process can take place continuously heating the sea water is caused by sunlight. The water is then through the stages eveporasi and down from the sky in the form of rain, hail, snow, sleet (sleet and snow), drizzle, and fog. When traveling to the earth, some precipitation may return evaporation up or it could be direct to fall, then intercepted by the plants before falling to the ground. After reaching the ground, moving the water cycle is continuous with continuous and with a three-way that is not the same.

Evaporation or transpiration. Water in the oceans, on land, in rivers, water in plants, and others, will evaporate into the atmosphere or space, and then will turn into a cloud. After a cloud or water vapor in the saturated state, then will turn again into the water spots and will fall down (precipitation) in the form of rain, ice, and snow. Infiltration or percolation into the ground. Water moves through the soil and into the ground cracks, pores of the soil, and rocks to be in the groundwater. This water can move forward because of capillary action. Water can also move horizontally or vertically below the soil surface until the water went back into the surface water system.

Surface water. Was driving above the water surface adjacent to the main stream and lake. The more gently sloping land and fewer pores of the soil, then the flow on the surface will be higher. Typically, the flow at ground level can be seen in urban areas. Rivers join each other and form a major river that carries all the water surface in the vicinity of the river toward the ocean. Surface water is also flowing or stagnant in lakes, swamps, and reservoirs, coupled with the water below the surface will converge. After the merge, all of this water will flow to form rivers and eventually flow into the ocean. Process flow of water on land took place in the hydrological cycle components that make up a named system Watershed (DAS). Overall, the amount of water on earth is relatively unchanged, while changing the place and its form alone.

New definitions in the Earth's Water Cycle

William Waterway Marks, a researcher of water, issue a new theory about the most recent definition of the water cycle on earth. This latest theory on the November 2011 announcement ago at the International Symposium on Aqua Science, Water Resources and the Arts. According to him, the old definition or understanding about the water cycle on earth the first time put forward about 430 years ago by Bernard Palissay. The old definition of the water cycle is only one-third of silus water on earth and do not show the latest scientific research. Meanwhile, the definition or understanding of the newest is called the Cycle or Cycle Waterway Waterway to distinguish the old sense. This new definition is a scientific research shows that included three cycles. The third cycle is interconnected water cycle in cosmic (cosmic water cycle), the water cycle in the atmosphere (the atmospheric water cycle), and water cycles in the ocean (the oceanic water cycle). All cycles are closely interrelated in terms of the change of water on earth.

1. The Oceanic Water Cycle

Cycles in the ocean or oceanic water cycle is a cycle that takes place at sea, the sea water by continuously recycled in which there is a process of absorption into the earth. After that, out again. Based on a scientific research, sea water on earth is experiencing the cycle of recycling. This earth is estimated to have sea water which is very new one every 7 million years. In the oceans there are ocean currents that move from top to bottom. Then, there is also the movement of earth plates are tectonic. After that, the movement of earth plates results in subduction zones. In this zone and is also impregnated filled with water.

In the oceans, the hydrological cycle is driven by the heat in the bowels of the earth. When meeting with the heat coming from the bowels of the earth, the water that seeped in subduction zones to be heated. So, so hot water will be sprayed in the form of volcanoes, hot springs or the eruption of lava. Events out of very hot water is not only happening in the Mount Merapi volcano in the ocean, but also occur in volcanoes that exist on the mainland and the continent. Associated with the water that gushed on the mountains of Merapi on land, water-related eating circlying hydrological cycle in the atmosphere.

Cyclus hydrological theory that occurred around the lake is still considered a new science. The reason for this theory is based on the development of the science of plate tectonics newly developed about 40-50 years ago. William Waterway Marks said that the hydrological cycle in the ocean has a very important role to the diversity of life on earth. Sign of a cycle in the ocean may hidrogi there would be no life on this earth.

2. The Atmospheric Water Cycle

The atmospheric water cycle or in the Indonesian language is called the hydrologic cycle in the atmosphere is a cycle that occurs as the sun warmed the earth. Hydrological cycle in the atmosphere this is the old understanding of the hydrological cycle. Sunlight shining on the earth fall and resulted in the evaporation of water, process water condensation, or precipitation of rain, the journey of water on the surface, and the journey of water in the soil. Hydrological cycle in the atmosphere is related to the hydrological cycle in the ocean when the water is accommodated in the sea.

3. Cosmic Water Cycle

Cosmic water cycle or hydrologic cycle in a cosmic cycle that occurs between the earth and space. If you see pictures of the earth, the earth would seem a blue aura that immediately adjacent to the space. Aura is a blue blanket the earth in the earth's atmosphere. Besides having the function of holding the sun and prevent the entry of space objects, blankets the earth's atmosphere to work in the hydrology of the cosmic cycle.

Inside the earth's atmosphere contains water vapor which then is released into space due to the warming sun. Some researchers say that since the earth was created, the water is released into space is around 0.2 percent of the amount of water in the oceans. In addition to water out into space, the earth was also receives water from space objects. Perhaps it is unimaginable to us how the celestial bodies contain water, such as meteorites. Based on a scientific research on the meteorites which fell in Texas in 1999, stated that the meteorite contains water.

Comet also appeared to remove water vapor in space. Water chemical elements contained in these comets have in common with the chemical elements in the ocean. That is, containing dust particles from the vapor space objects have a very important role for life on this earth.

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