Friday, August 31, 2012

How to Results for the best Marketing Raising Rabbits ?

Raising rabbits is largely done to utilize their meat and hides. However, results from animal rabbit would not be profitable if the farmer does not know how to market farmed rabbits. Rabbit breeders who do not know how rabbits marketing will only cost for maintenance without being able to earn dollars from pets. For that, the knowledge of how to market a rabbit into something that must be known by breeders and prospective breeders. Well, on this occasion, I will outline a few ways you can do to market rabbit breeders cultivation results. You're curious, is not it? Here's the full description.

Raising Rabbits Marketing Results

Nutritional value of rabbit meat contains that can meet nutritional needs of the family. Maintenance of a good rabbit will provide additional income if the result is sold. Sales of farmed rabbit is usually a rabbit is still alive or can also be processed rabbit meat, such as fried rabbit, rabbit satay, and so on. Sell rabbit alive means selling the rabbits for use as seed, while selling meat processed rabbit means selling dishes made from rabbit meat main. Believe it or not, both ways of marketing have the same prospect. The seeds for breeding rabbits are sought after by candidates other breeders, seed rabbit unit price is quite expensive.

Then, the dishes are meat rabbits contains been booked by many great restaurants to be delicious food.
So, how best to facilitate the marketing of rabbit production this ? As a first step, you may popularize the meat rabbits by presenting rabbit meat dishes to guests or acquaintances. If the rabbit is already popular, then how
Raising rabbits marketing would be much easier.

Well, in what follows, I will give some kind of clue or simple advice for those who want to market farmed rabbits. Called a simple way because you may have a more practical and convenient and most appropriate to the conditions and environment. Here is how to market their products in the form of a rabbit rabbit rabbit live or as meat that has been processed into food.

1. Marketing the Rabbits Life
How to market a live rabbit can be done through several ways. Here are the ways of them.
  • Rabbits can be sold at live bird markets or market animals alive. But usually, the price is set for rabbits live in this kind of market is very far from the expected. Live rabbits are sold on the market like this will be worth less, so it is less satisfactory.
  • If you have neighbors, acquaintances, or friends who are both raising rabbits, then you can form a kind of cooperative. The purpose of the establishment of this cooperative is to sell rabbit together to fellow members of the cooperative.
  • Rabbits can be sold as seed to persons or prospective farmers who want to start breeding rabbits. Sales of rabbits for breeding will be much more profitable than sales in the market. Seeds rabbit usually valued high enough.

2. Marketing in Form Prepared Cuisine

How to market a rabbit in the form of processed food can be done in several ways as follows.
  • You can open satay stall fried rabbit or hare, rabbit stew, rabbit soup, or some other dishes made from rabbit meat.
  • Looking for shop or restaurant that would welcome your rabbit, robin meat either fresh or in the form of cuisine.
  • Looking for people who want to open a shop or restaurant that grain of meat rabbits. If you've found the right person, you can be a steady supplier for raw materials in the food stall or restaurant earlier.

If you want to open your own shop, as consideration, the following authors will give you some recipes that make rabbit meat as essentially language.

Some Recipes from Meat Rabbits

Rabbit meat can be made a variety kind of food or dishes, such as rabbit satay, rabbit stew, rabbit stew, cakes, fried rabbit, rabbit meatballs, and others. Rabbit meat flavor is not inferior to other livestock meat. Live how you cook and process the meat to get fit, then serves it to make various creations in. Because a person's taste is different, some like it sweet, salty, and spicy, this time the author will present some of the recipes use rabbit meat with no seasoning dose.

1. Sate rabbit

Materials required course was rabbit meat. Spices are used to make rabbit satay, including onion, garlic, coriander, cumin, shrimp paste, nutmeg, galangal, turmeric, red pepper, salt, acid, and sugar. How to make it is by slicing meat rabbits according to the desired size. Later, spices was crushed or ground into one. Then, combine slices or chunks of meat with seasoning. Skewer chunks of meat with satay puncture and fuel on a fire that was.

2. Rabbit Stew

The materials used to make rabbit stew is meat and coconut milk. Spices used, including coriander, pepper, galangal, ginger, garlic, onion, nutmeg, cinnamon, tamarind, palm sugar, cumin, betel leaves, grated coconut, turmeric, clove, lime, salt, flavorings, greetings , and butter. How to make it, rabbit meat is cut into pieces. Spices coriander, cumin, pepper, nutmeg, digongso, then finely pulverized and mixed with other spices, except the leaves of the lemongrass, kaffir lime, and greetings. Digongso grated coconut and finely pulverized. Spices that have been mashed sauteed with butter, and insert pieces of meat into it and close it out the water. After that, add seasonings and stir fry the meat with water, and boil until the meat is tender. After that, enter the mill coconut with coconut milk, boiled briefly, then remove and serve.

3. Fried rabbit

The materials used to make fried rabbits are meat rabbits. Seasonings used, including garlic, coriander, galangal, tamarind and salt. How to make it, rabbit meat is cut according to taste. Then spice coriander, garlic, coriander, galangal, tamarind, and salt until finely pulverized. After that, mix the spices with chunks of rabbit meat and adauk until evenly distributed. Lastly, enter the seasoned meat into the oil pan is already hot.

4. Sop Rabbits

The materials needed to make rabbit stew, of which rabbit meat, carrots, cabbage, potatoes, So'un, beans, peas, and celery leaves. Spices used, including onion, garlic, pepper, nutmeg, and salt. How to make it. Rabbit meat is cut into pieces, boiled until tender, then sliced small. Onion and chopped garlic, then fried. After that, soak it with water So'un coupled with cabbage, wortol, beans, and peas that have been shredded. Onion seasoning, garlic, pepper, nutmeg, and salt pulverized then cooked with meat to the broth, boiled until boiling. After boiling, the last step is to enter so'un into the stew broth and seasonings. Completed.

Well, that's a few ways you can do marketing rabbit breeders in order to get satisfactory results. Advice from the author, so that the results obtained larger sales, marketing should hare been already in the form of processed food. Breeders can use the recipe above to make various preparations of meat rabbits. Good luck and good luck with his new venture.

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